AN/- Yup, this is my second story. Not my second finished one though. I promise this one will be better then the first one. But then again, if you think it isn't, that promise can mean a lot of things, so it's your fault if you assume what better is. So short in short, don't raise your hopes up kay? P.S. - I finally have an editor, and she seems really good, so I won't be needing one for a while. P.P.S - Go to the story called To Mend A Broken Soul by I.Plead.Ignorance, you'll see my name in chapter 7!

He says/She says - "I totally forgot! He's into dead girls!" - Kagome, Inuyasha

Chapter 1 - Turn it, Leave it, Stop-Format it. Technologic.

It was well passed midnight as 19 year-old Sakura was walking back to the hotel Shizune, Tsunade, and Sakura were staying in at Suna, carrying a bag full of sake bottles. Tsunade had come for 'buisness' reasons and wanted to bring her along her two apprentices for the ride. But of course, as soon as they arrived, the Kazekage had just left on an emergancy meeting. His assistent had said that he would like them to stay in Suna until he got back, which would be a week. Five days had already passed, and Tsunade had been drinking every night, until they ran out of sake three hours ago. But Sakura could've made it back awhile ago, but who wants to stay in a room with a drunken Tsunade?

Sakura sighed as she looked up at the stars. The night sky was awfully pretty. It was a very clear night so the sky looked like a sticker that she could peel off.

Sakura could feel someone tailing her. Their chakra was hidden, but she could still feel a bit of it leak out. All of her senses turned on as if someone electricuted her.

'Calm down Sakura.' She thought. 'They're probably just walking home the same way as you.' But she walked a bit faster, sand falling into her shoe as she did so.

Minutes passed, but the pursuer didn't turn into any of the houses that she passed. She then tried to plan out how to get away from this follower without him knowing she knew about him.

'They must be after the hokage.' Sakura relized.

"Shit! Is it that time already!" Sakura shouted to make sure the follower heard. "They're going to kill me!" Making sure she didn't yell out Tsunade's our Shizune's names, Sakura ran as fast as she could, sending chakra to her legs. She ran wildly throughout the village, not daring to go back to the hotel where the hokage might get angry at Suna and cause a war.

Suddenly her legs didn't move anymore. Her feet dug into the sand trapping her feet. She tried to break free, but to no avail. Just when she was about to scream into the night, she felt a cold hand reach from behind and muffled her cries. She bit the hand as hard as she could until she tasted a warm blood. But the hand never left her mouth.

"Now, now...we wouldn't want someone to 'accidently' hurt you now would we?" the voice was cold and unfimiliar, but definatly male. Sakura clawed at the arm until she heard a hiss. "I was told to bring you back alive..." Sakura's body froze as she relized who he was working for. She could tell that he felt her freeze and he was smirking in satisfaction. "But of course, I guess we can damage the goods a little..." Sakura's body stiffened as she felt the man press his body against hers. Sakura grabbed his arm and threw him over her head. He landed on his feet and dashed at Sakura, pulling a kunai from his back.

The stranger jumped and tried to thrust the kunai into her chest but Sakura was quicker; she leaned back far enough to let her hands touch the ground then lifted her legs and sent a kick into his stomache. The man gasped as she kicked the wind out of him, and Sakura took that moment to swing her right leg at him and hit the man in the face. The man was sent flying in the other direction and landed in the sand.

Standing up, Sakura brushed some sand off of her shirt, feeling some of the sand falling into her shirt, she then realized there was a small cut where the man's kunai probably grazed it. She sighed. It was a very nice shirt she had gotten just a while back. It was a dark violet fish net t-shirt. The silky black sleevless shirt she was wearing underneth it had a small hole in it as well. Saddened, Sakura lift her sandel, letting all the sand fall out, then lifted her other sandel.

She slowly walked around trying to pin point his chakra. When she finally arrived to where his chakra was, moments later, Sakura noticed he wasn't there.

A body of chakra was right in front of her feet, but the actual body wasn't there!

Her arm twisted painfully behind her back and her other arm was twisted around her neck, threatening to strangle her.

"No one will save you now..." his hot breath filled her ears, and sent a ominous tremble down her body. She then noticed at that moment that the man was merely toying with her. He could've stopped all of her attacks if he wanted to. He could have very well killed her by now. But he didn't.


He wanted to have some fun first.

Sakura's body started to tremble furiously. She was scared. No, scared wasn't even the right word. She was terrified. She had never felt so much fear since Orochimaru had come to visit Sasuke and them in the Forest of Death.

'Run!' Sakura thought, but there was no action. She merely stood there like a doll while the man started to undress her.

'Do something.' She begged herself. The stranger sniffed her hair and groaned.

'Anything.' Her mind raced. He kissed the back of her neck, moving up to her ear, chuckling to himself.

'Do something!' She threw back her head and it made contact with his forehead, hard. The man groaned and his hands instinctivly reached for his head, it gave Sakura the chance to run away. But not very far.

"Help! Someon-" She was roughly pushed against a wall, and instantly knew what he was going to do to her. Surely there was someone that heard her. Didn't someone always save the one in peril? She tried to scream again, but the man took this oppertunity to slip his tongue into her mouth. Sakura bit his tongue and shoved him away, but he caught her wrists in time.

"GET AWAY!" She screamed at the top of her voice, and filled her hand with chakra as she ran towards the man. He disappeared as she approached, and reappeared beside her. Suddenly, Sakura's oxygen was cut off, her head banged against a building, a strong grip was around her neck. He lifted her off the ground by her neck as she was trying to gasp for air, her head throbbing against the hard wall. Sakura couldn't think anymore, her head wasn't working fast enough with the oxygen deprivation.

