Tribulations By: Setsuna X Summary: -Yaoi- Seto and Katsuya's love goes through a rough time, what with spiked punch, being attacked in an alley and a crazy phone call. Will they be able to pull through or did their love never stand a chance?

Parings: Main: Seto x Katsuya, Others: Yami x Yugi, Honda x Otogi, Bakura x Ryou, Anzu x Mai

Disclaimer/Warning: Contains boy x boy, so don't flame because of that. Might have some girl x girl in the future, so if you don't like that or feel uncomfortable then don't read.

Chapter 7-"Bonus Chapter"

-The Next Morning-

Jou woke up and took a moment to review all of last night's events. The spiked punch, getting kissed by Otogi, Seto breaking up with him (this brought a clench to his heart), saving a random guy in an alley, attacked by thugs in said alley, Seto coming to his rescue, and finally getting back together with Seto (which brought a smile to his face). Jou looked around the elegant room, noticing the darkly painted walls and velvety carpeted floor. He then turned to the body lying beside him.

Seto was still asleep and Jou used that time to look closer at his boyfriends' sleeping face, something he was sure no one has been able to do for a really long time. Seto's' eyes were nicely shut and the crease that was always between his eyebrows when awake was now nothing more than smooth skin.

Jou slowly untangled himself from Seto and padded his way over to the bathroom and began taking a shower. Twenty minutes later Jou realized that he had no clothing at Seto's place, but was relieved when he came across a sky-blue bathrobe.

Jou trudged his way over to the bed to find that Seto was still sleeping despite all the noise he had made in the shower. He giggled as he got an idea on how to wake his newly reinstated boyfriend. With an evil glint in his eye Jou began prodding Seto on the forehead with his index finger and giggled softly as Seto continued to make faces in his sleep. As he was about to poke him one more time Jou was shocked when a strong grip met his wrist and with his eyes open wide Jou gawked at his boyfriends glare.

"Heh heh" Jou chuckled nervously "morning".

"I'll get you for that!" Seto growled as he tackled Jou before he could pull away. Jou wasn't sure what Seto was about to do so his body became stiff as he waited for Seto to take his revenge. But whatever evil thoughts crossed his mind at what Seto was going to do, tickling him wasn't one of them.

"Mercy S-Seto!" laughed out Jou, unable to stiffen his laughter "Mercy!" her rasped out before Seto stopped his 'tickle-attack' as Jou had dubbed it.

"Now you know not to disturb me in my sleep, especially since it was the best sleep I've had in ages" said Seto.

"So ya slept better because I was in the bed next to ya?" asked Jou with a snicker, still under Seto on the floor. Seto merely grunted in response and lifted himself from the floor. Jou just snickered as he lifted himself up as well.

"I see you've taken the liberty of wearing my bathrobe, although it is a size too big for your frame" pointed out Seto, staring distinctly at Jou's bare shoulder.

"Heh heh," laughed Jou as a blush formed on his cheeks "well, I was dirty and had no clothes."

"Whatever puppy, here" said Seto, tossing a pair of worn jeans and a red t-shirt that he had to dig through his drawers to find. "They might be too big for you too, but they'll do: explained Seto.

"Since when do you where jeans!?" blurted out Jou rather rudely. Seto just glared at him in response as a sweat drop appeared on Jou's head "Right… I'm just gonna go put these on now" said Jou as he began walking toward the bathroom rather anxiously. Removing the bathrobe Jou noticed that Seto had denied him any underwear, even if it would be odd wearing his boyfriends under garments, it seemed a little too personal and more intimate than they were at the moment. He donned on his bathrobe once more and began looking through the cabinets in Seto's bathroom, looking for a toothbrush to use. Jou pouted and stuck his head out of the door. He must have taken longer in the bathroom than he first thought because of the sight that greeted him.

Seto had just emerged from the other shower in nothing but a towel around his waist. Jou was drooling at the sight of his near-naked boyfriend in nothing but a skimpy towel and dripping wet hair.

"Um, Seto…" squeaked Jou. Seto spun around from the wardrobe he was looking through to look at Jou. The speed of his spin caused the towel to flair. Jou had to bite the inside of his cheek to hold in a moan that threatened to escape/ Seto looked over Jou curiously before he realized what had made Jou look at him like he was some type of some Super Deluxe Ultra Bacon Cheeseburger. Seto smirked cockily.

