Cloud: Yeah, we totally haven't done anything with this fic in forever. I'd be surprised if anyone even remembered it.

Kairi: Same here. It kinda died a little bit.

Cloud: Time for fanfic CPR!

Kairi: And now the identities of the Three Mysterious Ninja will be revealed. But honestly, we thought it was pretty obvious...

"Gaara!" Naruto exclaimed, a dopey grin stretched across his whiskered face. "I didn't think you would be able to come!"

The buzzed blonde then leapt onto the picnic table that the Kazekage was standing on and opened his arms wide to embrace the angsty redhead. Aqua eyes narrowed, the Suna nin used his infamous sand to knock the hyperactive bother off of the table and away from him.

"Hugs are evil. I'm just here for the booze." Gaara stated shortly. He then gracefully jumped off the table and headed for the abundance of alcohol.

"Oww...that still wasn't very nice though..." Naruto chastised, receiving a blank stare in response. Seconds later, Kankuro appeared beside the frazzled kitsune.

"Kankuro!" Naruto yelled, causing the new arrival to flinch. "I'm so glad you could make it!" he continued to screech, leaping to his feet to give the puppeteer a big hug. Dark eyes narrowed, Kankuro sidestepped out of the blonde's path, causing the kitsune to run right by and into a pole, where he laid, foot twitching occasionally.

"A DRUNKEN PARTY?!" a feminine voice screech in an extremely loud manner. Seconds later, a very unhappy Temari burst forth burst forth from the dense woods.

"Oh wow...she doesn't look very youthful..." a frightened Lee whispered.

"WE CAME ALL THIS WAY FOR A---Shika-kun?" the blonde broke off, her mouth slightly agape.

"Oh shit. Why didn't anyone tell me that she was invited?" Shikamaru asked, eyes wide and full of fear.

Temari started to skip over, feeling complete bliss. As long as her Shika-kun was there, she would be just dandy. But as she approached her beloved shadow nin, he turned on his heel and ran away at an alarming rate of speed.

"Playing hard to get, are we? You rascal!" Temari yelled to the fleeing brunette as she chased after him.

"Umm...that's not the way to Shikamaru's apartment..." a surprisingly sober Sakura pointed out as she watched him run away.

"Yeah, but it is the way to his parent's house," a less sober Ino slurred. "He probably knew that she was gonna follow him, so he probably decided to lead her to a place that he could lock himself into without her knowing where he really lives."

"Wow, Ino-pig, your drunken logic is pretty amazing," the cherry blossom kunoichi admired.

"Thank you, billboard brow," the blonde responded as she stumbled away.

Sighing softly, Sakura opened a nearby bottle of beer and began to drink. The taste was very bitter and she wasn't fond of it, but it was better than staying sober at this point. 'When in Rome, right?' Gulping the amber liquid down, she quickly finished the bottle and sighed yet again. And that's when she heard it. It was very soft and low, and only a professional ninja would have noticed it.

"Dun dun, da da dun dun da da..."

The soft humming grew louder and louder as it approached her from behind.

"Dun dun, da da dun dun da da..."

"Lee...what are you doing?" she asked in an exasperated voice.

"Oh darn. You heard me." Lee said, looking down at the ground. "Well, since you caught me, I might as well confess. I am on a seemingly impossible mission to win your love!"

"So that's why you were humming the Mission Impossible theme song, huh?" she asked, even though she pretty much knew the answer.

"Of course! And now, I must think of another way to win your affections!" he yelled as he ran away, now screaming at the top of his lungs. "DUN DUN, DA DA DUN DUN DA DA!!!!!"

"Wow...that was weird." Kiba remarked before turning back to poking the unconscious Uzumaki with a stick.

"Hey Kiba?" Sakura asked as she watched him, an odd look upon her face.

"Yeah," the brunette responded as the poking grew harder and more forceful.

"Stop poking Naruto."

"Awhh okay..." Kiba said softly before sulking off to acquire yet another drink.

"This is gonna be a long ass night..." the pink-haired kunoichi mumbled under her breath as she grabbed another bottle.

Cloud: Yeah I'm stopping there.

Kairi: How come?

Cloud: No point in continuing a fic that people could have potentially forgotten about.

Kairi: Good point. So readers, be sure to review, or we probably won't continue this.

Cloud: Yeah, and if any of you readers happen to also be reading Not All Seeing, be sure to review if you haven't, since I'm not updating until I get at least 55 reviews total. And if anyone is interested, it's a wonderful and romantic (eventual) KibaHina!

Kairi: Stop your shameless advertising.

Cloud: Okay okay...-scuffles off-