He just watched her as she smiled upon him. She was covered in sweat and her breathing was heavy.
Jay could still remember how he got her to be his girlfriend. They went to the dance together, got into a fight, made up, and got a first kiss. Of course, Archie and the others teased them, but after separated going into collage, he couldn't get his mind off her.
Jay and Archie got into the Arizona Academy, but Theresa, Atlanta and Odie got into Oxford. Neil and Herry got into UBC, A.K.A. University of British Columbia. Theresa's mouth was wide open when Jay said that they were going into different collages. But they promised to keep in contact and still be boyfriend and girlfriend.
It was the last night they were going to spend with each other, and fireworks where going off. Jay and Theresa spent the night watching them go off, lying together on a hammock. Soon enough, she fell asleep in his arms and both stayed there for the night.
From inside the dorms, Atlanta watched them, thinking how sweet it could get, and far it could go.
But in the morning, Theresa, Atlanta and Odie took the plane to Oxford. They waved good bye and hoped for the best.
All the teen successfully graduated and met in New Olympia. To Jay's surprise, Theresa was more mature, more beautiful, smart, and Archie teased Jay at how she was out of his league.
Jay ignored Archie and asked Theresa if they could talk for awhile. He had thought this through and finally had the courage to ask her the question that changes a person's Life: "Would you marry me?"
Theresa immediately said yes, and couldn't sleep the night. They planned to wed in three months, which wasn't very much.
The two adults were husband and wife, and so where Archie and Atlanta. Neil had met a modeling agent and is currently dating her. Herry works as a mechanic and is married as well. Odie was spending time with Calypso, which he had brought her to the city and was living a modern life.
But Jay and Theresa had something special already. She was pregnant, and fortunately they thought this through. There were no problems, no emergencies, until Theresa found out that she was having twins.
Still, they got through with it, and all they're waiting is for their children.
(End flashback)
Theresa squeezed Jay's hand in pain. She groaned, and then relaxed as she heard a cry of a baby.
"Okay, this one's a girl…" the nurse said. Jay smiled down at her and rubbed her forehead. "It's going to be okay…" he reassured her.
Once again another cry came out. "Oh, congratulations, this one's a boy! You're a mother of twins!" She said. Theresa had rest her head on the pillow. It was finally over…
"What are you going to name them?" Jay asked. Theresa made a face. "Oh, you're not going to help, hm?" She joked. Jay chuckled. "You name the girl; I'll do the boy, okay?" He asked. Theresa nodded.
Theresa had taken the baby girl. "I guess this one will be…Jaime, considering she's the descendant of Jason."
"True, but she's also a descendant of Theseus, remember?" He laughed. "So what?" Theresa smiled. "How about the boy?" She asked. Jay looked at him. "I have no idea…" he laughed. Theresa smirked.
"So that's why you wanted me to do both. Let's see… a name that starts with 'T' and 'H'…" Theresa's eyes widen. "The only name I know is 'Thomas'," She smiled. Jay laughed. "Fine, why not?" He said.
Theresa looked in Jay's eyes and sighed.
"I wonder what life's going to be like now…"
LOL, there it is! It was 'inspired' something like that happened to a family friend.