Chapter 9-Our Friend's Knows

Disclaimer: Do Not Owe Naruto!

notes: the last chapter! Here it is...


"Hinata! Oi! Are you awake?" I called out as I went to the Hyuuga compound the next day as Hinata wasn't in her apartment building as I just came from it. "Some people are trying to sleep here," a voice said unhappily as I looked and saw Neji staring at me as he was training yet once again, I laughed nervously.

"Your awake though," I pointed out as Neji glared at me. "I meant the others, you moron," he said as I glared at him, just then the doors opened from the dojo as we both looked and saw Hinata coming out. "Ah, Hinata!" I said excitedly as Hinata looked at me and then looked away quickly, "Hinata?" I asked blinking as her father came out from behind her.

"Naruto," Hiashi said looking at me as I looked at him. "Naruto, everyone knows," Hinata said as I looked at her, "what?" I asked as Hinata looked at me. "Everyone knows what we did last night," she said blushing, "eh! How can that be?" I asked as I looked at Neji who was glaring at me.


I went to my practice session with the others as we were training at the old training grounds as Hinata went to her training session as well. "Rumor is going around swiftly, eh Naruto?" Sasuke asked as we stopped for a break and Sakura was with Kakashi as usual as Sakura had her head over his shoulder, "who told!" I asked angrily.

"I heard it was Ino who was talking to Tenten and I think Tenten told her team and Gai-sensei was there so he told the jounin's and the others," Sakura said slowly as she lifted her head up to look at me. "Gai can have a big mouth," Kakashi murmured as Sakura chuckled, "I'm going to kill Ino!" I said angrily.

"Much that I want you to do that to her Naruto, you can't," Sakura murmured as I frowned. "Besides, weren't you going to tell everyone about Hinata and your relationship anyway?" Sasuke asked annoyed as I shrugged, "so it doesn't matter anyway!" Sakura said smiling as I glared at her.

"But it's embarrassing that everyone knows what we did last night!" I exclaimed as Sasuke didn't said anything and Sakura's face reddened, "so it doesn't matter Naruto. Just as long as you two are together and happy right?" Kakashi asked as I looked at him and I nodded slowly.


I was just going back to my place after a tiring training practice as I saw Hinata walking with Iruka-sensei, Kurenai-sensei and Shino. "Hinata!" I said waving to the group as they looked up and saw me waving to them, Hinata said her good-bye's to them as she ran to me and hugged me tightly.

I was surprised at first as Hinata let go off me, "Naruto-kun, are you really serious about our relationship?" She asked as I blinked and I nodded as she smiled. "You won't throw me away for another woman?" She asked as I shook my head, "I love you Hinata. I can't think of anyone else then you," I said as Hinata blushed.

I looked up and I saw Hinata's group watching us along with several people around us as well with my team. "I love you Naruto," Hinata said smiling, "I love you too Hinata," I said as we leaned in and kissed as everyone cheered. I guess they were cheering since they knew Hinata was waiting for me to figure out that she was in love with me years ago.

But I didn't figure it out until now that we were meant to me. I truly love the young heir to the Hyuuga clan other side, as I had respect to her father along with Neji. I truly love Hinata Hyuuga and I hope we could be truly together forever as we live.



me: a little short but it was the end anyway

hinata: whaddya mean 'anyway?'

me: you know what i mean hinata!

sasuke: we'll be onto the next story soon

naruto: review and update!