"I'll just keep you sealed up for now." he whispered with a hint of threat, and let go of her. But before she hit the ground, the man was already doing fast and complicating hand signs. He swiftly picked up Sakura's limp arms and placed them over her own eyes and mouth, bit his finger so blood trickled down, and hit her hands.

Her chakra then was out of her control. She couldn't feel it move around on her own will anymore. The man backed away and Sakura tried to scream but no sound came out, only the burning sensation in her throat caused her to stop. It was as if she was drinking bits of metal that were scrapping her throat. She coughed out blood on the ground. Her eyes felt heavy, as if she were sleepy, but she was never more awake in her entire life. She tried to force her eyelids to open, but nothing happened.

"How do you like it?" The man asked in a tone that sounded like he was amused. "I made this jutsu up myself. It seals up the person's voice, vision, and makes them unable to use their chakra." Sakura was horrified. There was no way she would escape now. "Quite effective neh?" The man asked. But he didn't wait for an answer, he pinned her down on the ground and started taking off her shirts. Sakura was getting exhausted, she couldn't do anything. Tears spilled out underneth her eyelids, silently begging the man to stop. He ignored it and started taking off her bra. She struggled, but it was futile. Sakura felt her body get hot from the horror. But the man started grinding his member against her.

Sakura started crying even more. Someone should've saved her before this happened. Someone was always saved before this would happen. The man took off Sakura's shorts. Why did this have to happen? Why did they want her so badly? Why did they hire this man to take her, when they had all the money they needed without her. They wanted her to suffer...Like what this man was doing to her...They were going to sell her...She started seperating her heart and mind from her body; like a doll.

Yes. She was just a doll. A tool. She had no heart. She had no mind of her own. She had nothing.

Sakura felt the man's body lift from hers, and the cold evening air come across her naked body. Was he done? He couldn't have been done, he never penetrated her.Will he leave her here to die, or take her back to that place?

She laid there in the cold for several more seconds. Or was it minutes? Time had escaped her.

A scream pierced her mind.

'Is someone there?' She thought. Then, she felt someone get close to her, and panic gripped her heart tightly. A hand touched her arm, and it was as if death touched her. She jerked her hand away and tried to conceal herself with just her arms. It was the man again. What did he want with her now? He did what he wanted to. He was going to hurt her again. The arm dragged her across the sand. Cool sand brushed against her naked body. She didn't want to go back to that place though.

She yanked on the arm that was dragging her until the man fell, and she ran half naked into the darkness.

She won't go back.

Not there.

Anywhere but there.

Blood reached her nose so she stopped running. Where was that smell coming from? Were there corpses around?

Warm sand enclosed around her body. It climbed up her legs and around her arms, and around her entire body so that only her head was surfaced. Her body screamed in protest against the pressure that the sand was causing, cutting off her circulation, but it was keeping her warm from the wind so she didn't mind. She heard the man walk up to her slowly. Sakura's head bowed down, as if she were bowing to him in defeat. She felt a thumb and a finger hold her chin up, as if the person was inspecting her face.

"Open your eyes." The person commanded. The voice came from the man, only, it wasn't him. It wasn't the stranger that hurt her. It was a different voice. Someone did save her. Tears of happiness came out of her eyes. "Open your eyes." The person commanded with more authority. But Sakura couldn't lift her eyes, she couldn't talk either, or else, she would suffer the horrible scraping of her throat again.

After a few moments, she heard him say, "Let's go." And the person started walking, the sand trickling down from her body. Blood rushed to her limbs and caused Sakura to collapse in the sand. Sakura managed to stand up, but by the time she did, she couldn't hear his footsteps anymore over the wind that was starting to blow harder. Not knowing what to do, she started trying to make her way back to the hotel, feeling her way against the walls of the buildings. This carried on for what seemed like hours for Sakura, because every little noise caused her to restart her heart.

Someone grabbed her wrists.

"Where do you think your going?" a voice growled. Sakura gasped and tried to wring free. "Stop moving." The voice commanded, and she recgonized it as the same man that saved her. Sakura stood there stupidly not knowing what to do. There was a rustle of clothing and a, "Wear this." and a cloak draped over her frame, protecting her against the cold wind. Nodding her head in thanks to the man, Sakura dug her nose into the cloak, appreciating the warmth.

But whether the man understood her thanks or not, he didn't say anything. He dragged her behind him, holding her by her wrists in a way that would cause bruises after he let go. Sakura was half asleep by the time they went into a building. He dragged her into a room and left. Sakura felt her way around the room, careful not to break anything, until she felt what was a bed. She flopped her body on it and fell asleep instantly. With the distant thought of whose house she was in.

AN/- Ok, I recently found out that one of my favourite authors has not retired. I want them to read my stories but she's only into yaoi, and GaaraxHinata. I WILL GET HER TO READ IT! MUAHAHAHAHA!


My updates are irregular because we just opened up another restaurant, and my parents want me and my brothers -I have 2 brothers- as well as my sister -who is the oldest- to go out and help out. But I always update as soon as I can because I hate stories that never update. But then again, the authors have like 20 stories out to update.

-cough Gin-inu- haha...

P.S - I recently started reading the Naruto manga, and i'm at chapter 255 and Gaara apeared, and I actually started hyperventilating. I'm not one of those people who hyperventilate, but I do overreact a lot, but in a comical way. -Or so my friends say-
