Um...yeah, basically I was dared.

Title: Carbon
Author: desolate butterfly
Genre: angst, yaoi
Pairings: Kisame/Sasuke, Kisame/Itachi, vague Itachi/Sasuke (so far, at least)
Rating: M
Summary: Sasuke comes looking for Itachi and find something else, just as dangerous. A hungry shark.

"Where is he?"

Kisame blinked in amusement as the familiar young man calmly let himself in through the front door and started pointing swords at him in his own kitchen. Cocky little punk. Just like his brother, actually.

"Ah, Sasuke-kun," he drawled, sketching a quick bow from his seat. "I wondered how long it would take before you found us." His eyebrow lifted. "New wardrobe?"

The teen moved closer, red eyes zeroed in on Kisame's arm where it casually lay across the chair, about two inches away from his weapon. Kisame, on the other hand, found his eyes glued to the vee of creamy skin the low-cut shirt the boy was wearing showed off, and how one of his sleeves appeared to be ever so slowly sliding off one shoulder.

The kid didn't even look conscious of the fact that he was putting on a show.

"Yep, just like your brother," he muttered under his breath before giving a sharp-toothed predatory grin.

Sasuke ignored this. His hand hovered above kusenagi's hilt.

"Where is he?" he repeated, monotone, the tone suggesting that if Kisame had the gall to say 'he who?' the sharp pointy end of a sword would be swiftly shoved somewhere painful.

Kisame shrugged and spread his hands. "Out," he said. "But he'll be back in a bit, so you're certainly welcome to wait."

For a moment, fury rose in those blood red eyes, but it was quickly clamped down into emotionless calm once again, and the boy turned stiffly and began to walk away. Of course, that gave Kisame a nice view of his ass...

"Hey, wait," he called, watching the carbon copy of Itachi-at-fifteen pause in the doorway. "Stay and talk with me a bit."

"I have nothing to say to you," Sasuke said, voice cold and in a tone Kisame knew well.

Kisame chuckled and got up from his seat, slowly. The younger Uchiha stiffened his back and tensed for an attack. Kisame got close enough to hover over Sasuke's shoulder, sending a warm stream of breath over the back of the boy's neck and smirking when the skin there goose pimpled in response, and the small hairs lifted. Just like an animal, really. Poor little rabbit.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?" the boy spat, but there was a trembling undertone there that made his throat ache and his belly warm. This was blood in the water...fresh meat. He really couldn't help wanted just a little taste. Itachi wouldn't mind, surely.

"Don't you want to know what your nii-sama's been up to, Sasuke-kun? I can show you everything. He's really been rather naughty," Kisame murmured, taking a deep breath, scenting the boy. It was amazing. He even smelled like Itachi, same mixture of old blood and charred wood.

Sasuke swallowed hard and then straightened his shoulders, one hand gripping his sword firmly.

"I'm leaving now," he said, and took a step out the door.

But before he could get all the way out, Kisame had clamped a hand on the pale, delicate-looking wrist and pulled him back. Sasuke barely had time to draw a sharp breath before Kisame had him back into the house and pressed up against the wall.

"The fuck—"

"Ah Sasuke-kun," Kisame whispered, easily twisted the boy's arm into an uncomfortable position behind his back and then eased them both down to the floor. The sword was tossed to the side, like a child's plaything and Kisame sneered at its slight weight. The toy was nothing compared to samehada, really. Just who did the child think he was kidding?

"What are you doing?"

"Didn't I tell you? This was a game me and your brother used to play all the time."

The boy squirmed deliciously against Kisame's hold for a few glorious seconds, before a large hand on his neck stopped that nonsense. Kisame slid between the boy's thighs easily and the shirt fell open with hardly a twitch of his fingers.

"Itachi-sama really was a good player. And you two are...uncannily alike. But guess what, Sasuke-kun?"

Kisame leaned down and savoured the panic in Sasuke's eyes as much as the taste of the boys open mouth. He licked salt from his lips and smiled as he whispered in the boy's ear, watching with delight at the eyes grew wider and wider.

"No matter how good Itach-sama is…I always won."



Commentary is appreciated.