
Last chappie, in our misguided lerve fic, Dally took Johnny to Buck's place to par-teh. They leave, and Johnny tackles our fav blonde greaser and kisses him. What ever shall happen?


Boy affection, get over it. Don't own, don't sue, lovin' ahoy.


This is the end, and dedicated to Minami Ozaki Wannabe. Thanks for being such a faithful reader and reviewer. Twelve chapters of love.

Dally blinked up at Johnny, waiting to see what else he'd do. What else he knew to do.


"Dally, could we, be together?" Johnny asked.


"Dally, I know you like girls, but I really like you. And I didn't like any of the girls I meet near as much as I like you. I can't act right around them, but I don't need to act around you. You know me, and I love you man." Johnny said.

"Johnny, you don't know what that means-" Dally began.

"I do too. I've never cared about anyone as much as you. I want to be with you. I want you to love me."

"Johnny, I do care about ya, but I don't think you know what you're asking for."

Dally wished he did. Dally wished Johnny really felt that way about him. Why? Because it would be so easy to take care of him forever if he loved Dally as much as Dally loved him. Dally didn't think he could love anymore but damn, he went crazy for Johnny. He got a job, a house, stopped getting drunk every weekend, started caring about something other than living, drinking and staying outta he cooler. Started feeling like he wouldn't mind spending the rest of his life with Johnny. That was love, and Dally wished it could go farther.

"I do know what I'm asking for. I'm asking for you to love me. More than anyone else. And if that means we never do anything, or if we do it every night, I'd do it. Because I love you and I want you, not some sleazy girl that's just after one night."


"What?" Johnny asked, his eyes getting wider.

"I said, 'okay'. If you want this, you can have it." Dally said.

"I can have Dallas Winston?" Johnny asked.

"Yes sir. I'm all yours." He kissed Johnny and fisted his dark hair, pulling the boy down into the kiss.


"I'll go slow." Dally murmured.

Dally pulled off Johnny's clothes, lingering over his tan skin as how naked and exposed they both were slowed the heat. Dally kissed a scar on his collarbone, rubbing his shoulder as he overlapped the boy.

"Are you sure you're ready for this?"


"Do you know what this is?" Dally asked, tilting his head and smiling.

"I know what that is." Johnny said, flushing at Dally's burgeoning erection. Dally smiled.

"I know what this is too." Dally gripped Johnny's erection and chuckled.

"Well then, fix it." Johnny flushed and arched against his touch.

"I can fix it, but it'll come back." Dally said.

"That's how adult relationships work, isn't it?" Johnny said.

"We can hope."

Dally brushed kisses along Johnny's chest, lavishing the non bruised skin. No one was gonna hurt Johnny Cade ever again.

Johnny whimpered as Dally's kisses slipped lower, lingering along his naval and diving lower. Johnny jumped when Dally licked his erection, his hands slipping under his buttocks, his thumb pressing a space he didn't know existed for pleasure. He put his hands in Dally's hair and groaned. He knew sex was supposed to feel good, but good was an understatement apparently. And it was just beginning.

Dally loved the feeling of Johnny's thin finger laced in his hair, not pulling, just holding, as if needing something to cling to, an assurance that this was real. Dallas Winston was indeed sucking his co-

"Dally, I'm getting close." Dally pulled off, and their lips met, pre cum slicking their kiss.

"Well, hold your horses. We're just getting started."

Dally slipped Johnny's thighs to his chest, lining his erection to Johnny's entrance. He didn't have lube handy since he'd given up drinking at Buck's (besides this particular night) and therefore hadn't had the need for it in a few months. He'd have to go slow and try not to hurt Johnny. Even if it hurt a little, he'd be moaning before long. He was Dallas Winston, and just because he was fucking Johnny Cade, the littlest, thinnest, most beautiful Greaser he knew, didn't mean he couldn't throw down and fill the night air with moans.

But it did mean it was the first time he'd actually care about whoever was moaning under him.

Dally kissed Johnny's thighs, dragging his tongue until Johnny moaned. So it began. He dared trail lower and his direction changed, his tongue flicking over Johnny's opening, making him squirm.

Johnny couldn't believe where Dally's tongue was. And he couldn't believe how good it felt, how it made the back of his knees sweat and his stomach drop. God, Dallas Winston was every bit as good as his reputation would have Johnny believe. But it was different. Johnny got the idea that Dally really cared about him, that this wasn't just another fuck. He hoped. But right now, that thought was getting farther from his mind, because Dallas Winston's tongue was penetrating him.

"Oh God, Dally-" Johnny arched against Dally and Dally plunged deeper, his tongue writhing. Johnny was fisting the sheets, his knuckles white. He was so close. "Dally, I can't hold it-"

Dally's tongue slipped out and his hand encircled Johnny's raging erection, fingers ringing the base.

"Wait." Johnny yelped but felt his ejaculation stop.

"Sorry." Johnny flushed.

"Not a problem. Not the first time I've outlasted a partner. I'll be in you before you can scream my name again." He winked at Johnny and loosened his grip.

"How'd you do that?"

"It's complicated, but I mimicked what a twenty dollar sex toy can do for free. Not as pleasant or pretty, but it works." Dally said, grinning. "It didn't hurt too much, right?"

