Disclaimer: I don't own YuYuHakusho just the plot!

Title: Masked Hearts

Rated: M for violence, vulgar language usage, and sexual content

Note: the detectives are no longer detectives anymore; they don't work for Koenma anymore they work for Yomi! HAHA! The girls are working for Koenma now, it's a fiction story it's ok!


The Angel Unit's Commander had given Botan a mission to retrieve information from a wealthy yet ravenous man name Tarukane. But then she is not the only one who is after it another agency of thieves are after it too. Just what happen if she meets the Master Thief?

Main Characters:

Shuiichi Minamino (codename: Yoko Kurama) a.k.a: Master Thief

Botan codename: (codename: Deity of Death) a.k.a: Mistress of Disguise

Kurama's allies:

Yomi: (Superior Commander of the Demon Brigade )

Hiei (codename: Black Dragon) Kurama's partner in crime and best friend. Collects information and a spy.

Yusuke Urameshi (codename: Mazaku) leader of the Demon Brigade

Kazuma Kuwabara (codename: Carrot Top) Yusuke's assistant who supplies all the weapons they need.

Botan's allies:

Koenma: (Superior Commander of the Angel Unit)

Keiko Yukimura (codename: Heart Angel) Botan's best friend who carries out the information and explains all kinds of weapons they need.

Yukina (codename: Snow Angel) New member of the unit who helps Keiko. Not to mention she's a computer hacker.

Mukuro (codename: Angel of Flames) Leader of the Angel Unit


December 18,

Winter snow fell on the streets of Tokyo as she walks straight forward to her job. Botan, known as the Mistress of Disguise worked for the Angel Unit as agent and spy. No one but her boss and her fellow friends and collogues knew who she was. She never had a family; the only ones close to her were her partners and her best friend. She finally reached her destination and was greeted by other workers of the building. She went straight to the elevator and pressed the button to go down the basement, as it went down; she took out her identification card and slid it down the slot. It light up green and the door opened and a speaker said,

"Access approves, good morning Deity of Death. Welcome to the Angel Unit! And have a nice day!"

She passed the elevator door and was greeted by her best friend Keiko Yukimura also known as Angel of Heart.

"Morning Botan!" she waved. Botan smiled back and went by her desk.

"And a good morning to you!" she said.

"By the way, Mr. Koenma said you two have a meeting today, so that's way you're here isn't it?"

"Yea, and on my day off? What ever it is, he better give me a bonus." Botan said. She slapped her fore head knowing this meeting would be very long and boring.

"A bonus you shall have." Koenma interrupted.

They greeted each other then Koenma started.

"Anyway, since we don't have much time left, I will just explain it to you right now."

"Ok, so is this some kind of mission?" she asked.

He nodded and gave her a paper, he then continued,

"Yes, Botan I want you to do me a favor to track this information from a wealthy millionaire named, Gonzo Tarukane."

Botan's expression change from giddy to dead serious, she knew who the tycoon was and wanted Koenma to finish.

"If you find it, tell us the location and-"

"Why can't you ask Flames to do this mission?" she asked him coldly.

Koenma sighs then looked her straight, and held her shoulder saying,

"Mukuro's on another mission and will be back in three from Paris. Botan, I know the past can hurt, but this is an important mission…you see this information holds the most powerful weapon that could destroy millions if sold in the black market. I suggest you forget about your past for a while."

"(Sigh) fine, I accept it. It's the least I can do since; it's the least I can do since your father…took me in."

She shut her eyes for a while and calmed down.

"'I thank you Botan, I knew that the infamous Mistress of Disguise wouldn't turned down any challenge." Koenma praised.

He then ruffled her hair, it indeed calms her dawn, and she started being herself.

"It's only because I owe to you and your father for raising me of course." she then crossed her arms and gave him a sly grin.

"Koenma, I want something instead of a raised."


"If I get to Tarukane without getting caught, it would be the right time for him to be…lets say, assassinated?"

