A/N: My first Harry Potter fic, so be nice! R&R!

I own nothing! )

Ginny studied herself critically in the mirror while her best friend Emma made admiring sounds in the background. Ginny needed to make sure she looked perfect tonight. Tonight was Harry and her four month anniversary and Ginny was so happy she couldn't stop smiling. Who would have thought that this scrawny little nobody with the dark red hair would win the heart of THE Harry Potter! Not many, that's for sure! But then again, she wasn't a little nobody anymore; she had matured greatly and was now going into her 6th year, much to her delight! Her hair was like a sea of red curls falling to her lower back, complementing her large, sea green eyes. Quidditch had made her body lean, but she had grown curves exactly where she wanted them. She smiled at her reflection, approvingly. The clothes she and Emma had chosen only complemented her new assets even more.

"Gin, you look great! Harry is going to love you in this!" Ginny blushed and gave a shy smile.

All day she had pretended to be ignorant of today being important for them; when he had caught her grinning at him she blamed it on the beautiful weather or a joke told by a friend. He had asked her earlier what she wanted to do for tonight, and she simply yawned and said she wanted to catch up on some schoolwork. He had given her an odd look and shrugged. Instead of schoolwork, she had come straight here to get ready for their big night. She was going to surprise him for a romantic dinner in the Room of Requirement, it was all set up, (thanks to some help for the house elf's!) and now all she had to do is go steal him from his dorm and she could set her plans in action! She giggled.

"I'm gonna head out, don't bother waiting up!"

"Ok… Be good!" Emma winked at her suggestively. Ginny rolled her eyes in response.

She pranced out of her dormitory and into the boys. As she approached the 7th year boys' room she stopped to rearrange her clothes. She had butterflies in her stomach but pushed them down. Taking a deep breath she opened the door was met with a sight she wouldn't forget for years.

Her boyfriend, Harry Potter, lying shirtless on top of a half-naked Lavender Brown.

A/N: So there's chapter one. I didn't like writing this chapter much, I'm not a HPGW person, but this chapter needed to be here. But the rest of the chapters should be fun to do! This IS a DMGW fic, and it's safe to say there won't be much more HPGW. (Thank God!) Reviews are very welcome, I love feedback! 'Til next time!