Hey, I sorta adopted this from coastaltigeress. I will be putting more stuff into it to try and make the chapters longer and more descriptive, but will use most (If not all) of the topics and ideas that she did. Anyway, let me know what you think and what I should include.

Harry sat at the back of his uncles car, staring out into space. His thoughts continued to go back to the events at the DOM, Tonks fell down the long staircase and her aunt Bellatrix Lestrange walked down confidently. Walking to Harry she raised her wand as Harry stood, he would rather die standing proudly, then to cower and hand over what she wanted so desperately…the prophecy. Harry then saw his godfather come between the pair and duel with the witch, never when Harry was with his godfather did he ever see him happy, that is until that moment. Watching the pair exchange insults, curses and hex's Sirius stood and taunt his cosine, seizing the moment, Bellatrix stunned Sirius and watched as he fell through the void. For a moment, and only a moment, Harry saw Bellatrix face fall, and aura of regret took her over. Just as quickly as the it came, did it disappear. "Out of the car brat!" Uncle Vernon bellowed to his young nephew as the car came to a halt in front of the perfectly maintained house. "This summer will not be any different than the others," Harry saw something that he hated more than Voldmort, more than dementors…it was his uncles smile, the smile he wore before… "Now get inside boy." Harry did as he was told, pulling the trunk onto his shoulders, Harry went up the stairs to his room and placed his trunk in front of his bed. Walking down the stairs, he saw Vernon smile again, Harry knew what was coming, he lived with his uncle for 15 years. With that in mind, Harry then braced himself as his uncle's meaty fist connected with the side of his face, sending him down to the floor. "You think that they could stop me?" Vernon asked "You honestly think that your freaks could stop me from disciplining you?" With each word, Vernon's volume increased and his face went from a red to a darker purple. "So tell me boy…" Vernon latched onto his hair and pulled Harry to his feet, punching Harry in the gut and tossing him into a wall "What did you tell them…those freaks had the audacity to threaten my family and I." Harry could feel the side of his face swell and throb. "I don't see them, where are they? ANSWER ME HARRY!" Vernon screeched as Harry's vision began to blur, he looked for help only to see Dudley snicker and ask for a turn. Looking to his aunt, he saw her pale and walk forward, coming between her husband and nephew.

"That is enough Vernon." Petunia stated


"You won't." Petunia stated again. Harry then felt…pain, worse than anything that he has ever lived through, biting his lower lip to hold in his scream, Harry gave in and closed his eyes. When he reopened them, Harry looked down and saw Voldmort, cowering on the floor before Voldmort. "Y-you called m-me s-sire?"

Harry/Voldmort looked down in disgust at the sniveling man. "There is a traitor amongst us Wormtail, you now have the chance that you wanted so badly to redeem yourself." Voldmort smiled at the sniveling man.

"Yes, I w-won't fail y-you my l-l-lord. Anything else you desire?" Wormtail asked

"For now and tell Bellatrix she did her job well the brat is depressed over the mutt's death." With that, Wormtail kissed the bottom of his robes before scurrying out of his master sights.

Harry sat straight up, which he immediately regretted. Looking around his dimly lit room, Harry noticed that someone was there, it was a girl, she had dark brown hair that fell in-between her shoulders, the girl was about 5"6 and had a healthy build to her. She also seemed to be around her twenties. The girl stared blankly out the window, Harry still couldn't see her face though. "You're up are you?" The girl asked, her voice was familiar, but Harry couldn't place it.

"Who are you?" Harry asked groggily

"Don't worry, you're safe. I sent a letter to that young woman…Tank was it?" The girl stated/asked.

"Tonks? Why her?" Harry asked

"Because," The girl turned and Harry saw the same piercing green eyes that he had. "She's the one that threatened us. Plus we need to talk." Harry's mind was going a mile a minuet, who was this girl and why did she seem so familiar?

"I'll ask again, who are you?"

"You're aunt fool." The girl smiled playfully. Harry looked at her again, like she was out of her mind. Sighing, she sat down on the bed next to him. "I shaved your hair." Harry's look of confusion changed to anger. "Listen…I'm sorry, if you're willing to listen, I can prove to you that I am sorry." Harry nodded but continued to glare at his aunt. "When I was twenty, your mother and I were closer than I originally wanted to let on. So when we graduated we went our separate ways, but she kept in touch, well, she wrote one day, asking me for the key to Godric's Hollow, when I sent it, she wrote to me again. What she wrote was odd though, so I think that you should read it over." Pulling a old and ripped letter from her pocket, carefully unfolding it, she handed to Harry, a hint of sadness in her eyes.


