Chapter four: Consider how this world should end. (Oi, do it quickly!)
(This story I give to all child victims of murder, kip, chris, malissa this is aspecially for you guys :)
"Brother...My Baby brother..."
When Mimarin came to she found herself staring into familiar eyes, dark and slightly squared iris with dark gray circles smeared under his bottom eyelid.
"Hello..." She yawned, covering her mouth. But then she blinked a few times, he was still staring at her.
"Good Evening Mimarin-san." A polite voice slightly smiled, Light.
Light was sitting at the edge of the bed while Ryuzaki laid next to her, "We were just watching you sleep." He continued, still slightly smiling. Mima's heart skipped abit, it was alittle creepy that they were watching her sleep and also that Light...Was quite handsome.
What was she thinking...? (But he is...) You have L, smart, cute and...(creepy? I know but Light...Smart cute and no sign of creepiness!)But love is what she had with L and Light was handsome that was easy to admit but, she didn't love Light even tho in another life she wouldn't mind being loved by him. That could be any girl's fantansy who was already taken or spoken for. Then the thought of marriage crossed her mind, now that was scary and so scary she had to lay back down. And remind herself that He was not the marring type...(But Light?...)
"What time is it? L?" She wrapped her arms around his neck and snuggled up against him, he didn't hestate to wrap his arms around her waist. "Ten o' clock." He mummbled almost lovingly. "Oh." She muttered, still sleepy and tired. Their faces so close to eachother that when they talked their lips lightly touched one another.
"I...Saw something ealier." She said this hestately, if not wanting to sound aleast bit crazy.
"You did." L, staring at her. He didn't ask this in a question but simply a statement but, on the inside it seems his theories for her mind state were becomming slowly true. Her very thoughts seemed to be unwining.
But could that be true...? Maybe he was just making assumptions again before learning the whole truth, but he was good at guessing...
"I did...It...Didn't make sense at all...Why would I be seeing...Him? Maybe I am crazy...But, he looked like from a old photograph. Kip...Kip..." That name, so painful.
"Kip...Wasn't in color...and...He...I-" Ryuzaki held her tight and her words trailed off.
Light watched this loving tender scene even though he knew he really should turn the other cheek. Mimarin...Mimarin...Is- (Cute?) Miss Faytel is quite (Attractive?) No, She is...(She's not?) Mima is very...Sensetive and (Hot?) No, She is intelligent. It seemed that Light-kun was having a thought battle and he seemed to be losing.
But the the thing she saw...She called it 'Kip'? Maybe she was a Schizo and maybe not, perhaps she was seeing a ghost or, spirit, perhaps not.
(Later on...:)
L sipped his tea, staring across the coffe table at Mima who was staring back, sipping her own tea but, with toubled eyes.
"Well, this is awesome! A double date but, with handcuffs." Misa giggled happily while smiling at Light who was glancing at Mima who was staring into her cup, toubled. What a lively bunch.
"SO, Mimarin this is your first trip to Japan in like ever?" Misa smiled, girly and happy to make friendly convenstaion.
"Yes, it's my first trip here in quite along time." Mima smiled slightly, half heartly to have small chitchat.
Light watched while munching sliently on a piece of coffe cake crumble.
"HEY WE SHOULD SO DENFITLY BE HANDCUFFED TOGETHER, MIMA-SAN!!" Misa jumped up alittle grabbing Mima's arm who almost dropped her cup. "Com'on it'll be fun!"
Light choked on his cake and coughed, tried clearing his throat but, many would doubt it was the cake that was stuck. L just turned his attention to Light, "Careful Light-kun we don't want you on leaving here in a coffin."
"I-I-Don't think that will be nerscessary Misa-Sama. I mean or me are supsected to be Kira and am not supsecting you and I hope your not supsecting me." The girl placed her cup dow on it's saucer with a nervous CLATTER.
"Oh, com'on. Light-chan likes the idea!" Misa smiled, such a seductive smile at Light.
"Don't you, Light-sama?" Misa asked, her face about a inch away from his. Her arms wrapped constrictivly around his.
"If Mima doesn't-'' He began.
"But she does!" Misa looked over her shoulder at Mima...Puppy dog eyes bugging.
Mimarin sighed slightly, her hands on her hips and then she put a hand on her forehead a usual gesture for Light to do. She walked behind the couch and turned to them, elbows rested on the top of sofa and her hands placed on the curves of her cheeks.
"I. Hate . Conflicts . And .I .Will .Fight .You. If. Need. Be."
Light thought the pause after each word was a nice touch, and the serious but adorable expression she was wearing was priceless. Such, lovely eyes, when at first glance you began to feel being dragged into them with the mix of the shades of hues. when times passes you find the feeling deep within your heart, a feeling of standing on the edge of a cliff, staring deep into the bottomless dark blue and you know you will drown in them forever.
