CH: 18 escape
Authors note: yes I finally have updated, sorry for not updating but I had life and other things eating up my time that and I lost a bunch of files for this story and lost interest. But now im back and hoping to continue it without any more major setbacks.
"So now what?" O'Neill questioned his fellow captives, the Doctor and Danny, as he sized up the cell they had been thrown in. It was a small 10 by 10 room with one cot large enough for only one person. They were even being kept in the room by a force field of all things.
The Doctor pulled out a small devise that looked like the futuristic version of a screwdriver and commented, "I think I can cause reverse resonance in the force field."
"Where did you mange to hide that," O'Neill wondered exasperatedly as he watched the doctor fidget with it before pointing it at the force field.
The Doctor paused for a moment, then looked back at his companions. "You probably should cover your ears," He said simply. Without a word, his two companions covered there ears as he turned back to the force field. A few seconds later there was a VERY loud screeching noise that was so loud it caused both O'Neill and Danny both to double over in pain. It was gone just as quickly as it had come, but the pain for Danny and O'Neill lingered for a few moments.
"That was an understatement," O'Neill moaned as he got up.
"Man, how did you not feel that?" Danny directed at the doctor.
"I did," The doctor said as he moved over to help Danny up, "Come on we need to hurry, it won't take them long to figure out we are missing."
"Where in the heck did you hide that thing?" O'Neill asked as they walked at a brisk pace into the hallway, following the doctor.
"You mean my sonic screwdriver?" The Doctor replied, "Those idiots couldn't detect it because it existed in a separate time and space."
"Not really getting it, but when do I ever," O'Neill sighed.
"I understand, I think inside your pockets is a contained bubble of space time, kind of like the inside of the Tardis," Danny pondered.
The Doctor smiled as he said, "Bingo! Your right, more or less."
"Nope, still nothing," O'Neill muttered to no one in particular.
"Most humans don't pick up such advance concepts so fast," The Doctor stated.
Danny thought for a moment. "Really, with all the science fiction people watch these days you would think they'd be a bit more open-minded," he commented.
The Doctor sighed sadly "You would think."
Finally they arrived at a door that looked heavily armored and heavily locked. Both Danny and O'Neill were wondering how they were going to get past it when The Doctor took out his sonic screwdriver and used it on the door. The door opened easily and The Doctor Continued to walk his amassed Campion's followed.
"Even with our best efforts we have not been able to gain entrance to the police box, Sir," The head scientist of the Men in Wight Facility Reported. "In fact, the only thing we are sure of is that it is not ghostly in origin"
"Then who created it? It was able to get in to this facility undetected, and that technology would be extremely valuable," Agent o the head of the Facility asked.
"Unknown sir, but we are pretty sure it's extraterrestrial in origin"
"Really, so we are in fact not alone in the universe."
"It appears so sir."
"Fascinating," Agent 0 commented just before the alarms went off.
"That can't be good," The Doctor said.
"Really," O'Neill retorted sarcastically.
"How far are we?" Danny asked.
"The signal is coming from just around that bend," The doctor replied, pointing to the pathway. They rounded the corner and found themselves in front of what could only be described as a coffin that had many pipes and wires protruding off the sides.
"It's in there."
To be continued.
Danny: Your back finally, you know how boring its been.
Bryguy: No, and yes im back.
Danny: Cann I have……..
Bryguy: No!
Danny: Fine