2 ½ Months earlier…

It was after midnight and everyone was already asleep. Everyone but her. She'd been lying in her bed for hours waiting for sleep to claim her but it hadn't and she knew why. She was too anxious. No, that's not the right word, she wasn't really worried. She was too wired, and too jittery, and too excited. And it was entirely his fault.

Xelloss. She practically ground her teeth as her heart fluttered at the name. Oh dear Lord of Nightmares, she was falling for the monster.

Every day he came to annoy her, and yet ever since that day in her living room, she didn't seem to really mind anymore. All day she'd be a polite hostess and a friendly shopkeeper to everyone around her, but when Xelloss is around she's allowed to scream in anger or laugh so hard her stomach ached. To be around him felt like freedom: Freedom to be a dragon, freedom to be herself, freedom to be a woman. Filia blushed.

Xelloss had always been, well suggestive. If only to see his victims squirm and flush with embarrassment. Filia would know, he'd used this several times on her, but he had never really meant it. But within the past few weeks, there had been an odd edge to his teasing almost as if it weren't as faked as she thought it was.

Well, she wasn't going to sleep tonight so she might as well do something. Getting up she didn't bother changing from her white nightgown as she headed down stairs. Grabbing a bottle of wine and a glass, she decided to just light a fire and relax on her living room couch.

The fire warmed the room and cast a golden aura around, giving it a cozy, homely feel. Sipping her wine generously, she allowed herself to fall into an almost dream-like state. She was warm, she was comfortable, and despite her inability to sleep, she was happy.

"Well, Fi-chan, I must say I'm surprised to see you awake at this hour." Her heavy eyelids snapped open and focused on the monster sitting on the opposite side of the couch, summoning his own glass before helping himself to her wine.

"I could say the same to you, Namagomi." But there was no venom in her voice and she allowed herself a small smile. "If you're here for a fight, you're going to be disappointed."

He smiled at her but she couldn't tell if it was a fake smile or not. Maybe she had drunk too much wine…

The silence between them dragged on, but she didn't mind. Filia closed her eyes and allowed herself to enjoy this rare mellow moment they were sharing. "I couldn't sleep." Her voice was soft as she leaned forward to refill her glass.

"Hmm." Xelloss seemed to be lost in his own thoughts as he stared into the fire. Unusual, because he was always so careful to maintain his carefree façade.

"What's you excuse?" His attention came back to her abruptly and he smiled, though it lacked its normal cheeriness.

"No excuse needed, really." Then he leaned forward, one eye open. "Monsters don't sleep."

"Ever?" He shook his head slowly, eyes closed, as Filia took a moment to absorb that. "How sad." She whispered, watching Xelloss grin at her.

"Sad, Filia? Not at all. All the more time to plat our evil deeds and doings!"

She threw an exasperated look his way before her face reclaimed its calmness.

"I just meant that after a particularly hard and trying day, there's nothing more satisfying then slipping into a comfortable bed and forgetting your worries for a while."

"But not tonight?" His voice was teasing, so she just smiled and shrugged.

Silence, before…

"What makes you think that I don't do the same? Just because I cannot sleep does not mean I'm incapable of resting in a bed to relax. So naïve, Fi-chan." She growled a little at the last part, but decided to let it go. She didn't want to fight. Not right now.

"I thought you just planned your evil deeds." Even to her own ears, her voice sounded flirtatious.

"Indeed." Xelloss nodded sagely. "Indeed, we do plan these things..." He grinned, "In bed."

Filia chuckled, despite herself. "But not tonight?"

"But not tonight." He agreed. Sipping her wine, she sat observing him.

The soft glow from the fire accented him perfectly and it was times like this that it was hardest to imagine him as a monster. When he sat on her couch, sipping wine and trading banter, for no other reason then he wanted to. It was times like these that she had to fight hardest to not lean over towards him and press her lips to his.

Filia blushed red at the very thought and her guest noticed. His eyes opened and observed her openly before grinning at her, his amethyst eyes piercing into hers and she felt herself shiver. It was as though he could read her thoughts. That made her blush harder.

"Too much wine, Miss Filia?" She could hear his teasing tone through the fuzziness of her mind and she bit her lip.

"Maybe…" His grin grew wider.

It was unfair just how appealing his lips looked right now, and he was so close. Just once wouldn't hurt… Instead of acting on any faulty impulses she had, she leaned backwards to take away any temptation.

Xelloss's eyes bored into hers, looking like a predatory appraising its prey.

Slowly, Xelloss leaned forward, watching as a part of her began to panic, but she didn't pull away, so he continued his approach.

And he pressed his sinful lips to hers.

A/N: I think I'll stop there for now. Send some love my way please!