Disclaimer: 5 words: don't own it never will. I got this idea from a little doujinshi I heard about.

Sorry if there are mistakes. I'm still new at this.

Summary: Hotaru's thoughts on her lesbian parents

My parents

Ever since my real parents died, I have been raised by two women. My real parents were great and all, but my really wonderful parents are my foster parents; raising me in there place. They always treat me as there own, always helping me when I'm in need.

It was a little shocking at first to find out my papa was a female. I wrote it down in my dairy that I found out papa was a fag. Papa who was reading over my shoulder cries "Who's a fag?" I erase and put that she must be a 'miss daddy.' I also wrote that I didn't care if she is a female she is still my papa. And I asked her not to look at my dairy without permission. I think papa was mad that I understood things so well for my age.

About my parents, my mama's dream is to be the world's best violinist. Papa says that mama is all ready the best and that she is just being a perfectionist. Honestly I agree, but I hope her dream is realized soon. She always plays me a song before she tucks me in to bed; to me she is the best in the world. Her songs always brighten my mood.

My papa's dream is to be the best racer in the world. Papa says that when I'm older I can ride with her but I can't tell mama or she will be jealous since she has never been in a race car. But mama says that papa's real dream is to walk down the isle in a wedding dress. I hope both of her dreams come true.

People in the streets look at us strange, sending ice cold glares at us; it makes my heart ache. But they ignore them, only seeing me and each other. Like there is no one else in the world. I wonder why people can't just leave us alone. I am not uncomfortable with the fact that my parents are both woman, so why are others? I wish they would go away.

I agree that my family is different but I don't care because we love each other and that's all that matters in the word.

"I love you Haruka-papa."

"I love you Michiru-mama."

Love is thicker than anything, thicker than blood, sex or religion.

Please read

A/N So, how was it? I'm sorry it's short, I'm sorry if it sucks too. And the summary wasn't that interesting either. I wanted to get some good ideas from the masters (you people here) for my new story and didn't want to get in trouble for posting just a note.

I am attempting a "real" story. It's called Under the Deep Blue. Here is the summary: Haruka has never cared for anything except her racing till a certain mermaid shows up in her life. Not much of a summary huh?

You see I've already started to write it (so far I have a few chapters done) and it's coming out bad (right now it's like a rough draft, it need more things to happen). I need lots of ideas and details for it. Can you give me some good ideas even though you haven't read the story yet? Oh pretty please with sugar on top.

Oh yes and please review! This story and my new story, Flames are only welcomed for a good reason. You can't say this sucks without a reason.

Prince Of The Oceans, Amnesia Nymph, Noneloveme, and Conan10 you guys are the best thanks for reviewing my other story.