Koenma suddenly gawked and said,


"Well why would I joke around about the man who killed my family while I was what? Eleven months old? I hardly remember what they look like!"

Koenma could tell that their conversation would be a very long one.

"Look Botan, it's complicated. I know how it feels to loose your love ones since my dad just died a year ago. And besides, Tarukane's covered with bodyguards, how will you ever touch him?" he asked. He treated Botan like a sister before his father died, and since he's now twenty-four and she's twenty-three, she's better off not involving her life with his.

"My, did we all forget, I'm known as Mistress of Disguise. I'll get that information and my revenge in no time. And as your father who was my foster father, I'm sorry for the lost." she gave a same smile then wink.

After leaving the office Koenma continued, gawking in disbelief then rolled his eyes and threw himself in his chair.

'Stubborn as always, oh well, hope for the best for her safety.' he said to himself.

Botan quickly went straight to Keiko's desk and without thinking where she was going, she accidentally bumped into a young woman with aquamarine hair tied with a red ribbon with tails that matches her eyes.

"I'm so sorry!" she said apologetic.

"I should be the one to apologize, it was my fault for spacing out." she smiled and then asked,

"Are you new around here? You don't seem familiar."

She dropped some papers and Botan helped her out she then nodded and answered,

"Yes, Mr. Koenma hired me to be Ms. Angel of Heart's assistant. My codename is Snow Angel."

"Well it's nice to me, I'm known as agent Deity of Death, but you could call me Botan." she smiled then looked at the girl who seemed shy.

"If in isn't too much, but what is your name?" she asked.

The woman smiled and answered,

"I'm Yukina, and it's an honor to meet you too!"

They both heard the sound of high-heeled shoes clopping towards them.

"I see you met Yukina, Botan." Keiko said.

She was holding a manila folder and then gave it to Botan then explained.

"This is the information I got from the other agents and it has everything about Tarukane and where he resides, his partners, and where he goes out and all. Tonight at the Dalton Hotel, one of his partners is having dinner and your ticket is inside the folder. By the way he will be resting at this fancy hotel and he'll just bring two body guards with him."

She looked at Botan then sigh.

"Botan, do please be careful," she requested. Botan smiled and patted her back then said,

"Of course, Keiko, sometimes you and Koenma worry too much. I'll get my revenge and the information that he needs."

"Yea, just don't get caught ok?"

"Yes ma'am!"

Demon Brigade Head Quarters

"You want me to investigate and steal this man's information?" Kurama questioned.

He and his friends watched and listened to their blinded commander on the screen then their leader Yusuke asked,

"Hold on, why do you want fox-boy to be in this mission?"

"Hn, you didn't realize that the commander chose him for his polite antics and reputation?" said a man with crimson eyes.

He stared off the out the window where he could see a huge traffic at the bottom.

"That's exactly what Agent Black Dragon said, Yusuke on the other hand, while Kurama watches over Tarukane, you and Agent Carrot Top will investigate his mansion.," the commander continued.

"Uh, hold on, Commander Yomi. What's so important with this information thing?" Carrot top asked, also known as Kazuma Kuwabara.

"Well, we heard that he will be marketing a weapon that can wipe out millions if mistreated badly. And since Kurama has a reputation on thieving, there is a possibility that he could get the information and stop him without notice."

Everyone turned their heads to Kurama then he answered,

"Alright, I'll take the assignment."

"Then by tonight, you'll be starting at the Dalton Hotel. The information will be given to you by my secretary after this meeting."

The screen was then shut off and Yusuke patted his back then said,

"Just be careful pal, you need it."

Kurama nodded in agreement then they all left the office.

A/n: Man, I was so piss at my fourth day of school, because a bunch of sluts I knew at my school pissed me off. I just made this story to calm me down…no is the answer that December 18 isn't my birthday.

This would be a different story then the sires or manga and I hope you enjoy it.