Disclaimer: Nope, don't own Naruto. If I did, he wouldn't be a baka!

A/N: Gomen! Gomen! Exams is just over not long ago so I BEG for my readers' forgiveness!

BOOK 1: Ninja Kitsune: Promise Of A Lifetime

Hinata panted heavily as she fell to her knees, feeling exhausted.

' Otou-san...am I worthy? Did I prove myself? '

Chapter 9: Humiliation

Itachi looked on coldly as Naruto beat Hyuuga Hinata without much effort-he ended it with one jutsu-and thought, once again, about his abilities.

Despite Sandaime's hopes, Itachi did not feel much for the jinchuuriki, even after two years of teaching him. All he did care, was for a measure of his capacity. His clan was getting too arrogant and overconfident for his liking and he firmly believed that their behaviour would stunt Sasuke's strength, which means that Sasuke would never gain enough power to defeat him.

His one hope...was Uzumaki Naruto.

He had just returned from a mission when he had seen for himself Naruto's potential. It had been night and two drunks who had wanted to gain glory attempted to kill Naruto, who was three at the time.

Despite his age, he had easily lead the two drunks through a wild chase in the back alleys of Konoha, annoying them and amusing himself with the multitude of pranks he set up along the way.

Itachi had been impressed...for a three year-old, some of the traps he build were pretty complicated. Itachi had been, for the first time in many years, happy.

Happy, for he had found his measure in strength.

Naruto's potential and talent easily rivaled his own, which was proved to be true when the yound blonde mastered the Kage Bunshin no Jutsu and Housenka no Jutsu within his first week as Itachi's apprentice.

However, there was still one thing that stunted his growth: his hope.

In the thirteen year-old prodigy's twisted mind, Naruto's hope that his village would eventually accept him will destroy his growth and Itachi would lose his measure.

He would just have to find some way to cure that...hopefully permanently.


Though Genma's expression was still bored, his mind was in awe and shock.

' Incredible! Thus far, he has already performed Goukakyuu no Jutsu, Teppoudama no Jutsu, Narakumi no Jutsu and Housenka no Jutsu and he only looks the least bit winded! I will say I'm definitely glad he'll be on our side when he grows up; He'll be unstoppable! '

" Uchiha Sasuke! Uzumaki Naruto! Prepare to fight! The winner will be the champion of the rookie year! "

Naruto looked at the board as it once again shuffled through different options for the handicap for their match, grinning sadistically as it finally stopped.

Freefight: Anything is allowed

" Hajime! "

Naruto side-stepped as his foe ran forward and punched, overextending himself due to his arrogance and lost his balance. Naruto sighed as he jumped back and cycled through his mind for jutsu to use, not wanting the match to end too soon. He didn't have a chance.

Sasuke snarled in rage as he tumbled on to the arena, cursing his own foolishness. Quickly standing up, the brunette took Naruto's inaction as an insult and rapidly formed a few hand seals.

' I'll show you for underestimating me! ' " Goukakyuu no Jutsu! "

Instinct drove in as Naruto's hands flowed into the hand seals for his technique swiftly and perfectly.

" Goukakyuu no Jutsu! "

Both fireballs collided and began to try and force its way through the other, neither backing down as intense flames brought the surrounding temperature up several degrees.

' I can't lose! I'm an UCHIHA! '

Sasuke charged even more of his impressively sized chakra store into his technique, rage for his foe and brother driving him through.

Unseen by anyone, Naruto grinned. The more resistance he puts up, the more embarassing it will be when he falls.


Itachi couldn't believe his brother's foolishness. At the rate he was going, he'll suffer from chakra depletion in less than five minutes.

He smirked. At least he knew he was right when he said that Sasuke would never surpass Naruto.

Back At The Arena...

Sasuke was struggling to hold up the technique. Who ever knew that Goukakyuu could be so draining?

His fireball faltered as for a second his chakra flickered, quickly running out.

Naruto, seizing the moment of weakness, obliterated the opposing fireball into nothingness as Sasuke tiredly avoided his own.

Genma was ready to spring in at anytime now to stop the match. Naruto could not let that happen...not until the Uchiha was knocked down a few dozen pegs.

Quickly forming three seals, he whispered, " Oto Kame no Jutsu. "

Preparing himself, he formed an entirely different set of seals which made the Sandaime and many of the Jounin's eyes widen.

Grinning mischieviously, the blonde whispered, " Magen: Jubaku Satsu. "

Sasuke was bewildered. A large tree had sprouted up behind him and binded him with its branches and vines, disabling his ability to move.

He was even more confused when his foe flickered into view in front of him, with a shit-eating grin on his face.

' Genjutsu? Kai! Kai! KAI! '

Realizing the situation he was in, Sasuke attempted to break the illusion, though he could not succeed as he could not form the correct seal with his arms binded.

" Teme, how do you think your fangirls will like it if I umm...accidentally burn your clothes off? "

Sasuke's mouth widened in horror. He couldn't be that cruel...could he?

Slowly and deliberately, Naruto formed the seals for the Kakyuu no Jutsu, prolonging the process to agonize the brunette.

" Say goodbye to your modesty! Kakyuu no Jutsu! "

Sasuke screamed in terror as his clothes burnt to ashes right in front of his eyes, leaving him naked as the day he was born, somehow managing to avoid harming him.

Naruto smirked as Sasuke cried out, " Please! I'll do anything, just stop this! I beg of you! "

" Well! All you need to do, is shout that you are an arrogant ass and admit that you're inferior to me and I'll cover you up. "

Not wanting the embarassment, Sasuke did as he was told.


Everyone in the stands were shocked at the blonde's cruelness, well...nearly. Itachi was smirking in amusement at his apprentice's antics. It would do nice to knock down the Uchiha clan a few dozen pegs, that much was agreed.

Naruto grinned even wider as he answered, " Nah! Rather not! "

Staring in horror, Sasuke could do nothing as Naruto removed the genjutsu that he had placed prior on the children of their class and watch as all the fangirls miraculously whipped up cameras from nowhere and took a perfect view of Sasuke's nudity while the boys were laughing at him loudly.

He was so embarassed and scared that he peed on himself...and dirtied Naruto's sandals. Deciding that this could not go unpunished, the blonde formed the seals for Teppoudama no Jutsu and splashed Sasuke on the face with his own pee.

After that, he exclaimed loudly to the audience, " People of Konoha! This is all the son of Uchiha Fugaku can do? Cry and pee while I humiliate him? Hah! Are you sure he's not just a bastard that Fugaku got from a whore! Watch Konoha! Watch as the all powerful Sasuke-kuuuuun fall before my feet! UCHIHA BE DAMNED! OSU! "

That said, Naruto whipped out a carema himself and took a few close shots at the humiliated Uchiha, and then knocked him out with a quick chop to the neck.

' Naruto-san, you will indeed go far...you will become my measure of power! '

' Naruto-kun, that is unlike you...Has apprenticing you under Itachi been a mistake? '

' Hmm...so that's Arashi-sensei's son? Interesting kid... '