Disclaimer: If I owned Hannah Montana…I'd be making so much bank right now with the tour...video games…books…clothes, etc. But I'm not. And everything else too that you may have seen advertised or in a store…Yeah. Not mine. I do however happen to own a secret brownie recipe that could possibly top sales of cheese jerky. :

Oh yeah, special quick thanks to Kumori Dragon, whose review I almost printed out and framed as it was my main kick in the butt to get back on here and write.

To all my other reviewers as well – your support is pretty much sweeter than an open jar of honey on a hot summer's day in Georgia.

When he heard the warning bell, he quickly shut his locker and started heading to history. He saw Miley and yelled out for her, only to see her turn the corner towards the back entrance of the school. He considered following her, but came upon the realization she could potentially just be heading to a bathroom he wasn't aware of. Girls, he thought, as he shook his head and took his seat.

Chapter 15

"No, no, no, no, no," Miley said as she pouted and stared longingly through the passenger side window of Oliver's car.

She slumped down onto the concrete and placed her bag next to her. She then propped her elbow up to support her head as she tried to breathe.

"Everything is O-K, Miley, you'll think of something smooth. You're an international pop star for Pete's sake!" she told herself encouragingly.

"Who also talks to herself…" she trailed off, before attempting to blow at a stray piece of hair that was currently covering her eyes.

She took a deep sigh, then stood up and went back into the school building, thinking of what she would say as she walked in late to class.

Once she got there, she began to hyperventilate for a couple of seconds. When she entered the classroom, she would need to look out of breath to make it seem like she had hurried as fast as she could back to class. She turned the knob.

"Miss Stewart? Late to my class? That's different of you," said Mr Bell.

She gestured for him to come closer before speaking in a hushed tone. "I had some uh..girl issues to take care of, but I got here as fast –"

She stopped as Mr. Bell raised a knowing hand. "It's fine Miss Stewart. Just take your seat."

"So…what'd I miss?" she said as she tapped Oliver's shoulder.

"Huh? Oh nothing much, just the warm-up on the board," he said glancing back at her. "Where were you anyways? I saw you leaving…"

"Girl stuff," she stated matter-of-factly, before starting to work on the warm-up.

I knew it! Thought Oliver. Good thing I didn't try to follow her. Gross.

Class went by soon enough and Miley and Oliver were headed to Gym.

Miley let out a heavy sigh, which startled Oliver out of his as-of-recent, normal and reoccurring dazes.

"What's wrong?" he asked.

"I hate having Gym right before lunch. When I eat, I can feel the sweat from gym class just slow-cooking into my skin."

"Man it sucks to be a girl," he said. "Us men, we don't even think about things like that."

"Which is why you always smell," she said with a smile.

She had just lied though. In fact, she loved Oliver's scent so much she often found herself smelling his jackets, or inhaling the scent off of his pillows. Everytime they hugged, she would let herself stay there just so she would have more time to memorize his distinct smell.

"Miles? Did you hear what I just said?" Oliver questioned.

"Huh? Oh yeah, something about how you men are real beasts."

"Or about what you wanted to do for lunch. Same thing though," he said sarcastically.

"Sorry. Just. Thinking. And uh…I don't know…let's roam around Ocean Avenue and see what catches our eye."

"Sounds good."

They approached the gym doors and saw some guys crowded around Josh.

"So, what's the deal with you and Josh, Miley?" Oliver turned and saw that Miley had already run off to the girls changing room.

"Hey Owen! Where's your little bitch friend?" called out a voice Oliver had distinctly labeled in his mind as enemy number one: Josh.

Oliver walked closer and asserted himself into the circle. "Excuse me? And it's Oliver."

Josh smiled and continued. "I was just telling these guys about how the little slut friend of yours couldn't stop asking for it. Broke my arm in the process while I was, well, you know, showing her a good time. Real flexible, too."

He laughed and turned to pound fists with his main follower, but that was a mistake. Maybe if he had kept his eyes straightforward, he would've seen Oliver's fist coming at him.


A/N: Wow. See how much I love you guys? I wrote this write after posting Chapter 14. I'm quite proud of myself actually. Must be guilt or something about a what…five month hiatus? I know, stone me now. Or later suppose…until I finish the story at least. Lol.

I realize I never even asked you all to review in Chap 14, so I will now.


By the way, I just found out that my smileys don't work when I upload them to What a bummer. From now on, expect to see (smiley) written out like this in my author notes.

Anywho, there's the review button. Please&thankyou.