Jaina sat on the couch of the Solo's living room. Leia had wrapped a blanket around her shoulders and given her a cup of stimtea. Han sat across from his daughter. When Leia had told him who had arrived, he had been shocked. Now he and Leia were waiting for Jaina to talk.

Jaina sipped her tea. She looked at her parents, swallowing. It was time.

"I imagine you heard about Zekk," she stated.

Leia nodded, "Wedge told us."

"I left him at the alter," Jaina admitted quickly. Han and Leia did not look surprised. "It wasn't right. You two weren't there; Jacen wasn't there…."

"And you don't love him," Leia responded gently, resting a hand on her daughter's knee.

"No," Jaina shook her head, "I didn't."

Leia touched Jaina's cheek, "Why don't you go to the 'fresher and clean up? You are shivering."

Jaina nodded. Leia took the now empty cup from her. Leia led her to the massive bathroom. Jaina entered and went over to the sunken marble tub. She turned on the faucet. She undressed, staring at herself in the mirror. Her eyes were bloodshot with bags under them. Her hair was a matted mass. She ached all over. Jaina stretched, feeling her joints pop. She sank into the giant tub, turning off the faucets. She saw a jet control. She turned it on. The jets soothed her aching muscles. Jaina smiled to herself. She was feeling better.

When Jaina was done bathing, she rose from the tub and wrapped in a soft, fuzzy robe her mother had provided to her. She stepped out of the room and into the attached changing room. Leia had laid out some clothes on the dressing stand. There were three items; a simple white soft lounging gown, a dark red pantsuit, and a Jedi like flight suit. Jaina did not know what to pick. She did not feel very Jedi like. She wanted to stay away from that right now. The dark red outfit reminded her too much of herself. She picked up the white robe. It reminded her of cleansing. She wanted to be set free from weights on her life. She didn't want to be Jaina Solo, Jedi Knight anymore. She didn't want to be Jaina Solo, server of the Galactic Alliance. She just wanted to be Jaina.

Jaina picked up the gown to dress. She picked up the brush on the dressing table and ran it through her hair. It was going to work out, she knew it.

Han and Leia waited for Jaina. Wedge had just called and asked them if she arrived safely. Han and Leia had thanked him for his help.

Jaina walked in the room. She sat down in the armchair next to her parents.

"Feeling better, kid?" Han asked.

Jaina nodded, "Thank you." Jaina stared at her hands, "I guess you want to know why I'm here."

Han nodded, "You are always welcome, you know that."

"I know," Jaina answered. She then began, "I suppose I'll start with the wedding."

"If you want," Leia responded.

"I was standing there, looking at Zekk. I felt trapped. I've felt trapped for years, but at that moment it was ready to crush me. It was almost like I couldn't breathe."

Leia nodded sympathetically. Jaina continued, "I had to get out of there. This was the only place I could think of to go."

"You know your father and I are always here for you," Leia answered, putting a hand on Jaina's knee.

"When did you start feeling trapped?" Han asked.

"Well during the war, it was difficult, but I had Jag…." Jaina spoke with a longing. She missed him. She shook her head and continued, "Every since the end, nothing has been right. Then that whole debacle with the Killiks and now Jacen being gone……."

Jaina burst into tears. Han rushed over to her and embraced her. He held her as she cried. Leia rubbed her back. When her cries finally subsided, Han gently moved Jaina. She had fallen asleep.

"She can sleep here if you can't carry her," Leia whispered quietly, "I don't want you to mess up your back."

"Princess, I can carry her," he whispered, lifting his daughter, then saying with a wink, "I carry you all the time." Leia chuckled as he carried Jaina into the guest bedroom. Leia tucked her in. Han and Leia each kissed Jaina's forehead. They stared at their daughter. Han hugged Leia from behind, "She'll be okay."

"I know," Leia whispered as she tucked Jaina's hair behind her ear. Her and Han left their sleeping daughter and went to turn in themselves.