Sydney Bristow was unusually stressed as she drove through the streets of the city. She had with her the puzzle she'd solved all those years ago that revealed her potential in espionage. She was looking for an inconspicuous shop to sell it before Isabelle or Jack got any bright ideas.

Finally she found a place that looked so quirky no one would ever think to look for it there. She parked and stepped inside, noticing the antique puzzles and board games that dominated .the establishment. "Can I help you?" asked the short, plump octagenarian who seemed to own the place.

"Yes," said Sydney, "I'd like to sell this puzzle. We really don't have room for it with my two growing kids, and..."

The old man said, "I completely understand. My grandson has a passion for games, and sometimes gets very caught up in them."

"Well, don't let him get caught up in this one," Syd said, "Few people can solve it."

"I'll pay you $250.00 for it." offered the shop owner.

Sydney said, "I'll just be glad to have this off my hands."

The shopowner then said, "I'll just need to see your ID to know who to make the check out to..."

For once, Sydney didn't mind revealing her identity. She let him exanime her driver's license, he found it in order, and wrote the check by hand. Sydney folded it, and placed it and her license in her wallet. She then thanked him for his kindness and left with a more hopeful smile on her face than she'd seen since Danny Hecht proposed.

The old man shrugged and called upstairs, "Oh Yugi! I have another puzzle for you!"

Disclaimer: All characters belong to JJ Abrams and Kazuki Takahashi.