Misa stuck her tounge out at Mima and Mima just lightly shook her head, mummbling to herself.
"Maybe I am crazy..."
She muttered the words under her breath, the vision from eailer was still haunting her...Maybe it wasn't a ghost...Spirit... Her brother. Just a hallucination...Maybe she has Schizophrenia, perhaps she didn't. Most reported diagonsis are from paients themselves, but would they believe a suspected person that they did not have this mind spiliting disorder? Mimarin knew her private doctor didn't believe her when she said she was not 'mental', but of course since her father has been very busy with the boards and busniess he didn't pay much attention to who her medical bills were paid by. But, of course her brother (Half brother) Paid for most of the recent treatments (against her protests). Mima didn't really understand it all, how utterly distanced she felt from the family, friends...Even Ryuzaki. But, of course that was a given. No matter how close they were in body, their minds, their feelings never mingled expect on rare moments when they truly felt as one. Mimarin would sometimes lay on her bed, depressed, tired, lonely. Tired of the constant wave of emotions, one tiring tidal after the other.
Laying with her eyes close, slowling her breath as if deep sleep. The bad feeling, the horrible uncomfortable postion of death. Not a stinging, nor burning sensation plauged her but, the slow persitsence of the most unpleasant feeling. Buried deep into her back working it's way up her spine, creeping and sliping around her shoulders and neck. Flickering the bad thing into her arms and legs to where she felt num and cold. Wining it way around her chest, squeezing and tightening it's grip to where it became harder to breathe. Whirling around down her rib cage to her stomach, making it churn and turn like a angry sea until Mimarin felt the wholeroom spining around her. The icky horrible feeling of her breafeast,dinner, lunch (either one) travling up her throat.
Barley making it across the room to the bathroom door, flinging it open and sinking to her knees before the toilet bowl. Emptying the contants of her stomach. The bad feeling.
Mimarin let out a long sigh, she longed to be at her drawing desk. To be alone for L was still staring at her, she hated when he did that. Sitting back down, letting Misa cuff her. The blonde smiled up at her, like some pleased child who had done something bad. While glancing in Light's direction she caught his gaze, Ryuzaki was busy trying to steal Misa's sweet cake (low fat of course) to notice their quick looks away from eachother. Mima instantly felt miserable, it felt like school all over again.
Light smiled slightly, she is so shy and submissive. But, he was beinging to wonder why Her and L were together. They were so different from eachother, beauty and the creep. Light was also noticing her as a girl, or better yet a young woman. Had her own ideas, didn't need anyone elses direction or command to know what to do. Smart and capable. But, as all these string of thoughts were stung in his head something began to weave through, in between the beauty and smarts lay her body. Like a woman she had the smooth curves, soft and delicate features. But, she held a tenderness of her own. But, even though she was independent she was still dependent on L. And what was L to her? A protective boyfriend? He didn't say anything when Misa was trying to pressure her in wearing a handcuffs, maybe he had his reasons. Did he believe that it would help her? In what way...?
Maybe he was reading too much in to the Situation, it was likely that Ryuzaki was too busy eating his cake to care...Maybe.
Mima and Misa talked about different things, clothes, friends and jobs. It was weird how they both seem to have those certain types of friends, feelings on clothes and almost the same jobs but with twists attached. Light would comment once in a while, chuckling at their werid experinces with strangers, half the time the strangers were physco. Ryuzaki just bit and munched, watching Mima laugh at Misa's days at the market. Then came the question about the end.
"Okay, like at the end of the world...How would you like it to go? I would want a huge party all over the world where everyone is celebrating my birthday, Kinda ironic...Huh? The day your born is they day you'll die." Misa laughed at the end, but Mima thought about more seriously...But she liked Misa's happier one than her own.
"Oi, Mima! It's your turn! Stop spacing out on me." Misa shook Mimarin slightly, Mima blinked.
"Sorry...I just had to think about it for a bit." She bit her lower lip, embarassed.
"Well, are you ready?
"Yes...-"Mima could see from the corner of her eye that both L and Light were interested in her thoughts. She gulped, staring...she felt nervous. "Let us consider how this world should end.At first, it must quieten. All cacophony, all chaos must cease. This may happen in either one of two ways: sound could stop abruptly, or it could move towards silence gradually, decreasing entropy. The first method would save time. But shall the motions of talking and walking and leaves falling and babies wailing cease simultaneously? And what of the dead? They have voices too. Perhaps we will continue to open and close our mouths in conversation, somewhat in the fashion of goldfish, for talking has always been a form of breathing, of making known our wily, trivial existences; and cars will continue to crash and wars will continue to wage themselves; man and his manifestations in animal and plant and thing will continue to echo soundlessly. And as such, contradictions will remain a part of the world, decrepit as it may seem. But the world is ending and therefore its nature, being one of contradiction, will have to end too.
