Chapter 3: It's so obvious, Stan

Okay, well in short. Kyle passed with flying colors. Kenny and Stan got average marks.And Cartman got sent to the office for having Christophe feed him the answers through a hole pipe inbetween thier desks, that the Mole invented.

"Tell me the fuck again why I was the only one to get in trouble?" Cartman ranted to them on thier way home.

"Because God is a bitch." Christophe smoked another one and discarded it. Kenny patted him on the shoulder and and they said goodbye to Cartman and Kyle who were still arguing with each other.

"Fucking Cheating Fatass."

"Jewish Fag."

"Hey shut your mouth Fatass! You swore you'd never do that again!"

"Well I lied! Jewish Jew Jew!" Cartman sang circling around Kyle and running off squealing like a pig as Kyle chased after him swearing.

"Bitches." Christophe said grumbling and walking forward so Kenny and Stan had to keep up.

"Dude. I think Kyle and Cartman will never get along, like you and Kyle, Stan." Stan looked at Kenny in surprise.

"Dude. That's like the longest sentence you've said to me without your hood on."

"Well it's true you know." said Kenny smiling sweetly.

"What?" Kenny looked at Stan dissaprovingly.

"It's so obvious how you feel about Kyle."

"How I feel?" Stan raised an eyebrow at Kenny awkwardly.

"Isn't it Christophe?"

"Sure as hell, Bitch." Christophe nodded to Kenny. Kenny smiled at him and then looked back to Stan, Who was looking at him with big confused blue eyes.

"Look, you like him."

"Well yeah. We are Best Friends."

"No. More like BFs in waiting." Kenny giggled.

"Huh?" Kenny opened his mouth to try again but Christophe beat him too it. He dropped a cigarette and stomped it out and turned to Stan and grabbed him by the collar and shook him.

"You want to get into Kyle's pants, you pussy. YOU GOT IT!" Stan just stared at both of them.

"I-I-i-i-i-i'm n-n-n-ot not Gay!" Stan finished triumphiantly glaring at both of them.

Kenny sighed and nodded to Christophe to lay off and give him a cigarette which he did. Before looking back at Stan. "How many dreams have you had of Kyle lately?"

Stan blinked awkwardly for a few minutes and then moving his feet about restlessly he finally admitted, "About...30ish." Kenny just nodded.

"And how many of Wendy?"

"Um, well,er..." Stan realised that he had had none as of lately. Christophe started laughing as Stan blushed furiously once more. Kenny just patted his friend on the shoulder.

"Your Gay." Kenny stated now and it sunk into Stan's head.

"NO!" He shouted at him and turned around to race toward his house, shouting, "NO!
FUCKING SHIT! NO! NO! NO! NO! NO! NO!" As he slammed the door shut to his house and collapsed onto the floor in the family room it all clicked and sunk, how much he enjoyed those dreams with Kyle in them, and how the ones with Wendy seemed more like a chore. And with that thought completely he came out and according to his mom who told all of the other boy's mother, at the dinner table that night, Stan just kept repeating it over and over again, no matter how many times she told him not too.

"Fuck. I am."


Kenny was not fazed by Stan's reaction. It made sense after all. Stan was so definatly not one to admit his feelings. After all, he was the type of person who didn't understand much about himself. For petesake, the kid had thought he had a period when they were kids and asked Chef and anyone to help him with girls. Stan was the same old Stan and it was about time he changed into who he really was. And that meant him being with Kyle.

"The little bitch." Christophe said smirking at Kenny.

"What about him?" Kenny asked tilting his head to one side, innocently.

"Not him. You." Christophe pushed his forehead against Kenny's and smirked knowingly. "Doing that fat fuck? Why didn't you tell me."

"He didn't. It was a joke. He thought he did. But it was all a joke."

"Thank that Faggot." Christophe smiled widely.

"Anyway? Why am I a bitch?"

"Of course you are. Your my bitch."

"Not sure I understand what you mea-" Christophe shut him up by pushing thier lips together.

"Christophe." Kenny said rather well through thier kiss. Clearly he was really good now at talking with anything covering his mouth thanks to that hoodie. "Not out here. My house"
Christophe growled and pulled away from Kenny but nodded toward Kenny's house.

"Fuckin American bitches. Afriad to see true love pronounced." Christophe said lighting yet another cigarette. "Were better off then those pussies." he pointed in the direction of Kyle and then Stan. Kenny gave a small chuckle.

---------------------------------With Kyle Fag Shit & Cartman Fat Fuck

"What do you want me to say, Fuckface?"

"Well, Kyle. A few 50s might just bring me along."

"Huh?" Kyle stopped walking and glared back at Cartman, his bright emerald eyes greatly brought out by his old green hat. He also had little tufts of red hair sticking out from underneath the hat.

"Money, moron." Cartman smirked. His puggy face only redifined by his blue eyes and brown hair. The eyes were now alight with mischief.

"I'm not paying you."

"Why the fuck not?"

"'Cause it'll probably be something you normally say, like my Moms a bitch."

"She is."


"Fine. Fine. But that's not the point."

"I'm not paying you."

"FINE! But if you don't want to know about Stan." Kyle stopped walking and stared at Cartman, his eyes now expressionless.

"What about Stan?"

"What happened last night when I slept over..." There was a long pause between both of them. Within an exchange of disgusted looks from Kyle brought out a disgusted look from Cartman, that simply read the statement again, I slept with Stan.


"YOU BASTARD! YOU DIDN'T! PLEASE TELL ME YOU DIDN'T!" Kyle pleaded, fear appearing in his eyes.


"The apple doesn't fall far from the tree."


"No, you don't think I would do you?"

Kyle seemed to think about this for a minute. "Your right. You would never get that lucky with Stan." Cartman snorted.

"I know how your a fag for Stan. So I thought I'd tell you- hm. No. I don't think you deserve it." Kyle winced as Cartman smirked proudly.

"Fine. You Fat Fuck." Kyle dug in his pocket and produced a dollar, he then handed it to Cartman.

"Fucking sweet!" Cartman shouted and began to examine it as he told Kyle of the news. "Stan said your name in his sleep."

"What?" Kyle laughed. "Nice joke Cartman."

"It's not." Cartman shook his head at Kyle. "He said your name like 20 times."

"Well if he did. It probably wasn't like...that." Cartman sighed and cleared his voice once more.

"KYLE! KYLE! PLEASE! I NEED YOU! KYLE!" Cartman looked at Kyle who had taken a few good steps away from him.

"Don't. Ever. Fucking. Do. That. Again." Kyle said.


"Shut up."

"It certainly didn't sound like a picnic." Kyle flushed and looked away.

"Shut up Fatass."

Cartman sniggered and then he looked at the dollar and his sniggers turned into a stammer. "Wha? Wait! This is Monopoly Money!" Kyle laughed and raced off leaving Cartman swearing after him, waving the fake money above his head.


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