The Bug, The Dog, And The Blossom

Darkkinkachu: Heh heh….-scratches back of head nervously- I didn't think you guys would actually believe me…I wouldn't hold a chapter ransom! That would be immoral…or something…-cough- it doesn't matter any ways. Maybe I'll just tone down my GaaSaku so it will be teen…BUT I CANT DO THAT WITH MY ZETSUSAKU! AAAUUUURRRGGGG! I'VE SEEN PEOPLE MUCH YOUNGER THAN ME WRITE MUCH WORSE STUFF THAN WHAT I AM! WHY, FFNET WHY? –beats ffnet with a stick- ok I'm done now…

Important note- This chapter may suck even more than the others because (A) I started loosing interest in the story at the third chapter and (B) strange as it sounds I only just realized how freakishly OOC Shino is….-hides face- don't look at me….and its short….MY ATTENTION SPANS NOT SO GREAT, OK!


Chapter Five: Bugs Love Blossoms


Sakura ran out of the Tigers Claw as fast as her Charka enhanced feet would take her. so this had all just been some silly game to see who could get her first? He had never really cared about her…tears welled up in her eyes but she refused to let them fall. She had cried for Sasuke and it had done her no good. So why cry for the man whom she had trusted and now betrayed her? She found herself on the bridge where her team had often met. Where he had talked to her…leaning over the edge Sakura watched her reflection.


"Why do you always have to ruin every thing?" Kiba yelled, waving his arms with anger.

"Me? You're the one who started this whole thing!" Shino yelled back. Kiba blinked, taken aback. Shino had never yelled at him before. Shino had never yelled at anyone before, "Why did you have to go for the one girl I've ever felt any thing for? The one girl I ever loved!"

Kiba opened his mouth, ready to scream back when some thing hit him, "You…love her?"

Shino glared at him, "Why do you think I've been acting so strange latly?" (AN: ha ha! Look, a cover for my OOcness mistake!) The bug man then turned and walked out.

As Kiba watched him go e sighed, "Well Akumaru…I think we just lost…"


Sakura glared down at the water as if it had done her a terrible wrong, "Stupid boys….stupid life…."

"life's not so bad…"

Not even bothering to look at him, she gave a soft snort, "Yeah sure…What do you want?"

Shino stood silent, racking his brains for an answer. Why did this have to be so complicated? So he just said the first thing that came to his mind, "You." She turned and gawked at him so he quickly added, "I mean…I really like you Sakura…I just…I didn't know how to tell you…"

She watched him stumble over his words in a most un-Shino like manner. Sakura stared up at him, seaching for a lie in his words, "So…This wasn't just some game?"

"Of course not…" he said slowly, "Why would you think something like that?"

She looked down, a bit ashamed that she had thought such a thing of him, "I…I guess I'm just not used to guys fighting over me…" she felt his finger tips brush lightly over her cheek.

"I don't know why…you're beautiful." Shino gently tilted her face up to meet his, "I've always thought you were. I-mmf!"

Shino blinked, taken aback by a sudden soft warmth on his lips. Eyes widened behind his dark glasses as he realized she was kissing him.

She pulled back after a moment, blushing slightly and blinking up at him coyly, "Sorry…I just…I couldn't help myself. I've always kind of liked you and you're so sweet in your own way…Shino?"

The boy was just standing there, unblinking and unmoving, his mouth slightly open, "er…Shino? Are you ok?" the pink haired girl asked, waving a hand in front of his face, "Shino? Shino-kun?"

Sakura squeaked when his arms shot out, wrapping themselves tightly around her and pulling her in. Before she could protest his mouth was on hers in another crushing kiss. She felt her knees go weak when one hand slid up her back to the back of her head, pushing slightly to deepen the kiss.

He was forced to relese her when their lungs began to burn for air. She grinned and he gave one of his rare smiles, "Sakura…will you go out with me?"


Darkkinkachu: -beats head against wall- arg…I feel like a total bastard…please don't look at me and please disregard the coments at the top of this page. I kept finding this story in C2's and when I found it in one that was supposed to only have 'well written stories' I wanted to cry. My stories are mediocre at best. I would like to apologize for slow updates and sucky chapters. –goes back to beating head against wall-

Thank you all from the very middle of my heart. I was so happy with all the kind reviews and encouragement. I would go through and thank all of you but…I'm lazy…erm…yeah o.o so any ways I was just wondering his I could bounce some ideas off you guys? They're all Sakura centric because I like writing her. All I'm asking is that you vote for my next pairing in your review (Or PM me with any othe requests/suggestions/story trades) Its ok if you don't though…

A real ShinoSaku (Unlike this suckfest)

NejiSaku (Humor, most likely)

KimimaroSaku (Dark fluff)

KisameSaku (er…I don't know…depressing?)

TobiSaku (I REALLY want to do this one cause Tobi is so cute and funny and he needs some love….and a fic that isn't about the other Akatsuki hazing him. But this would be a chapter story and I've become very leery of those)

KibaSaku (I was rooting for him the whole time o.0)

ZabuzaSakura (I love writing pairings no one else has before)

Any other suggestion should go through PM. I feel so bad about this fic, I would probably write something for any one of you reviewers who asked x.X