So I haven't deserted the story completely... Half way through writing thenext chapter, so hopefully that's up sometime tommorrow
Jude hurried out of her dad's car, giving him a quick hug and ran up to Sadie, who along with everyone else there did not look impressed at her lateness.
"If you ask me I think I'm getting better at this whole being on time thing. Today I was only 5 minutes late" As their faces kept that blasé look about them Jude realised that maybe it wasn't her they were frustrated with.
"Max called, apparently is caught up in prior commitments until Friday" Sadie stated in a nonchalant tone.
Jude stared at the group. Max arriving five day later than everyone else wasn't such a big deal.
"Seriously though, what's he going to miss, eight interviews at the maximum? It's not that big of a deal"
Liam shook his head at the young woman. "Jude, Do you really expect that there are free flights of our choosing every hour on the hour. We had to pull some serious strings to be able get a small plane for ten people, and a larger plane for another twenty. Do you actually think that we can clear flights, throw people off flights? Every flight out of this country to anywhere remotely near New York is completely booked out until the 28th of December."
An awkward silence fell over the group which was held for some time, as Jude stood there for a minute, absorbing all the information in. quite obliviously looking for a way to reply to Liam's reply without sounding naïve or immature. It seemed as the entire group of people were expecting the next response to arrive from Jude, but she stood there for a second longer, before changing the subject and turning her attention the massive amounts of luggage behind them. It had been steadily packed into the boot of a black stretch hummer. The loading had almost been completed, the only items left was an eleven piece matching luggage set in a bright shocking pink.
"Sadie, are you serious" Jude looked up and down at the amount of luggage that screamed Sadie, and only Sadie's name..
"Apparently there is really great shopping in New York…"
"And apparently there is also a Christmas celebration. Sadie you can go shopping anywhere, and besides that doesn't explain anything. What, do you need a different outfit for each mall…."
"No! spare space for your Christmas presents. I doubt you left room in your suitcases for Christmas presents, and I know you haven't been shopping lately."
"What are you doing, stalking me"
"I live with you, and I was only trying to help. So next time you need assistance don't ask me, Jude."
As Sadie stalked off in what she surely thought was a dignified huff, to ensure that her luggage was being loaded properly, according to weight and size. For the second time in a few minutes another awkward silence encased the small crowd.
" So, why are we still standing in the freezing cold still, shouldn't we been moving into the car" Jude's feeble attempt at conversation seemed to create a slight stirring of interest with Liam, who for once was less informed about the situation they were in at the current moment.
"The hummer is still being loaded and my mum needed to get changed." Celina spoke in a voice barely above a whisper and was definitely a shy person, which Jude had always found strange, when she was singing it was as if she was a different person all together. A silence encompassed them once again and Jude concentrated on Celina, she had never really noticed her before. She kept to herself, was not really around G Major except when she had to be, and today was the third time Jude had ever heard her speak. The other two occasions when she uttered a word was on Celina's first day at G Major. She told the entire G Major staff a little bit about her, and then an hour later asked Jude if she would by any chance happen to know where the bathrooms were at all. Celina twirled a strand of her long auburn hair around her finger, almost bored, and as Jude looked up at Celina's eyes she saw emerald green gems with a sadness about them, a saddness that seemed similar to the one that Jude had experienced every day since the night that Tommy left. Perhaps the pain behind her mask was the reason for her quietness, perhaps her pain was a great deal larger than Jude's