"No, just startled me. I still wanna, do that though." Johnny said.

"I know. I just bought about another two minutes." He kissed Johnny's forehead. "And trust me, I won't waste it."

Johnny's arm fastened to Dally's shoulder as he leaned forward. Dally kissed him, gripping his hair and biting his lip. He licked the bite and kissed Johnny deeper, his tongue slipping in. Johnny moaned into the kiss and his grip tightened on Dally as his tongue lapped at Johnny's. No one ever kissed him like that, and no one ever touched him, barely even a hug, and Dallas took five minutes to hug, kiss, touch and lick places he didn't even know possible. And he loved this man, the man that took time to make everything in his life better, even when every thing was wrong.

He loved Dallas Winston.

Admitting it made his grip loose and their kiss parted, Dally smiling at him. He slipped a finger into Johnny and Johnny whimpered at the intrusion. He slipped it in and out a few times and the burning stretch slowly lessened.

"It hurts." Johnny muttered. He didn't realize Dallas heard but he stroked Johnny's chest to comfort him.

"I know. It'll get better. Much better." Dally said. Johnny sighed, Dallas was, to say the least, a confident lover.

Johnny attention was redirected as Dally added another finger. It'd needed to get much better, now.

Dally felt Johnny clench around his fingers and continued to rub his stomach. Johnny was small, and very tight, but it'd be amazing to be in him. And Johnny would love it as soon as he eased up and let himself enjoy it.

Johnny winced as a third finger was added and put his fist to his mouth, biting his knuckles, to avoid whimpering again as Dally scissored his fingers. God it burned.

"Relax and it won't hurt as much."

The 'as much' didn't reassure Johnny but he took a few deep breaths as Dally removed his fingers. Dally looked down at him as Johnny's thighs framed his face. He arched an eyebrow.

"You know what happens next, right?"


"Ready?" Dally asked.

"I was ready a minute ago." Johnny said.

Dally chuckled and lined his erection to Johnny's hole, shivering as he considered what he was about to do. He was about to put his cock in Johnny Cade and make them both scream as they were hoarse, sore and sticky.

He was going to fuck this boy senseless, the boy that he'd taken from his parents, the boy he'd taken a hard job for, the boy he worked to keep safe, sheltered and clothed, the boy he gave up drinking for. The boy he loved. The boy he had always loved.

Dally slipped the head of his erection in without a second thought, cherishing Johnny's moan as he tilted in, centimeters at a time, watching sweat gather on Johnny's chest as he gasped. He felt the heat and sweat on the back of his knees as he pushed in, Johnny's thigh framing his face. He was so hot and so tight, Dally had to really focus on not cumming the instant his cock felt that pressure, that fire.

Johnny moaned as Dallas hit something in him. They both jumped and Dally chuckled, mumbling something like 'there it is' and buckling down. He was beautiful. His hips, the motion of his back supporting his hard thrusts, the sweat dripping down from his blonde hair, his parted lips that panted, his cock that was buried in Johnny. Everything.

"Dally, I'm gonna cum."

"I got my two minutes." Dally gripped Johnny's erection and pumped it once, twice, and sent Johnny over the edge, screaming his name so that the stallions two barns away could hear him.

Johnny's passage tightened around his erection and he thrust a couple more times before the fire consumed him, drawing his seed with a bestial howl.

They were still for a long time. Dally slipped out of Johnny, still breathing hard, and laid down beside him. Johnny looked to him, still gasping and wide eyed. Dally rolled his eyes and ruffled his damp hair.

"You're gorgeous kid. Best I've ever had, or will ever have." Dally said.

"With your knowledge of that kinda thing, I dunno whether to believe you or not." Johnny said. But his shy smile told Dally that he believed it. "What's that sex toy you were talking about called anyway?"

"If you don't know, I'm not gonna tell you." Dally said, laughing.

"Come on Dal."

"We're not at the point in the relationship to be discussing kinky toys yet. We haven't even gotten to good pillow talk yet." Dally said. He pulled Johnny closer and relished feeling the tired, thin, dead weight limbs entangled in his own.

"Well, I may not know anything about sex toys, but I can pillow talk." He took Dally's hand in his and kissed his scarred knuckles. "Dallas, I lo-"

"I love you Johnny." His hand slipped from Johnny's and stroked his face.

"Holy shit." Johnny said. Dally laughed out loud.

"First time I've heard you swear in a long time."

"Well, Jesus Christ, you, you love me." Johnny said. "I love you too."

"I know Johnny. Why else would I get a job, a place and somehow stay sober? I ain't exactly a responsible adult, but for you, I do a damn good impression of one."

"Jesus, Dallas Winston loves me." Johnny said.

"And I just fucked Johnny Cade." Dally winked at him and kissed him again.

"How? Why?" Johnny was still in shock but his further questions were kissed away. Dally grinned at him.

"Just because."

Finito! Leave me a review on the way out, and I hope you've enjoyed this fic. I should write canon pairs more often. I heart all you reviewers, and I really appreciate your patience. It's been a long road, but the sex is usually worth it.


Shadows Run

P.S. If you leave me a review, I'll reply when I have a new ficcie of this nature, if you're interested.