DISCLAIMER: Tenchi Muyo! Is copyright AIC/Pioneer, LDC. I have no claim to them

RSA: Ryoko

A/N This begins about 1 ½ years after the events of Tenchi Muyo! Ryo-Oki OVA 20

Chapter one: Ryoko

Ryoko was bored sooo very, very bored.

Tenchi was away for a few days with his sister Tennyo and Yosho was with his formally secret wife. Ryoko scratched her head as she thought about that Tennyo Minaho and Airi. Tenchi had a whole family out there. A sister, a grandmother, and an aunt. Although she wouldn't call Airi a grandmother to her face her cheeks still hurt from the last time she made that mistake. In fact Ryoko reasoned it wasn't safe to even say it out loud it was as if that woman could hear it from across the galaxy. Ryoko sighed He was spending time with them now. She missed him terribly, she felt so alone. But she couldn't begrudge him his wish for family time, in truth she was glad it made up for the hole she felt when she thought of family. She had none.

Ryoko quickly pushed the thoughts of family away and started to think about other things she had thoroughly creamed ayeka in an argument. The princess was off sulking, Sasami and ryo-oki was off playing in the carrot patch again.

Maybe I'll go to the oshen shrugged Ryoko she got up but decided against it she realised she didn't want to be alone she decided to go bug Washu

Ryoko entered Washu's lab and frowned it was empty Washu must be with Noike. Though Ryoko. Ryoko didn't trust Noike, she didn't trust that girl just like she didn't trust ayeka. Tenchi's fiancee! It irked her she knew the truth about Noike, having lived through the Choushin contest and history repeating itself, and she knew she had assimilated the female half of Kagato. But she knew that deep down Noike loved Tenchi which is the reason she stayed and hated the fact that Noike had a one up on her by being Tenchi's official fiancee

Ryoko closed her eyes. Why was she on the loosing end? Noike was Tenchi's official fiancée, Ayeka was a princess, the crown princess in a way, sasami would assimilate with Tsunami and was a breathtaking beauty that outstripped her, Mihoshi came from a rich family and there she was, Ryoko the space pirate, devil of destruction. She struggled to get her warring emotions under control she would just have to try harder to win Tenchi's love.

Ryoko sighed sat down and looked at Washu's holo-computer she flicked through the data on screen unable to understand what was on screen she frowned she wished she could understand it. She wished she could understand the words on screen she did once but she had lost it, she had lost her ability to read.

Actually not lost, it was stripped from her.

Stripped from by Kagato

She remembered it like it was yesterday

"You disobeyed me Ryoko!" Roared Kagato.

"M-master please!" Screamed a young teen

"You allowed a few of them to escape! This I cannot have! I allowed you a little freedom and this is how you repay me!"

"I just th-"

"You what? You thought? This is what I get for allowing you a little freedom you start to think. Well from now on I do the thinking Ryoko"

Ryoko's mind was on fire

"Does it hurt Ryoko? What you're feeling is me destroying the nerve clusters that control independent cognitive control. You wont be able to read, write, or calculate anything ever again! You wont feel any emotions no happiness no joy! You will only feel what I want you to feel you will only do what I want you to! You will just be a marionette!"

All Ryoko could do was nod and even then it wasn't of her own free will.

Ryoko closed her eyes as she felt tears start to form she had never been able to understand how to read or write since she used ryo-oki to translate and put words in her head. She felt so stupid she so wanted to have what she lost back

She stared at the screen angrily there was an annoying ringing in her ears she was frustrated she raised her hand to smash the holo-emitter crystals when she gasped in shock.

The ringing in her ears had stopped.

And she understood the words on screen she looked down at the keyboard and she realised she understood what each letter was she started to read what was on screen

"Enter name?" Read Ryoko "okay that's easy Ryoko Hakubi!" Ryoko frowned as she realised what she had written, and what it signified. Before she had wanted to deny Washu's claim to parentage but when typing her name the Hakubi name just came out, it came out so easily and it felt so right. Ryoko sighed she had accepted the fact that Washu was her mother she put those thoughts aside and started looking at the collection of complex puzzles

She growled as most of this stuff was too advanced for her but she was determined to answer at least one question right she sat there for an hour struggling to try an answer the questions in the end she answered 9 out of the 20 questions. Happy with her effort she had made she left the lab and decided to go find Mihoshi, she was always good for a few drinks. Moments later the lab was empty and a glowing female figure composed of stars appeared the figure stepped forward only to see another figure appear she was dressed in mostly in white with blue highlights and her hair was a paler blue her name was Tsunami and she was one of the Choushin, the three goddesses. "Who are you and what are you doing here?" said Tsunami

"Hello Tsunami," said the first arrival. "Who I am is private, as for what I'm doing here? I'm taking a hand in ensure the future I desire comes to be."

"You can't manipulate time like that!"

"Oh I recall you doing it more than once Tsunami intervening ensuring the fate you desire comes to be."

Tsunami looked at the stranger stunned. "It was for the greater good! I can't let you—"

"Let me do what? You're sealed Tsunami I however am not."

Tsunami suddenly felt an overpowering godly radiance if she was unsealed she could match it but sealed as she was it overpowered her but such a thing was supposed to be impossible! "What are you?" snapped Tsunami.

"A friend. A friend who would aid you in your quest to create the anomalies you seek, as I am one such culmination."

"Why would we continue? Tenchi has provided us with the answers we seek besides I thought Z and Tenchi were the only—"

"No there is currently one other primed however the way things stand that anomaly, will not come to be with out a gentle nudge."

"You're insuring your creation!"

"Actually yes, but not directly however my creation is assured just like you insured the creation of your new body sasami."


"Don't deny it Tsunami you insured sasami was born. She's always been you she just doesn't know it yet."

"You know?"

"Yeah I know that you placed a portion of yourself into Misaki and allowed that to be born and develop as a normal Jurai girl"

Tsunami sighed, "You are well informed."

"I make it my job to know." the being waved a hand over Washu's holo computer and smiled "there you go!" its sent.

"What did you send?"

"Can't tell you yet."

"But why?"

"You'll see!" said the figure vanishing

Tsunami was worried by this turn of events. "Tokimi, Washu, I need you." she called out

Suddenly they were there.

"What is it Tsunami I was in the-oh." said Washu she looked at her holo computer "well then, lets see if I can find out— hmmmm. That's very frustrating."

"You? Frustrated?" Said Tokimi.

"Ha-ha sis who ever did this is good they blocked a thread of fate I cant interfere even if I wanted to this has to reach its conclusion."

"Let me see that!" said Tokimi. "Amazing it's so simple yet so complex a total contradiction."

The three goddesses nodded. "We best keep an eye on this." said Washu.

Tsunami and Tokimi nodded.

At that moment in a sub space pocket outside of conventional reality the figure that had talked to Tsunami appeared.

"Its done." she said softly removing her disguise allowing her blond tresses to cascade down her back

"I could of done it," said another voice

"Subtlety is not your speciality my sister."

"Hmph." Was the only reply.

"Girls, do not fight, now things can truly begin!" said a male voice

"Very well my lord," said the two women in unison

"Perfect! Now then lets go join the others."

And with those words the trio left the sub space pocket

To be continued