Hi, people. Welcome to my third written fiction, "Xiaolin Fairytales: A Collection of Crack Xiaolin Showdown/Disney Classic Stories."

I have written a short story fiction and a song fiction, and it is about time I made a one-shot collection, but with a twist – all of these are actually pretty long stories. But to continue this collection, I need your help!

Please review me, and give me some older Disney movie names – ones that aren't like Finding Nemo or The Incredibles. The more princess and related to princess crap there is in the suggestion the better, okay?

Other things that you might want to go for are those cute little fairytales such as The Three Little Pigs, and possibly nursery rhymes – those might be shorter, but that's fine.

Here are a few limitations:

Like I said before, don't – I repeat – DO NOT give me more current movie ideas – I will shoot them down – sorry.

If you are to give me a story with animals, such as the Lion King, there is a HUGE possibility that it will be very, very, VERY crazy.

The princess stories are classics, which make them easier to write about. If you are to give me a more complicated suggestion, the story might take longer to write.

Do NOT give me any suggestions for Cinderella please, because I already have that story covered.

In your suggestion, do not give me what you think any of the characters should be as I will, I once again apologize, ignore them. If you want to give me a suggestion on the movie Blah, then type in for the review: "I would appreciate it if you could write the story Blah." Do NOT say: "I would appreciate it if you could write the story Blah, and have Clay playing Goop and –" NO. PLEASE DON'T do that.

I will begin writing these stories starting on September 6, 2006, for I am on vacation. I just happened to write this small start-off on my laptop. When I get back, I will type like I was crazy. Please submit, and I WILL mention your name in the disclaimer.

Here is a simple disclaimer that I will say in EVERY single story – any derogatory remarks that I will point to any character will just make the story move along – I will not mean it 99.9 of the time.

Please write to me, and in about half a month, I will begin! Thank you, and PLEASE write to me with the rules above, and please review the story that I wrote for you.