Disclaimer: Don't own Charmed.

WOW! It's been a long time.

All I can say is that I am sorry for making you all wait this long that I'm not even sure if anyone reads Charmed fan fiction anymore. Regardless, I'm sorry. If you want, I can write an epilogue to make up for it.

Thank you for all of your lovely reviews and encouragements to see this fic out till the end.

A huge thanks to DarkRedSlice for writing both Piper's and Leo's marriage vows.

This is the last chapter! I know…FINALLY! So, if you guys don't hate me too much to read this, then, please…


Chapter 20: Vows

Leo's kingdom was once again in an uproar, but this time for good reasons. The King and Queen of Versailles officially announced to their subjects that they are expecting soon. A cause for celebration throughout the land, of course.

Most importantly, everything was peaceful again. Well, not at the castle where Piper and Leo were preparing for their ceremony. Guests were arriving by fancy carriages that packed the castle's courtyard as loyal servants frantically rushed to put every last minute detail together.

"My Queen, you look absolutely gorgeous!" Brenda exclaimed after helping Piper dress for the occasion.

Piper looked at the beige and gold gown with hand sewn pearls in the mirror and frowned.

"This is never going to work!" Piper cried.

"What seems to be the problem?" Brenda asked.

Piper turned to her side and tried to suck in her stomach, but the growing bump was still obvious.

"Brenda, I look fat! This is no look for a Queen," Piper stated upset.

"No, no, no, Your Highness. You look beautiful," Brenda insisted.

Piper sat down on a chair with Brenda's help.

"I can't believe I let him talk me into this. Let's just call the whole thing off," Piper thought out loud.

Brenda shook her head, "Oh, no! You can't do that. Everyone's waiting outside."

Piper sighed, "I know, but look at me! I thought we were going to do this before I got bigger, but look at me!"

There was a brief silence as Brenda tried to decide what to do.

"Should I summon his Majesty?" Brenda asked.

"No!" Piper answered quickly. Then, she sighed. "Yes."

Brenda made haste to find Leo who was busy greeting the guests.

"Why isn't the Queen ready yet? She should've been ready ages ago!" Leo said before Brenda could speak.

"Your Majesty, the Queen is having some self-esteem issues," Brenda announced.

Leo frowned, "Self-esteem issues? Brenda, you're her favorite maid. Aren't you supposed to have the words that will perk her up?"

"Not on this topic, Your Majesty. I'm afraid you're going to have to speak with her," Brenda insisted.

Piper heard a knock on the door.

"Leo?" She asked.

"What are you doing? Open this door," Leo said from the outside.

"No, I can't let you see me like this," Piper argued.

Leo laughed, "Piper, you can't have cold feet. You're already married to me and I'm certain there's no part of you that I haven't seen."

"I know, but I'm fat!" Piper retorted miserably.

"What does that have to do with the ceremony?" Leo questioned confused.

Behind the door, Piper fell silent.

"Piper…" Leo called patiently.

"I just-I won't look as good in my gown as I used to, and you won't love me if I'm not beautiful," Piper spoke up.

"You are utterly absurd, you know that? Piper, I love you regardless of how you look. You will always be the most beautiful woman that has ever graced me with her presence. Understood?" Leo asked.

"Yes, My Love," Piper answered.

"One more thing. I love watching your stomach grow bigger every day, because I know that you are carrying the most precious gift I could ever receive," Leo finished.

"Really?" Piper perked up.

"Yes. Now, could you please open this door so I can take a look at you?" Leo asked.

"Umm…I'm afraid you're going to have to wait until the ceremony," Piper responded.

"Just a little peek," Leo persuaded.

"No, I'm sorry. I'll see you at the end of the aisle," Piper said.

"My Queen?" Leo called against the door.


"I love you," Leo said.

Those words reminded her why she was doing this.

"I love you, too," Piper replied with a lump in her throat.

Everyone was seated on the open grassland by the pond patiently waiting for the Queen's entrance. Of course, news of Piper's unprecedented bravery to save her country had spread far and wide and she has gained the respect of not only her people but also her allies.

Brenda and Piper's Guardians had the honor of walking her down the red carpet that ran from the castle all the way to the aisle where everyone sat. It was truly a sight to see. Big bouquets of flowers were situated along the aisles fermenting the air with their sweet fragrance.

The white bouquet of roses in her hands made her feel a bit better about her growing stomach, but nothing mattered anymore now that she could see Leo's handsome face smiling at her from the end of the aisle.

The orchestra began a soft and saccharine melody that drifted into the air like a thin mist falling from above. Everyone stood up and turned to look at Piper. She went from two pairs of eyes looking at her to a couple thousand in one second.

Piper forced herself to focus on Leo as she began to walk down the aisle.

