Mew: Well, I submitted all of the chapters on the same day, so you don't have to worry about updates and such. Draiku, tell them why. It's past four thirty in the morning. –yawns-

Draiku: -sighs- Fine. Mew wasn't sure if she was going to post this since it's too weird. Almost as weird as Clashshipping! –laughs-

Anyway, she did some thinking. In a sense, yamis are like Yeerks. And that was the idea that sprouted this. So she decided to write it for fun since she likes writing weird things, and she finished it before she decided to post it, like she does with a lot of stories, including chapter stories.

Mew: Thank you. And the really great thing about this is that I completed twenty pages on the very first day I started it! Twenty pages! –is proud- Of course, I was exhausted by the time I could see Venus in the morning sky, so I fell asleep right after I finished those twenty pages. The computer was literally sitting on the bed in front of me with the top open. I was in BIIIIIG trouble.

Oh, and this is just me exploring my boundaries. That way I can figure them out and…tee-hee, DESTROY them! Mostly so I can become the best writer I can be. –grin-

Anyway, enjoy! And I think that this may be the only Animorphs/YGO crossover fic… eh, it might not, but hey, I'm too lazy at the moment to go and check. –grin-


/words go here/ means thought speak.

Disclaimer: I don't own Yu-Gi-Oh! or Animorphs.


Chapter 1

Malik Ishtar walked down the street late at night, bored out of his wits. Little did he know that he was making a deadly mistake.

As he was walking, he heard a strange noise, in fact, it was a sound he had never heard before. Naturally, he wondered what it was. So, he made the stupid mistake of going towards it. When he saw what was making the sounds, he let out a yell of disgust, surprise, and fear.

Standing almost twenty feet in front of him was a huge, ten-foot long centipede. Except it wasn't a centipede, its front body stood erect. It had many horrible crab pincers for arms, and a multitude of red, soulless eyes. It's mouth was round and had many pointed teeth in it. It's entire body was a sickly yellow color, almost the color of vomit.

Standing in front of the centipede/crab/worm thing was a huge lizard-like creature. It was seven feet tall, give or take an inch, and covered in blades. There was also a human standing there, actually speaking with these things.

As soon as Malik released the yell, the creatures and the human immediately looked towards him. The human grinned evilly. He pointed at Malik and murmured something to the creatures, who began to advance towards him.

"No!" Malik cried. He turned to run, but the huge lizard ran faster. It gripped Malik tightly and forced him back. "Let go of me, you freak!" Malik yelled, struggling to get away.

"I'm afraid we can't do that," the human said. "We won't hurt you, after all, Visser Three likes getting new slaves. Come you two," he said to the creatures.

"Wait! What's a Visser! What do you mean he likes new slaves! Where are you taking me!" Malik demanded, and the lizard clamped a claw over his mouth.

"You'll find out all of that soon enough. Hurry up!" the human barked at the creatures. They took Malik to a McDonald's. It was closed, no one was in there. They opened the refrigerator and took him inside. Malik gasped. There was an entire staircase there! They took him down the stairs, and Malik heard screams and curses.

His eyes widened when he saw a large cave at the bottom of the stairs. There were cages all around, containing humans of all sizes, races, genders, and ages. The cages also had more lizards, some even contained the large centipedes. The huge lizard holding Malik captive carried him to a computer screen. The screen flickered on and a very strange face appeared.

The face was human in shape, covered in blue fur. It had two slanted eyes on its face, while there was another set of eyes on stalks on top of its head. It only had a few slits for a nose, and it had no mouth.

The lizard spoke to this face, this face that sent chills up Malik's spine, in a different language, one that Malik could never learn.

/Good/ said the face. Only it didn't say it, Malik heard the voice in his mind/Put him in section 35, quadrant 2. Let a high-ranking Yeerk have him./

"Yes, Visser!" the lizard said. He dragged Malik to a part of the pool. He grabbed a fistful of Malik's hair and thrust his head into the dark-grey substance. Malik gritted his teeth, then he felt something slimy touch his ear. He could have cried out if he could breath as the thing burrowed deeper into his hear. It felt horrible!

The lizard pulled him back up above the water. Malik emitted a low groan. His head hurt terribly, and he was about to ask for an Aspirin, but he couldn't move his mouth, no matter how hard he tried.

/Interesting memories, very interesting/ said a voice. Malik blinked. Where had that voice come from/So you were abused as a child? Very interesting. What? You were whipped? You, by far, are one of the most interesting hosts I've ever had./ It was the same voice. Malik tried to move his mouth, but he couldn't. /Don't even try, fool. I own you, your mind and body. I'm in control, and you are nothing but a slave./

/What? Who are you? Why can't I move/ Malik replied, mentally glaring. The voice chuckled.

