Sean hadn't been to church since he'd left his Uncle's house. He'd spent time in front of the church, always too afraid to walk in. He'd loved church when he was small. His mother had dutifully taken him and the young boy had loved the way the lights fell on him through the stained glass, was enamored by the priest and his quiet devotion.

He'd gone to the Italian catholic churches and had loved how the preist was able to absolve sins. He'd not entered one since leaving his Uncle's because he'd stopped believing in absolution. He didn't want to have his sins, no matter how small absolved. He would face hell without regret.

Now he was heading to an Irish church, much like the kind Katherine had hated, she'd never found the fascination of church, hated the slightly drunk priest she'd had to listen to. Listening to the complaints of the older people about how mistreated they were. She'd always hated church.

He wasn't going to this church to absolve himself of the sins he'd done. He was going to talk to someone.

James "Preacher" O'Conner had gone to seminary after leaving the newsboys. He'd made the choice long before, when he was about 8. He'd only doubted once before if it was the right choice. He was sitting waiting in the confessional when someone slid in.

"Preahah, I ain't gunna ask for forgivness yet, and I know you ain't gunna grant me none" Spot said, "But right now I gotta choose doing what I want and what's right. And I know I ain't gunna choose whats right."

"Spot!" Preacher said looking at the grating at the boy, who was turned so his face was full to the grating.

"Do you still want Cards?" He asked "Katherine, I mean"

"I'm a preist"

"Wouldn't you give it up for her? If you knew she needed you? 'Cause if you wouldn't I..." He paused

"She never noticed me."

"I got her pregnant" Spot said. "And I know what this church says I gotta do. And I know what I want to do."

"Of course I'd marry her" He said softly "I'd love that child like it was my own."

Spot gulped nodding. "I know you would, you'd be a great dad too." He whispered throat tight with tears he wouldn't allow himself to shed.

"But you know..."

"Preacher. I can't do what's right by her." He gulped.

"But Spot! You have to! She'd be in disgrace."

"No she wouldn't. She'd be your wife. But god, I want that baby. I wanna hold it and kiss it. I want to come home to her. So I can't do whats right by her or that baby."

Preacher paused gulping as well. "You're right, I can't give you forgiveness."

Author's notes: I had this ratteling in my head for weeks. Updates will be slow because I'm busy, but please review if you like it!