Captain Raven Roth- I wasn't thinking too many. I got way more than I thought.
Eternal Silver Flame- Thank you very much!
ButWhyIsAllTheRUMGone-Wait, the second movie? That came out last month. At least, where I am. Maybe I misunderstood your question.
Estel Ashlee Snape- I dunno, I thought about going with Jack, but I tried to consider what I would do, had I actually been in that situation.
ta1nt3d1uv- Awesome! Thanx, d00d!
TheOddOne- No as in…Don't make it any different, or no as in, I didn't mutate it? Anyway, SQUEE! KIRBY!
AJsHellCat- Yay! I'm so glad you liked it!
NarnianPirate- Whoo! Sequaaaaaal! –jams on air guitar- Um, yeah!
Alright, the sequel is officially up, so go check it out and review! Wait. Lets rephrase that. Don't review here. Reveiw there.
Ah, another thing. If you come along later, please review the story. Even just a short little one. It would be good to know that people are still reading it after I'm done.