Takes one to know one

(Disclaimer I do not own Beyblade or any of it's companies.)

Kai was in a cab that was on its way to Tyson's. It was dusk, not yet night but not day. The sun had not yet set and the stars were out in the sky. It was a cool evening and Kai was wondering about the party, it was to celebrate his 18th birthday. He was feeling good about this because he didn't really 'do' parties that often, but he wanted to go for one reason and one reason alone. His Memories of last night were flashing back to him.

He was back in the nightclub celebrating his 18th birthday with just Tyson, one of his oldest friends, talking about all kinds of things; like launch strategies, control, power, girls and recent battles, he was also bragging about getting his drivers licence before anyone else. They were deep in conversation when out of nowhere Hillary came up and said "Hi guys, didn't know you would be here," when of course, she did. They all got into a deep conversation over many beers and shots, talking late into the night. Soon it was getting far to late and Tyson said "I gotta' go hit the hay, cya tomorrow," and left Kai and Hillary alone talking. They were there talking until sometime in the morning when Hillary went home and Kai was left thinking about everything; even the new feelings he was feeling for her.

As Kai was walking towards Tyson's, no matter what he tried to think about, his thoughts started slipping back to Hillary. He always had fun with her. He new he could talk to her about anything no matter how personal or intimate it was. He really liked her.

Kai had a sudden thought. He was in lust

Kai went through the back door of Tyson's without making a sound. He thought no one else was in the house because no lights were on and he couldn't hear anyone talking or making a sound, but there was a strange new car in the driveway. When he was inside he quietly put down his bag and went looking for Tyson. What he saw he was more then he bargained for, he saw everyone hiding behind the couches and stuff. He thought to himself I have two choices 1) I go round front and let everyone think they surprised me or 2) I can be myself and surprise everyone else. He saw Hillary crouching behind the couch and saw all the giddiness on her face so he chose option 1. One the way out he remembered to pick up has bag. He silently closed the door again and walked round front. He walked through the door and acted 'normal' when everyone yelled incoherently at him.

Kai, steel faced as always, tried to act as surprised as he could muster. Then everyone gave out small 'presents'. Kenny made him a new launcher 'specially' made for his 'style'; Tyson got him a new ripcord, one of the new high-class super durability's. Max gave him a gift card for the near by shopping centre. Ray's present was the birthday cake and Mariah chimed in that she helped Ray make it. Hillary said she would give him his present later, which made him wonder . . .

Then he asked Tyson's grandpa whose car that was out front. Then everyone yelled "SURPRISE!" again. Which really surprised Kai.

"What don't I get?" said Kai

"That is you main present from all of us." Said Grandpa

"Wha .. ?" said Kai

"Well the cabs are getting expensive now so we thought you could drive them to and from match's." said Grandpa.

"Thanks a lot." Said Kai

Kai took it out for a test drive and got back 10 minutes later.

Then they all spent a good hour or two playing games, talking about any upcoming Beyblade tournaments, and just things in general. For dinner they ordered Mexican, and everyone had chosen there own orders – Tyson being the longest. Then for dessert they had Kai's birthday cake: chocolate, with sprinkles and flake. While Kai was eating dessert, he left the crowd and walked into the spare room to spend some alone time with him and his thoughts. After awhile, Hillary walked into the room.

"Hey Kai,"

"Oh, hi Hillary,"

"What's the matter, aren't you having a good time?"

"Oh, it's not that – I'm having a great time"

"That's good, it is your birthday after all."

"Yeah. . . ."

"You know that you can tell me anything right."

"Yeah I know Hillary."

"Well you know how I've known you for two years right."

"Yeah, I remember the day we met."

"Me to."

"So what did you wanna talk about?"

"You know how I didn't give you your present."


"Well, here it is."

Hillary lent over and lightly kissed Kai on the lips. Kai pulled back, shocked.

"What?" said Kai

"Well for a while now, I have had a major crush on you." Said Hillary

"To tell you the truth……… so have I"

Hillary blushes a deep red.

"Well Kai I was wondering….."

Kai began to sweat.

"I've liked you for a long time now," said Hillary

"Yeah, I've liked you as well." Said Kai

"Do you want to go out with me?" said Hillary.


Then suddenly he wrapped his hands around her waist and she wrapped her hands around Kai's neck, pulling his head down to hers. Kai forced open her mouth with his tongue and started to explore her mouth, he felt every tooth and she forced his tongue back into his own mouth and started to explore Kai's mouth. She pulled Kai down onto the bed and then she started to feel all of his teeth, slowly, one by one. They broke apart gasping for air. Then they went straight back into it. Kai started to feel up her thigh and she felt his manhood grow against her leg. Then all of a sudden,

"Kai, were having an exhibition match and your in, so get in here now!" yelled Tyson.

"Damn" muttered Kai "I'll talk to you later, COMING!"

"Don't go" said Hillary

"But if I don't they'll get suspicious"


"I'll be back as soon as I can without arousing suspicion."

"Where are you Kai!" Yelled Tyson a few seconds later.

"I'm right behind you." Said Kai, scaring Tyson half to death.

The exhibition match was a two on two between Kai, Ray and Max, Tyson.

Max was the first one eliminated when he went for a shot at Ray and just clipped him. He was spinning in the middle when Kai and Ray 'sandwiched' him. He was thrown up and out of the dish leaving Tyson alone to fight both Ray and Kai. But the sandwich had taken its toll on Ray. He was wobbling like crazy. So as a last resort he rushed Tyson trying to take him out before he went, but like max he only managed to clip him. But unlike Max he was going outward, so he just fell out, over the top of the dish. That just left Kai and Tyson to fight it out. After the battle Kai disappeared again and found that Hillary was still in the guest room lying down on the bed, sleeping, so he quietly closed the door and let Hillary sleep.