So the second method will have to work for us. " She took a deep breath, looking quite pleased with this easy subject.
"In this method, our voices will become softer, animals shall whimper and not bark or growl or roar, rocks and boulders that slide off mountains shall land on cushions of air; and all this will take its course over a period of years or weeks or days or whatever the process requires. It will be out of our control. When our friend will whisper a question we will only nod.Soon, there will be nothing to nod or shake our heads too."
Light smiled, he thought about this in the same way too.
"When me or, you, or any of us have sex at night, it will be quiet and eerie. Forgotten, the guttural noises. Because of the eeriness of it, different kinds of motion will stop. No one, no thing wants to be unnatural. Cars won't start and wars won't wage; we'll will stop having sex. Comprehension between human beings, animals, plants and things shall stop entirely; understanding will only be within the self and for brief moments, in between lapses of disorientation and hunger, we will know ourselves for the first and last times."
Misa gasped, "This is scary."
Light chuckled and L smiled.
"Of course the world is ending." Light whispered, giving Mima a nod to continue.
"This is today. Tomorrow, we won't be able to touch. If it is implausible for us to have sex today, it would be impossible tomorrow. But maybe touch cannot disappear. Our skins still exist and they must sense something. Like our ears which hear only ourselves. So, let us assume that every inch of skin, whether hairy or pimpled or shaven, feels the same touch. Now we must decide what feeling this should be – should it be a feeling of liquid? Something velvety? But these are pleasant and dream-like. Maybe the feeling is abrasive and thorny. Or vapourish. Or like soft towels. There are too many feelings. Maybe touch won't matter so much when we are learning of ourselves so intimately."
Misa squealed, "Eeek!"
"Day after tomorrow, or possibly a month later, we will not be able to taste anything. Light, if he could ever express anything to his beloved Misa, would say that he had destroyed his hunger after eating of himself; after tasting something so magnificent, so sublime and surreal at the same time, he had no desire for anything else. His tongue will go limp and dry, for it will be functionless, without talk and without taste. So much talk of senses, we forget that the world is ending. But how? We can still see. Everything is calm. No fire, no spinning vortices that eat up matter like evil giants. Is everything dissolving? That seems to be a juvenile suggestion. How can something that took billions of years to form, with a process of creation highly debated to date, simply dissolve? Maybe everything will eat itself up. The humans have already done it; in understanding themselves, they have become compact and almost nothing. Light is only bone; Misa is only hair."
Misa grabbed her hair and squealed again, before throwing a pillow at Mima who only laughed as she continued.
"These bones and strands of hair, and also shreds of skin and bits of lip and swollen entrails, will lose whatever smell they had. No, it was never noses we needed to know of a stink or an aroma. The stimulus was felt everywhere, to the deepest core. And so, the reek of fear, the perfume of garden, the stench of sweat, the aroma of food, and many others, shall slowly disappear, or exist and not be felt. Whichever is easier.Perhaps light traces of everything, of sound and touch, taste and smell, remain still, because the eating continues. When the eating stops, the traces will vanish too; and vice versa. Meanwhile, we watch the slow demise of this world. Each star, each planet, each darkness eating itself to thinness and absence."
L smiled, with his thumb tucked into his mouth."Yet, what we see is questionable because our lenses are shattering. But quietly, quietly." Mimarin finshed with sighing and took a sip of her tea.
"Why did you have to use Misa-Misa and Light-chan?" Misa whined, tugging on Mima.
"I thought you like to be with Light-san? Well..Till the end." Mima sighed, still smiling.
Light clapped, Mima blushed and Misa tugged on her. "Quite thoughtful and deep." Light replied, with L trying to steal his cake. L smiled, "She loves to discuss the end of the world. It's a fetish." Mima tossed a pillow at him but, he kicked upwards. Smiling.
"Whoa...I didn't catch half of that!" Matsuda gasped, "What smarts she has!"
Yagami just raised his brow at both Matsuda and Mimarin, "Smarts...?"
Aizawa just smiled, "She's going give your son and L a run for their money."
While Misa was disacted by her light fetish, Mimarin quitely freed her hand but, not without a few scraps and smears of blood. When Misa found out she chased Mima around the room, but right when Misa-Misa was a hair short of grabbing Mimarin's shirt she flipped over the sofa and landed on her butt in fornt of L. "Ow...I forgot that it hurts." Rubbing her tail bone and laughing at Misa's shocked face which hopped it's self over the sofa and tackled hugged Mima.
Light and L just sat there watching, Chicks man.
(Note: The whole end thing of Mima's was an idea a friend of mine had, so she owes all the cedit for the ending of the world!
Also, the friend of fanXforever since he/she has the simliar ideas. Thanks guys;)