I know that this is going to sound odd, but we are in hiding, that's not the odd part, I've seen it, James and I are going to die soon, and we are going to leave my son to Sirius. What the odd part is though is that Dumbledore will disobey our will and send my child to you. The reason that he would do this is unknown, and why Voldmort would want Harry dead is puzzling still. I know that he will not be safe with you because of your husband Vernon. So I beg you to keep Harry safe from your husband, I know that he would hurt Harry.

As for if anything could be done to stop this, it can't. I know that he would follow me, both Dumbledore and Voldmort. Just know that Harry will come to you soon. I know that we didn't always see eye to eye, but please protect my son. If Dumbledore comes to you without Harry, leave, run, just get away, he might know that I am on to him.

I wish you happiness sister.

Love Lily

Harry was in awe, tears rolled down his cheeks. "Why did you do it then, why did you let this happen?"

Petunia raised her sleeve and wiped away his tears. "It wasn't my choice." Harry changed from sadness to anger and his aunt sighed again.


"If you would shut up I could show you." Petunia said calmly, pulling out a wand and pointing it at her forehead, a silver string shot out and into a small vile. "Watch." Harry leaned over to where her aunt looked down, slowly a memory took her over. Harry looked around, he was in the kitchen of private drive as his uncle stormed in.

"Petunia, what are you thinking! What would the neighbors say? You need to forget about the freak you call a sister1" Vernon whispered

"Shut it!" Petunia stated looking over the note, slowly she grew paler and teared up. The door thumped as someone was knocking on it very hard. Without another word, the door blew open and baby Dudley began to cry. In walked Dumbledore, wand at the ready. The note fresh in Petunia's mind, she pulled out her wand, unable to apparate away, she would fight, something scared her though, Dumbledore's twinkle was gone, he became cold, mean, and above all angry. "REDUCTOR!" Petunia shouted, the old man easily dodged. "Accio Nia." Petunia flew at him as he side stepped, she flew into a wall, "Bombada." A small explosion went around Petunia, blew out the wall and she was forced out onto the lawn, violently she hit the ground with a loud scream as she bounced back up an inch and hit the ground again. Dumbledore kicked away her wand, grabbing her by her shirt, dragged her into the house where Dudley was silenced and Vernon was out cold. Tossing Harry's aunt onto the couch, he raised his wand, "OBLIVIATE!" With that Harry was thrown out of the memory and into his room. Harry was stunned to say the least.

"Understand Harry, after he obliviated me, he gave me false memories. I thought that you weren't a child…I don't know what I thought of you to tell the truth. He left the memories of loneliness and being in Lily's shadow." Petunia looked into her nephew's eyes. He was silent for about a minuet

"How did you end up with Vernon anyway?" Harry asked

"Well, I met him in a bar. To tell you the truth, he was the first to show me affection, my parents paid more attention to my sister than me, so I grabbed the first blimp that floated by." Harry gave a small chuckle.

"Why did he call you Nia? Also, why do you look so young?"

"You see, Nia is my real name, because Lily said I should take on a second identity, I did, I created Petunia, as to why I am not old…I am a metamorphagus." Harry looked stunned and Nia smiled. "You might be one too, so I called that Tank woman to help me train you."

Harry shook himself out of the shock. "How did you break it? The memory charm I mean." Harry asked

"You remember that howler that said remember my last? It was Lily's voice, it was enough to break the charm, as to how it got here, I have no clue." The door closed and another woman with pink hair stood in the door way.

"I sent it, Moony had a similar charm on him. Turned out Lily left that howler in Sirius room, she must of figured what Dumbledore would have done and left it for just in case." Tonks stated as she gave Harry a hug. "How you been?"

"I should ask you that after dueling Bellatrix. But right now I'm pretty pissed. Tonks, you have any clue as to why Dumbledore would do something like this?"

"None yet, but have you started to put things together?" Tonks asked.