/I am Marik127. As you can tell, I am a very high-ranking Yeerk because of my low number/ the voice replied. /And you are Malik Ishtar. Interesting name, Malik, in many different languages, means someone of importance. Ishtar was a Babylon deity of war and lust./

/So? So what if my name's weird? Your name sounds like a n00b's username/ Malik snapped back. /What's a Yeerk/

/A Yeerk is the most powerful thing in the universe, my friend. In our natural state we're mere slugs, as you would call us, but when we have a host we can take over entire planets, like what we'll do to your own. We took over the Gedds and the Hork-Bajir, the Taxxons surrendered to us for food! Now we will rule over your pitiful race./

/Hork-Bajir? Was that one of the creatures that took me here/ Malik asked.

/They're huge lizards, Taxxons are large centipedes, and the Gedds are basically primates. Now shut up, I need to tell that Hork-Bajir over there that I'm in control of you./ Malik felt his legs moving, but he wasn't moving them himself.

/You're…controlling me/ he said.

/Finally you've figured it out. Of course I am, now shut up/

/No! No! Get out of my head! I don't want you to control me! Get out/ Malik cried. He heard the Yeerk, Marik127, laugh at his attempt.

/Fool/ Marik replied. He told the Hork-Bajir who he was and the name of his host. /Now, I'll take you home, since it must be way past your bedtime. It's already three in the morning./

Marik took Malik home easily, using Malik's memory to show him where it was. His mother opened the door immediately. Malik thought of how his father would have beaten him if he came home this late years ago. His mother immediately pulled him into a tight hug.

"Malik! Where have you been? We were so worried about you!" she cried. "Please don't sneak out like that again, please!" Marik searched through Malik's memory to see how he'd react.

"Sorry, mom, okay?" he said exactly like Malik would have said it. He even sighed and rolled his eyes. "Look, I just needed to get out a bit. Alright?"

/Don't believe him/ Malik cried. /Please don't/

/Shut up. She thinks that I'm you! You fool, you can't do anything/ Marik sneered.

"Okay, Malik. Just please don't stay out that long like that again, alright? I don't want you to get hurt," she said. "Are you hungry or anything?"

"No, I'm fine. Thanks, though," Marik said and he walked in. "I'm going to go to bed, alright?" he said.

"Okay. You look exhausted." Marik walked upstairs and into Malik's room. The Yeerk sifted through Malik's memory and found the location of his…diary. He lifted the mattress and opened it up. Malik gasped.

/Don't you dare read that! It's my private life! I'll…I'll kill you if you do/ Malik cried.

/And how will you do that? I control your every movement/ Marik replied. /Well, let's see…you got beat up again, your goldfish died, and…oh, hello? What's this? A crush/ Malik mentally blushed and lowered his head in shame. /On a boy! No wonder you don't want me to read this! Hah! So, his name's Bakura? Interesting, interesting. My, Malik, what a dirty mind you have, writing this down/ Marik added with a cackle.

/So what if I like guys? So what if I have a different sexual preference than you! You have no right to root around in my memories/ Malik yelled. /Get out of my head/ Marik just laughed.

/I'm afraid not. But I will tell you that every three days I'll be out of your head. We Yeerks have a need for something you wouldn't know of called Kandrona. So you'll have your own mind for a while, then I'll come and take you again. You'll never be free/ he said. Malik glared. /Now, you need your sleep. Good night, slave./ Malik was really exhausted, mentally, that is. He had fought with the Yeerk, but in the end he kept losing. He fell asleep, letting the darkness consume him.


Malik woke up. His eyes were already open. He wanted to believe that it was all a horrible dream, but it wasn't. He attempted to move his arm, but he couldn't. Then he realized that the Yeerk was speaking with his siblings.

/No/ he hissed. /Keep my siblings out of this/ he yelled at the Yeerk. Marik just laughed and continued speaking.

"Anyway, tomorrow we'll go and volunteer at the Children's Hospital. Afterwards we're going to eat out at the local Valentino's," he said to Rishid and Isis. "You guys could join. The Sharing's really nice."

/You leave them alone! Don't you dare do this/ Malik cried.

/Fool. Look. They're already considering it/ Marik replied smugly.

/Isis, Rishid! Don't! It's a trap/ Malik wanted to yell, but he couldn't move his mouth. Rishid shook his head.

"Sorry, Malik, the Sharing sounds great, but I have work," he said.

"And mom needs help at home. I can't join, sorry," Isis said.

/Gods, thank you/ Malik yelled. The Yeerk seemed angry.

