Word count: 456.
"Heiji!" Toyama Kazuha ran into her best friend's room. "I'm here. Are you ready to go?"
"Hm?" Hattori Heiji, a dark-skinned young man of 17 years, looked up from his motorcycle magazine. He sat up and swung his legs over the side of his bed, standing in one fluid movement. He grabbed Kazuha's shoulders. "What," he hissed at her, "are you wearing?"
Kazuha gave her friend a weird look. "Is there something wrong with what I'm wearing?"
"Of course, you idiot!" He snarled as he waved a hand up and down towards her attire. "Just look at yourself!"
Kazuha did as she was told with an unabashed expression. She looked at Heiji again, her brow furrowed. "I still don't understand. What's wrong?"
Heiji narrowed his eyes. "Well, if you don't know yourself, I'm not going to tell you!" Throwing up his hands, exasperated, Heiji rummaged through his closet. "Here."
Kazuha caught the sweatshirt he threw at her. "What's this for?" She watched as he grabbed his hat and rammed it onto his head.
"Put it on."
"Just do it!"
"Fine, fine," Kazuha shrugged on the sweater, inhaling the distinct Heiji-smell. She smiled under the cover of the sweater. "Now what?"
Heiji pressed his lips together, scrutinizing Kazuha carefully. "I still don't like it."
"Don't like what?" She began to fuss with her ponytail, confused. "What's wrong, Heiji? Just tell me!"
"You! That's what's wrong. What you're wearing is wrong." He threw his hat onto his bed to frustratingly run his hands through his hair.
"But this is what I usually wear..." Her tube top and skirt. What was wrong with that...? Unless... oh. Oh. Oh.
Heiji seemed oblivious to her deduction. She began to laugh quietly beside him, sitting down on the bed to control herself. "What? What are you laughing at? 'Zuha?"
"You, Heiji!" She smiled at him brightly. "I'll go home and change, okay?"
He looked taken back. "Oh.. uh, okay. That would be good..." A flush settled around his neck. Why did her smile affect him so? "No, wait, I'm coming with you."
"I won't let you watch me change, Heiji!"
"Ahou! Like I wanted to do that!" A full blush fell onto his dark face. "And give me back my sweater!"
Kazuha stuck her tongue at him, running down the stairs, Heiji following her closely. A smile playing on her lips, Kazuha let Heiji catch up to her, the boy still muttering.
Feeling daring, Kazuha took his hat from his head (when did he put it back on?) and pulled it onto her own head. "You're so cute, Heiji." With that, she picked up her pace to a run. Heiji, immobilized for a few seconds, blinked and grinned, chasing after her.
A/N: First DC fic. Welcome me to the fandom! I've been here a while, but this is my first fic. Mmm, written for kaiyrah, posted at her LJ. Heiji/Kazuha is winage. I actually cheated a bit and used one of my old plots. This is in response to all those awesome HeijiKazuha fics out there. I am in awe.