"Now that I think about it…yeah, I started to. Like how Hagrid got me, he's a good guy, but I doubt that my parents would trust him, even if the house was destroyed, the fidilus charm should still be up, he must have put it up and allowed me to be taken. The philosophers stone my first year makes sense now, if a first year could get through, why couldn't a dark lord. The chest board, he could blow the pieces away, the potions he would know about, could of killed the three headed dog, easily gotten rid of the damn plants. And blow the door away without getting any of the flying keys. He's probably done more, I just can't think of it."

Tonks looked down. "That's not even half of what he did to you, I'll tell you more later, but now, we should get going."

"Where too?" Harry asked

"You really don't know do you?" Tonks frowned and ready for Harry's voice to raise. "We are going to Sirius's will reading. Dumbledore didn't tell you about that either did he?" Harry raised an eyebrow. "I'm sorry Harry, you missed it." Tonks now had tears in her eyes "The funeral was yesterday, I couldn't go because the order had me on a mission. I'm so sorry." Nia placed a hand on the young woman's back to try and comfort her.

"Listen, Harry missed the funeral, but I won't have him miss the will reading, now go." Nia stated "I have to have a word with Vernon and Dudley."

"Now Harry," Tonks began, eyes still red and puffy. "Dumbledore can't know that you are onto him, he needs to think that you are still under his influence, it may be hard, but you can't be rude to him or anything. Do you understand?"

"What if he uses Legmency?" Harry asked as they pushed the heavy doors open and walked into Gringotts.

"I'll distract him, just let me know if he does anything, I will bring a book on how to build mental shields tomorrow, but for now, you have to bear with the headmaster." Harry didn't look happy, but still nodded his head.

"Excuse me," Harry said looking at a young goblin "We are here for the will reading of Sirius Black, I was wondering if you could take us to where it is being read?" The goblin looked as if it had seen a ghost but nodded and took them to a room in the far back into the bank, if you looked at it from the outside, you would never guess how many rooms this bank did have. When they did reach the room, Harry thanked the goblin and entered. Looking around, he noticed Draco, Narcissa, Bellatrix, Remus, Dumbledore and the Weasley's. No one was talking, it was more like shrieking when they saw Harry and Tonks walked into the room.

Dumbledore shouted for silence, and everyone obeyed, even Bellatrix and Narcissa. "Harry my boy what are you doing here?" Dumbledore asked putting up the kind grandfather act. Harry turned emotionless, and said that he missed the funeral but wouldn't miss the will reading. Mrs. Weasley then stood up and walked to Harry.

"Harry dear, we don't think that you should be here you are not emotionally stable just yet." Mrs. Weasley said in a kind tone.

"Molly, Harry has every right to be here, and no one should be in their right mind right now, we just lost a good man." Remus stated hotly. Clearly he was having a tough time keeping his anger in check.

"I was only thinking…" Mrs. Weasley was interrupted by one of the last people she thought would do it.

"He's not your son. He is growing and can make his own decisions." Bellatrix stated, her eyes still closed, her arms folded over her chest, still calm as ever.

"WHAT WOULD YOU KNOW?" Mrs. Weasley shot back

"For one to keep my temper in check. And two, your breath reeks shit, so please do everyone a favor and stuff it." Harry grinned, Remus looked down to hide the fact he was laughing, Narcissa and Draco burst out into hysterics.

A goblin cleared his throat. "While I agree, I believe that we should start with Mr. Black's will. I Sirius Black sound of mind and body despite popular belief mainly that statement was for the first person that I will mention Remus Lupin. To my dearest friend and the last of the marauders I leave 100.000 galleons and my godson Harry please look after him my old friend.
To Nymphadora Tonks I leave you 30,000 galleons use it well and have fun.
To Bellatrix Black I know that you were always as was I the black sheep of the family so I have arranged a divorce for you as the head of the Black Family.
To Narcissa you are a true Malfloy so I leave you with one of my most treasured Items," The goblin pushed a briefcase to Narcissa who opened it and found a jar of toe nail clippings. "I'm joking, throw the jar away, most of those were moms, none of those are sanitary. I have drawn up divorce for you as well, I can't have my cosine married to that git a moment longer"
Last but never least to my godson I leave everything else please ensure Bella is cared for and destroy that tapestry. You will now be known as Lord Harry James Evans Potter Black should you so choose goodbye for now my godson.
Sirius Black.

What other pairings would you like to see? Harry and Bella are obvious, anyone else? Good? Bad? Okay? Leave a review.