

The woman in question felt sick to her stomach in a gut wrenching way she hadn't experienced in years, not since she was 17 years old and had accidentally run over a kitten when- Meredith stumbled slightly, suddenly certain that she was going to faint and almost glad of that as she embraced the eventuality, the fact that, at least for a few minutes, she wouldn't need to deal with this anymore-

"Meredith?" both Derek and Finn questioned at the same moment, concern in their voices as she swayed forward before somehow righting herself, saying slowly, "Doctor Shepard," at the same moment that an alarmed cry went up somewhere to her left.

"Doctor Shepherd!"

"Doctor Shepherd!" came several successive shouts and Meredith rolled her eyes, suddenly feeling much stronger as she muttered,

"Naturally. Duty calls," under her breath, whirling to see why everyone was shouting for Derek and gasping in alarm as she realized that the cries weren't for Derek at all, but about Addison, who was sprawled unconscious on the floor. Meredith dared a glance at Derek, who was eying the scene with total disbelief as George, of all people, seemed to be taking charge. To Meredith's total incredulity however, Derek actually turned back to her, eyes pleading as he gasped hoarsely,

"Please. What does it MEAN?"

She looked at him aghast, a single tear falling. "Who ARE you?" she questioned brokenly. "Your WIFE is unconscious on the floor. Go to her. It MEANS you should go to her!" She turned from his gaze with strength she hadn't known she possessed, smiling weakly up at Finn. "I'm off call until noon tomorrow. Let's get out of here."

The last thing Meredith heard as she walked from the hospital was George frantically shouting for a gurney, but the last thing she felt was Derek's gaze.


TBC… will eventually involve everyone and a whoooole bunch of pairings. Feedback is treasured, makes me write faster, and keeps me writing at all, hehe, so any and all thoughts are treasured! Thanks!