"What is it puppy? You keep your mouth open like that and you'll catch some flies" teased Seto with a slight chuckle. Jou immediately closed his mouth and blushed in embarrassment at getting caught staring.

"Hn, whatever. Anyway, you didn't give me any underwear" Jou mock-glared at Seto.

"Then go commando" retorted Seto, beginning to dress himself. Jou ignored how hot Seto was looking at the moment and fled through the bathroom door behind him to finish getting dressed himself. The only reason why he hadn't ran over to Seto and ravished him was because he wasn't sure where that situation would take them and didn't want to rush things, especially with his own recovery from yesterday's trauma.

Stepping out of the bathroom Jou saw Seto sitting in front of his computer typing up something or other.

"Mmmm…what are you doing?" whispered Jou into Seto's ear while inhaling his shampoo. Seto stifled a groan of his own and replied that he was looking over the program he had made yesterday to make sure it was running well. Before Jou could respond his stomach let out a low grumble. Seto merely glanced at Jou curiously with a lifted eyebrow. "Heh heh" Jou chuckled "guess I'm kinda hungry."

Seto sighed as he lifted himself out of his chair. "Alright, it's time for breakfast anyway."

"Thanks Seto" Jou chirped as he trotted after Seto to the kitchen. Several minutes later Jou was happily eating a bowl of cereal as Seto was looking through the newspaper with a cup of coffee and a bagel on the side. "Hey Seto" Jou started after having swallowed the milk from his bowl. Seto glanced over the top of his newspaper. "Can I use your phone? I wanna call Yug' to let him know where I am so he won't round up everyone, go crazy, and call the cops."

"Fine. The phone's over there" said Seto as he pointed over to the corner. Jou dialed Yugi's number, knowing it by heart after having dialed it so many times in his life. A groggy voice on the other side of the line answered after five rings.

"Huh?" the voice said, scratchy from lack of use. "Who is this?" asked the tired voice.

"Yug', that you?" asked Jou a bit anxiously.

"Yes, Jou, is that you?" asked Yugi, now more awake.

"Yeah, how are you feeling man?" he asked.

"Ughh..." groaned Yugi "it feels like a Blue-Eyes blasted my head open."

Jou chuckled at the thought, especially since he was currently watching his blue-eyed lover, master of the Blue Eyes, munching away at the bagel and reading the paper.

"Where are you?"

"I'm at Seto's. Look Yug'" said Jou, cutting off anything Yugi was about to say. "Someone spiked that punch last night, and my money's on Bakura since he was in charge of the refreshments and I'm betting some sort of Shadow Magic played into that as well. How else were we not able to feel the affects of the alcohol until we were pissed drunk?" As Jou talked Seto was carefully listening in, crumbling his newspaper every now and then, and pretending to be busy. "Anyway, how's everyone else?"

"Well, Yami's still asleep on my bed –yawn- hold on; I'm going to search for the rest of the gang. I don't think anyone either than Bakura and Ryou left."

Jou heard a shuffle of feet as Yugi walked down the hallway.

"Mai, Anzu, are you in here?" Jou heard Yugi ask. Yugi was busy looking through all the doors on the second floor and finally came across his grandfather's room and opened the door.

"Aaaahhhhh! My eyes! I'm so sorry!" shouted Yugi, slamming the door close.

"Yug' you alright?" asked Jou anxiously. Yugi was busy gasping for breath, but had heard the question. Grabbing his heart Yugi tried to calm down the irregular beating and managed to finally compose himself.

"Yeah, everything's okay Jou" sad Yugi, still clutching the wall for support. "I just happened to see –gulp- Anzu and Mai…both naked and sleeping in Grandpa's bed" he choked out, trying to figure out if he should be horrified or happy that his friend had a good time on her birthday.

"WHAT!?!" yelled out Jou, causing Seto to drop the remainder of his coffee on the table, grumbling about puppies being too damn loud in the morning. "Wow, that' for them, I guess" said Jou rubbing the back of his neck in a nervous and awkward manner. "I hope they won't regret it later."