"Alright, but think about it, alright?" Marik said to them, seemingly calm and collected.

"We will, when we're not as busy," Isis said.

"Okay. Well, I'd better head to school. Buy, guys," Marik said and waved, hoisting his backpack up and leaving. Malik sighed with relief.

/Damn. Well, it's only a while until we take them as involuntary hosts/ Marik said, scowling slightly.

/I'll kill you if you do, I swear I will, I'll crush you like the insignificant slug you are/ Malik yelled. /I'll kill you! I'll murder you and laugh as I do it/

/I'd like to see you try/ Marik hissed dangerously. /Bear in mind that I can slash your wrists, wait until you're almost out of blood, then crawl out of your ear and leave you to die./

/Damn you! Damn you to hell/ Malik screamed. He suddenly got an idea. Marik smirked, both mentally and physically.

/So, tell me your idea. I want to hear you say it/ he said.

/I…if I become a voluntary host…will you leave my family alone/ Malik asked. Marik laughed out loud.

/Of course not! Why would I care whether or not you're a voluntary host/ he replied smugly. /And besides, I have enough authority to order people to take your family and make them hosts. I can even kill them if I want./ Malik glared at him, mentally crying.

/I hate you. I hate you/ he screamed. Marik just laughed again. A person Malik knew to be named Marco stared at him.

"Hey, Malik? You alright?" the eighth-grader asked. Marik stopped laughing.

"Huh? Oh, of course I am. I was just thinking about last night's Family Guy," Marik said with a very convincing smile.

"You saw it too? God, that was funny!" Marco said with a grin. They walked together until they went their separate ways.

"See ya," Marco said, waving. Marik waved back and walked into the high-school.

Malik watched as Marik tapped into his memories to find out his locker combination. He opened the locker and took out the books he needed for first period. Marik walked to the classroom and sat down in his seat. Malik watched as he fooled his friends into thinking that he was really Malik and not some strange slug-like creature.

/So, that's Bakura/ Marik said suddenly. It was the first time the Yeerk had spoken in a while. Malik mentally blinked.

/Yeah. So/ he replied, slightly angry that the Yeerk was pointing it out.

/I guess that he is quite handsome. No wonder you like him/ Marik said. Malik blinked again. Why was Marik suddenly acting different/Look, this place is boring. I just want to talk a bit to pass the time. Nothing more./

/Oh. Well, you still have to pay attention. There's a test coming up next week, and I don't want to fail because of you/ Malik chided. He felt a strong wave of annoyance come from Marik. /Of course, this means that you have to study, which is almost ten times more boring then this because you know that you could be doing something else./

/Oh, shut up, brat./ Malik felt quite glad that he was making Marik feel annoyed. /You truly are different from all my other hosts. They screamed at me to let them go, for days on end, then they broke apart. You, however, are trying to annoy me as much as possible./

/Well, I might as well make the best of this, right? So, ha-ha/ Malik replied with a mental grin.

/Then I'll just sift through your memories again. Well, well, well, what's this/ Instantly, Malik's memory began playing like a television show. Malik was only ten in this one. He had his hands against the wall and he was sobbing violently. He suddenly let out another cry as the whip came in contact with his back once more.

"Brat," his father said, drunk as usual. He tucked away the whip and walked away, leaving Malik to fall to the floor and sob. The front door opened and his mother ran in and hugged him tightly, being careful of his wounds. She apologized over and over, crying quietly.

The memory stopped and Malik felt like looking away. That was only six years ago, and the whip had left horrible scars on his back. The scars served as a reminder of his childhood. Each night when he lied down, they stung very slightly, and he remembered what had happened.

Marik laughed.

/Weakling! You didn't even fight back, you just stood there and accepted your punishment. No wonder he whipped you, you coward/ he said, cackling. Malik glared, feeling his hand curl into a fist. The Yeerk had forgotten to keep control of his arm. Malik clenched his hand tightly as Marik kept laughing, not paying attention. Malik swung his arm up and punched himself in the face forcefully, making the rest of his body fall out of the chair.

/Don't you ever call me a coward again, you bastard/ Malik yelled at Marik, who had to apologize to the teacher for disrupting class.

/I'll call you whatever you want, brat. Do that again and I will kill you/ the Yeerk hissed. Malik just chuckled.

/Go ahead and do it, you wretched Yeerk. Then you'll be left without a body, again! I'm sure that you hate your natural state, I can feel it/ he replied. Marik glared at him mentally, but Malik just smirked right back.

They went through school without any more conversation.


Mew: Just go straight onto the next chapter!

Yoko: And, so we can get it tattooed onto the back of your eyelids, please R&R!