Acrimonious: I'm so sorry! I know, I was suppose to update yesterday... but I was so sad cause my sister recently moved to a twon 5 hours away from me...and my cusin was gonna have this moving in party(for himself, he moved too) and he didn't even invite me...but he did invite one of my I'm kinda bummed out...Thank you for the revews anyway...

You make me hate the skin I'm in

I started to panic, he didn't kiss me back nor did he push me away. I slowly pulled away and looked into his eyes. They were wide open in shock, the hair on my back raised in horror when I realized what I had done. Sasuke didn't move, he sat there paralysed.

"S-sorry Sasuke..." It was the only thing I could say. Why didn't I think this over before I did it? Sasuke was still looking at me. This was the first time I really wished he wouldn't look at me at all, I was ashamed and I was hoping that the floor would give and let me fall down and get swallowed up by darkness.

"Why did you do that?" he asked me. He didn't sound mad but he didn't sound happy either, his whole feature was a void of emotions.

"Because I... I..." I just couldn't say it, I didn't want to be rejected as I've been thousands of times in my life. I didn't want to lose him as a friend either and that would be a fact as soon as my confession would leave my mouth.

"Spill it, Uzumaki, why!" It wasn't a question, it was a command. His voice was now harsh and cold and his eyes were filled with hate. I felt a lump in my throat and the tears started to build up in my eyes. I stared at the floor, I couldn't even face him.

"Because...I like you..." A warm tear ran down my cheek and I closed my eyes and pulled my knees to my chest. I didn't want to see this, I didn't want to be hated anymore. He backed away, just as I'd already predicted.

"Sorry...I can't return your feelings." His words cut like a knife into my heart. Suddenly the door opened and someone walked in. If I hadn't been so devastated I would have run away from him the moment he confirmed my suspicions. Seeing as I had no where to run anyway I just stayed, letting him see me break in front of him.

"Naruto?" A familiar, gentle and incredible worried voice broke the suffocating silence. I looked up and saw Iruka and Kakashi standing in the hallway looking at me and Sasuke, who surprisingly was still there, maybe he enjoyed seeing me in so much pain.

"What are you two doing here?" I said and stood up. "We were worried about you, and when we got here there was a big three was blocking the way of your door. And what are you doing here Sasuke?" Iruka looked confused, I couldn't blame him though, it was a known fact that he hated me more than ever.

"Anyway, are you okay?" Kakashi asked and looked at the two of us. Sasuke didn't spear me one look. He just stood up and walked out of my house. Kakashi didn't stop him, he just gave me a confused look and voiced his thoughts.

"What's up with him?" Kakashi asked.

"He's mad... at me..." I said and went to my room. I didn't miss the desperate looks Iruka gave me. I didn't care much to explain myself.

"Naruto? Are you alright?" I looked at him and nodded. They didn't leave the apartment though. I sighed and decided to make things clear.

"Good bye" I said and went in my room and closed the door.

I sat down on my floor, it wasn't very clean cause I don't like to clean, and it's going to get dirty again so who's gonna know the difference? 'He hates me, he really hates me.' I heard that Kakashi and Iruka went out of my house, Kakashi said something to Iruka about letting me be alone for a while to calm down. I looked at the digital watch, it was 6:07am. I had spent an entire night awake. I leaned myself against the door and pulled my knees up against my chest. The storm was almost over, it was just raining a little, but not much. I let my head lean against my knees. I closed my eyes and let the darkness take me in.

Darkness was all around me, I didn't feel the floor underneath me. I felt like I was falling. I hit the ground with a thud and looked up. I looked up and there was a light a little further away so I started to walk towards it. But no matter how hard I tried to get there, it seemed like it just moved further and further away from me. I started to run, but I still didn't get there, I felt to the ground.

"Why are you trying so hard? You'll never get there." Who was that? I looked around and saw Sasuke standing beside me.

"Sasuke? Can you help me out of here?" I took up my hand pleading him to help me up. I stretched my hand towards him. He gave me a hateful glare and hit away my hands making me fall against the ground.

"No, you're a fox demon I would never help you. In fact, I'm here for another reason." He looked at me and started to do several hand seals. Then he placed his hand over my chest.

"Time to die, kyuubi". My eyes winded, the pain was shooting through my chest.

My eyes shot wide open and the cold sweat was running down my face, I took my hands to my chest. The pain was still there, but there was no wound. At every heartbeat I could feel the pain run through my veins. 'I can't stand the pain anymore. There is just one way to get rid of it.' I stood up turned around and opened the door. I went out and took my kunai from the table.

"Finally I will get rid of it all, the pain, the loneliness..." a sad smile graced my lips. I raised the kunai and cut it deeply in my wrist. The crimson blood ran down my arm and made a little puddle on the floor. I made sure Kyuubi wouldn't interfere as I blocked off his chakra from mine. The puddle grew and my head started spinning. Darkness once again consumed over me and the last thing I can remember seeing was two crimson eyes with two dots in each of them.


Acrimonious: I was actually thinking about ending this here...anyway! please review!