"Mmhmm" said Yugi as he continued to look for his 'missing' friends. "Oh, there's Otogi and Honda. They're both asleep though."

"Where are they?" asked Jou.

"Well," started Yugi, biting back the laughter threatening to escape. "Honda's asleep outside the bathroom, actually, only half of his body is inside, and Otogi looks like he dragged himself over, but fell asleep from the exhaustion or something because half of his body is draped over Honda's" Yugi chuckled, biting back a laugh and not wanting to awaken his friends.

Jou laughed in return. "Well, guess Otogi feels better with Honda's body around, even if half of it is in the bathroom."

"yeah, anyway Jou, I still have a major headache and I need to build up my strength to be able to hold off Yami from killing Bakura, although I'm still trying to hold back my own urge to beat him into a bloody pulp for what he did to us. I'm sure Ryou would feel the same way."

Jou laughed at his friends words. "Alright Yug', but you know that Yami is like a breeze next to the tornado that is my boyfriend when he gets a hold of Bakura." When Jou said that Seto's ears had perked up. He let out a small smile when Jou called him his 'boyfriend'; it felt good to hear, but when he also compared him to a 'tornado' he knew that he couldn't let that one go.

He got up from his seat, slowly and quietly and approached Jou as he was saying his good-byes to Yugi before picking him up around the waist and throwing him over his shoulder. Jou shrieked in surprise then began thrashing about, trying to get free of Seto's arms. Finally Seto made it to the living room and dumped Jou onto a sofa. Before Jou had any time to figure out what was happening Seto had climbed atop of him and proceeded to tickle Jou mercilessly, just like in the morning. Jou's laughter echoed off the broad walls in the mansion, making them seem all the more louder.

"So I'm a tornado now, am I?" grunted Seto, trying to maintain control with Jou squirming under him. Jou now had tears of mirth streaming down his face.

"Se-to -gasp- please! I give, I give!" Jou managed out through his laughter. Seto finally stopped his attack. He waited patiently for Jou to regain his breath. "Well, I told Yugi that Yami is nothing but a 'breeze' compared to what you're going to do to Bakura for what he did. The only thing more powerful than a breeze that could think of was a 'tornado'" explained Jou.

Seto continued to sit on Jou's legs with his 'I'm thinking deeply' face.

"Seto-?" Jou asked, prodding his boyfriends' stomach with his finger. Seto broke out of his thoughts as he glanced down at Jou.

"You just gave me a great idea of how to deal with Bakura, puppy" Seto smirked as he began to stand up from his place on Jou. Jou could only gape at him.

"You don't mean…wait, are you thinking about using a tornado!?" Jou gaped at Seto with wide eyes. Seto merely continued to smirk as he turned away, blue eyes glinting with mischief. "Seto!" shouted Jou, getting off from the couch and following the brunet CEO. "You're kidding right?" said Jou, snaking his arms around the blue-eyed teen.

Seto, instead of answering, turned around and placed one hand on Jou's waist and the other on his cheek, leaning his face up as his own leaned down and placed a slow, sweet kiss upon his blonde puppy's' lips. When Seto straightened himself he just said "Maybe" and began to grab his trench coat and headed toward the door. Jou could do nothing but gape at Seto's vague answer, so opted to follow the brunet.

Hey, it was Bakura's fault everything happened anyway, why shouldn't he let Seto get his revenge. Besides, this mischievous side of Seto is kinda cute.

And with that thought in mind Jou followed Seto into the limo awaiting them, ready to see a show.

The End

A/N: And it is finally complete! This is the last installment of this I'm going to write for a while. I was thinking about making several one-shots or snippets of Seto and Yami's revenge on Bakura and Bakura's retaliation, but that'll have to wait until later. Currently I'm working on multiple fics, including Your Voice, Your Heart (YVYH), chapter 6 of A Night to Remember (NTR), More than a Weapon (MtaW), and In the Eyes of the Other (P-P), so I'm pretty busy right now. I also wanted to get started on a Dark!Harry, HPLV type of story, but the ideas are still in the works. Anyway, I'd like to thank All of my reviewers and the people who read this story and stuck with me till the end. Thanx! And if you want those one-shots/snippets then leave me a message and let me know. Later Dayz!