A/N: Ok so here's the final chapter, I just figured this was a good way to end it. I'm not exactly sure when day 5 was supposed to have taken place so I went on the assumption that it was somewhere between late March and mid April. Thanks for reading and sticking with me. I might write more J/A stories in the near future, but probably not until I get more material which would be when season 6 starts, cuz I am fresh out of ideas at the moment. Enjoy and please, please, please review!

Chapter 9

Now, nine months after Jack and Audrey had renewed their relationship, Audrey was very pregnant and impatiently awaiting the birth of their twins. One night in bed, Audrey awoke suddenly to the feel of her water breaking and sharp pain. Rolling over to face Jack, she shook him by the shoulder, trying to wake him up.

"Jack," no response, "Come on, Jack, wake up!"

Still half asleep, Jack responded, "What?"

"It's time Jack," she said attempting to climb out of bed.

"Oh yeah," he replied rolling over to look at the clock, "it's, uh, 4:30."

"No," she said with a sigh, as she walked over and did the only thing she knew would wake him up immediately: she kissed him soundly on the mouth, gently running her tongue along his lower lip.

As soon as he felt Audrey kissing him, Jack immediately responded and kissed her back. Knowing that he was finally awake, Audrey pulled back, much to Jack's disappointment.

Moaning that she stopped kissing him, Jack asked, "Why do you do that to me, if you're just gonna stop?"

"Because," she replied, "my water just broke."

Realization finally dawned on him and he shot up in bed, "Your...your water just broke?"

"Yes," she said, starting to get dressed.

Jumping out of bed and getting dressed himself, he said, "We need to get you to the hospital!"

"Wow," she said, looking at him, "you weren't kidding when you said you missed all this before. You're a wreck, would you just calm down."

Relaxing a little he replied, "Ok...ok, you're right. I'm calm. I'll just grab your suitcase and then we can go."

When they were ready to go, they headed out of the house, and drove off towards the hospital.

When they arrived at the hospital, they checked in and gave Audrey a private room until she was ready to deliver the babies. A few hours later, Audrey was finally admitted into the delivery room, with Jack right by her side.

"Come on, sweetheart, just one more push," Jack encouraged her.

With all her strength, their first little baby boy was born. The doctor handed him to the nurses who cleaned him off and then handed him to Jack., who gazed down lovingly at one of his sons. As Audrey rested before the next birth, he held out the baby for her to see.

"Oh Jack, he's beautiful," she said softly, "he looks just like you, he even has your blue eyes."

"Yeah, but he's got your light colored hair," he pointed out.

Five minutes later, the second Bauer son was born and handed to Jack ,while Audrey held the other. Their second son was not identical to the first, in that he had Audrey's green eyes and darker hair like Jack's. Sitting gently on the side of the bed next to Audrey, he leaned down and kissed her on the forehead.

"We still need names," Jack pointed out as they each held one of their sons.

Looking down at the baby in her arms, Audrey said, "What about Anthony for this little one?"

"Really?" he said with a smile on his face.

"Yeah, it seems fitting, I mean Tony and Michelle were partly responsible for us getting together again and it'd be a nice way to remember them. Besides, I like the name," she replied.

"Yeah me too. Ok middle name?" he asked.

"Jonathan, after you," she said with a smile.

Matching her smile, with his own, he said, "Ok, Antony Jonathan Bauer," he said aloud, seeing how it sounded, "I like it."

"Me too, ok now him," she looked to the baby that her husband was holding.

"How bout Daniel?" Jack suggested.

"Daniel...Daniel Bauer. Yeah I like it, middle name?" she asked.

"James, after your father," he said, looking into her eyes.

"Daniel James Bauer, sounds good to me,"she replied.

"Anthony and Daniel Bauer, born on December 13, 2006," Jack said, causing Audrey to laugh.

"Ok, want to switch?" Jack asked, wanting a chance to hold both his sons.

"Ok," Audrey replied as she handed him Tony and she was handed Daniel.

Planting a kiss on his son's forehead, he said to Audrey, "Thank so much sweetheart, for giving us these two beautiful boys."

"Well, as I recall, you did have a part in that," she replied with a smile.

Laughing he said, "Yeah, but you gave me a second chance at being a father and a husband. I love you so much, Audrey."

Looking up into his deep blue eyes, she whispered, "I love you too, Jack."

And with that, he leaned down to passionately kiss her, expressing all his love for her. Pulling back he smiled at her and wrapped his arm around her as she lay her head on his shoulder, both smiling down and their baby boys. They had been through hell and back together, but no matter what life threw their way, Jack and Audrey would face it will all the love they held for each other and their newborn sons.

The End

A/N: So, that's it, thanks for reading.