Disclaimer: Sky High is not mine. This story was actually written by friend (who is wholy responsible for bringing me into the fandom), but she refuses to post it on "The Pit" (a.k.a. ff dot net) so here I am, making sure that there are some good fics amongst the Mary-Sues. All reviews will be sent to her in order to make her feel guilty and make her start writing more.


Warren likes to pretend his kisses are lazy, meaningless things. He goes into them slowly and languorously or quickly and chastely. Intentionally his lips are often smirking against Will's or Layla just to prove a point. Kisses aren't a big deal.

But somehow, somewhere in those kisses, all of it goes wrong. Maybe it's because Layla smells of honeysuckle or Will always does that…thing where his fingers sneak through his hair. Whatever it is they do, Warren finds his kisses changing from lazy and casual to something else entirely. They become heated, delicious exchanges that Warren never wants to leave. That's not supposed to happen. Kisses don't mean anything. They're fun and fast and quick but they don't mean anything.

Will and Layla change that. They saturate their kisses with love and warmth. Layla kisses sweetly, like a blushing schoolgirl giving her first kiss, before going deeper. She becomes aggressive and passionate, less a hippie dippie flower child and more a grown woman with her lover. Specifically, a grown woman blessed with some very clever hands. Will kisses bashfully, kissing with increasing force and passion until he suddenly jerks his head back at the last second, worried his strength is hurting Warren. Every time he does that, Warren scowls before diving back in for another kiss, making a mental note to tell Will to stop being such an idiot.

It's nothing to do with the way Layla brushes her lips softly against his in a kiss for no good reason, just because Warren happens to be standing close by. Or even how Will seems to have memorized every sensitive spot on Warren's body and how to use that knowledge for very, very evil means, kissing each spot to achieve some very un-Warren-like noises.

Warren thinks it might have something to do with the way Will and Layla taste. His taste is kind of musky and definitely masculine and hers is sweet, delicate, like the fruits and plants she loves so much but he doubts it's just because of that.

Kisses just aren't supposed to mean anything. If kisses mean something, if they go beyond just physical gratification, Warren can't leave later. He can't run away when he gets too attached for his own good. Because if he leaves, he'll have something to leave behind. It would mean leaving behind trust and memories and people he cares about more than anything.

If kisses mean something, it means Warren doesn't just like the way they taste, how Layla smells sweet like honeysuckle, or Will's silly bashful kissing. It means he knows them, their habits, the way they touch and sleep and move and breathe and make love. It means Warren loves them.