A/N: i do not own InuYasha! Rumiko Takahashi does!

Chapter 1: Codename: angel of darkness

She was the fastest, slickest, and hottest asassin on the Shikon squad. That is why she was chosen to rescue the richest man in the world from perel, InuYasha Takahashi. A young, entergetic guy up to his neck in cash. But his vengeful brother thought it was time for InuYasha just to go on a vacation. A vacation to hell. Sesshomaru's guards seized as soon as the private plane landed.

Kagome looked up from her newest mission. Her brown eyes stared briefly at the woman in front of her before she gave a death glare.

"Is this supose to be funny?" Kagome threw the paper on her desk.

"What do you mean?" The woman stared back coldly. Kagome's anger flared up within her. Her hands clenched into fists ready to strike.

"Yeah, let's give Kagome a mission to rescue an asshole. THE asshole of the WORLD!" Kagome yelled at her. Her black hair bobbed in her pony tail.

"That is not the case, angel. You know why you were chosen. The opinion of wether or not he IS an asshole is left up to...concluding how much time you'll be spending together." The woman smiled, no more like smirked.

"...great." Kagome's hands flew up in the air. She rolled her eyes at the woman.

"So, Kikyou, when do I leave?" Kagome said unthesiastically. (sorry if i misspelled it!)

"Today." Kikyou said simply. Kagome was escorted from the room by two heavy set guards.

Her heels clicked down the long hallway as she made her way back to her office. Kikyou has got some nerve. Kagome slammed the door to her office. It echoed slowly through the building. I leave today... She got her purse and put it under her arm. Her reflexion went after her as she went out of the office.

Kagome fast-walked to the elevater. But someone was too fast for her. Her face drooped. Dammnit.

"Miss. Kagome. How are you, babes?" His toothly smile past over her. Kagome stepped into the elevater but he continued to follow her. Kagome scoffed at him. He smiled a "I know I'm annoying but I want you." smile.

"What is it Kouga?" She asked exhaustedly. She folded her arms like she didn't care what he had to say.

"I just wanted to say how beautiful you look today. That skirt makes your ass look so...grabbable." His eyes shifted behind her to stare at her ass.

"Leave it to you to make up big words so you can use 'em. I get a nice look because I'll be gone for awhile." Kagome frowned as she remebered her mission.

"Aww. You're already missing me! And you haven't even left yet!" Kouga grabbed her by the waist. Kagome pulled away.

"I don't have time for you right now Kouga. I won't ever have time for you." The elevater doors opened revealing a large parking lot. Kagome raced her way to her car to get away from Kouga. Luckily, he didn't follow her. Kagome let a a victorious sigh. She picked through her purse for her keys and found them.

A red Ferrari was waiting for her.