Well, I thought I would go ahead and post this now and not wait until it gets 80 something chapters like I did with Prisoner. So here's my second MR story and it will have Faxness eventually.

Disclaimer: I own nothing but the plot and the new characters I choose to bring in. JP owns everything else, of course.

The Sickness- Chapter 1

It had been three months since we were at Itex. You may remember when that bomb exploded at Itex and then Fang and I sharing a soda toasting to our victory. It seems so long ago to me, the flock too.

We've been living without a single eraser ever showing their ugly, furry faces for three months. Everyday we wake up expecting something to go wrong, but nothing ever does. I'm not complaining, it feels good to get a rest, but that's all it is, a rest.

I'm not easily fooled. I know there has got to be something brewing and the whitecoats are behind it, just waiting to unleash it. I'm not paranoid, I'm smart. I know better than to think I could actually live a normal and safe life out 'til the day I die.

We found an abandoned house to stay in out in the middle of the woods, back in Colorado about a hundred miles north east of the last one we had. I liked it and so did the flock. There were four bedrooms, two bathrooms, so it worked very well. Angel and Nudge shared a room and so did the Gasman and Iggy, meaning Fang and I got our own rooms that just happened to be right across from each other.

As far as the flock goes, they're doing very well, Total too.

Gazzy was delighted to find he developed a new power just a month after the Itex explosion, a month of no erasers. He can see small glimpses of the future, sometimes in dreams and sometimes when he's awake. A very cool power. One time he saw that the power was going to go out, which was very useful because it gave us time to go buy flashlights and some candles. What can I say, we're not fans of the dark. We'd like to be able to see where we're going and not be blind like Iggy.

Now, back to the present… I was saying 'goodnight' to all the members of the flock. Surprising enough, Fang had recently started making the rounds with me and then we would say 'goodnight' to each other and retreat into our own rooms. It reminded me of a mommy, daddy routine, but I often shook that thought out of my brain, Fang and I were best friends and in some ways brother and sister, no more, no less.

As I exited Iggy and Gazzy's room with Fang close behind I turned and said a simple 'goodnight' to Fang with a small smile.

"Goodnight." He said in return.

We both turned and went into our separate rooms.

I walked over to my bed and slipped underneath the covers, pulling them to my chin. Closing my eyes I slowly let myself sink into sleep.

A knock came on the door, the front door.

My body tensed and my adrenaline started pouring through my veins. I threw the covers off of my slim body and walked over to my door, pulling it open.

Moments later Fang emerged from his room, eyes on me.

"Someone's at the door." I said looking up into his dark eyes.

He gave me a 'no kidding' look and I rolled my eyes.

The knock came again.

"Erasers don't knock, right?" I asked looking at the door.

"No." He said simply then walked bravely over to the door.

I stayed where I was and prepared myself for the worst.

Fang opened the door then asked, "What?"

A voice said, "We're looking for Maximum Ride."

I slowly walked to the door.

"Why?" Fang asked in a monotone voice.

"We need her help." Another voice said.

"Do you know her or not?" The first voice asked sounding annoyed.

"I'm Max." I said stepping into view.

There was a boy and girl standing in front of Fang. They looked identical, probably twins.

The boy was blond and had stunning blue eyes, his hair was short and spiked. He wore jeans with rips on the knees and a dark green shirt.

The girl also had blond hair, hers falling half way down her back flowing freely. Her eyes a crystal blue identical to the boy's. She was wearing spandex dark green pants that ended a little past her knees and a black shirt with a green vest over it.

"We need your help." The girl said taking a step forward.

AN: Hope you liked it! Please review!