It was very much like when she was ten-years-old. Only this time these steps felt light and airy. There was no pressure or duty to take the steps that felt burdensome eight years ago. This time she was older, wiser, and she had grown as the Queen of her country. But the most important thing was that she loves the man she didn't think she could ever love, and she was having a baby by the same man she'd given her innocence to.

And now as she reached the end of that road, she couldn't imagine a more difficult journey to get to this point, but every moment had been beautiful.

Leo extended a hand to help her step onto the platform, and Piper gracefully took her place by Leo's side.

Everyone waited for the Archbishop to start, but he was just as emotional as their immediate family. Leona and Patricia were already crying in the front row.

"Before we began, I would like to say that I am honored to preside over this ceremony today. Eight years ago, I was facing a much younger couple whom no one knew what the outcome was going to be. Today, I face a successful union that fate has certainly intertwined many years ago," The Archbishop spoke.

"Let us begin, my dear brothers and sisters in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit…"

"We gather here today to celebrate the blessed marriage of eight years. We rejoice in your continuing love for each other as you renew your vows. We thank God for the passion and joy which you have known and the strength with which you have been blessed. May that special love you now share continue to grow and blossom in years to come and be sustained by God, family and friends and the commitment you make again on this day," The Archbishop finished signaling for Leo to begin his vows.

Leo smiled nervously as he stared into Piper's eyes.

"My darling Piper, God has given me a second chance to surrender my love to you as stubborn as I was to do so before…" Leo paused because the crowd lightly chuckled.

Piper nodded in agreement.

"As you stand before me now, the young woman I once knew became the lovely Queen I have been waiting for these many years. Because of you, Piper, I laugh, I smile, and I dare to dream again…" Leo took a pause again because of the tears rolling off of Piper's cheeks.

He quickly wiped them away before continuing.

"I look forward with great joy to spending the rest of my life with you, caring for you, loving you, and being there for you no matter where life takes us. I vow to be true and faithful for as long as we both shall live," Leo finished his vows.

Piper dried her tears and cleared her throat, but she couldn't find the voice to continue.

"I'm not that good to render you speechless," Leo whispered quietly making Piper laugh through her dry tears.

Piper cleared her throat once more and tried again.

"My dearest Leo, I once asked a frog in that very pond, 'Why can't I kiss you and make you become my handsome King?'" Piper successfully began.

Leo grinned recalling eavesdropping on her by the pond.

"I laugh now because I know that my handsome King has always been right here at my side, even when I wasn't at his. I come today, Leo, to give you my love, to give you my heart, and my hope for our future together. I promise to be the Queen you have always hoped for, and to be there for you to lean on as you have been there for me. My love for you is boundless and eternal," Piper finished her vows.

"As a sign of your faithfulness to each other as you renew your vows today, please exchange your rings," The Archbishop stated.

Princess Phoebe of Eron had the honor of presenting the rings.

Leo picked up Piper's yellow diamond ring. A new one he had cut for this occasion, and his ring consisted of the fragments from Piper's yellow diamond. Both rings were made from one diamond.

"With this ring, I declare my everlasting love to you," Leo vowed slipping the ring onto her gloved finger.

Piper was surprised because she had no idea that he ever thought about obtaining new rings. For all she knew, they were using their old ones.

Piper picked up Leo's ring which had tiny yellow diamonds encircling it.

"With this ring, I declare my everlasting love to you," Piper vowed slipping the ring onto his finger.

"This union has renewed their wedding vows before God and this congregation. May love and understanding be with you as long as you both shall live," The Archbishop announced.

Piper smiled shyly as Leo leaned in for the kiss that sealed the deal.

The reception after that was very lively, but Piper escaped everyone to reflect out on the balcony alone.

After the war was over, everything was so chaotic surrounding the baby's announcement and Leo's request to have the ceremony, Piper didn't have any time to think about everything that's happened in the past couple of months.

It seemed unreal that she saved her country from being overthrown.

"Too much wine can't be healthy for the baby," Leo's voice startled her.

"It's only a little. A little is good for the baby," Piper argued.

"Still, I think you should refrain," Leo insisted extending his hand out for the glass.

Piper handed the glass over, "You know, back then I would've retaliated by getting myself drunk."

She laughed quietly at the thought.

"Yes, I know. I was always there," Leo recalled.

"The ceremony was beautiful," Piper commented.

"Yes, but you were the loveliest part of all," Leo said.

"Thank you for my ring. It's beautiful," Piper smiled.

"It's a sign of my affection and our beautiful beginning," Leo said.

Piper sighed looking up at the stars above.

"What troubles you, My Love?" Leo asked.

"I was just wondering. After all we've been through, I can't help but think this is the end for us," Piper replied.

Leo smiled, "Then, I am afraid that you are mistaken because this is only the beginning."

"How so? What more is there to want when everything is perfect?" Piper asked.

Leo shrugged, "I don't know what you want, but I know what I want. I want to see our children grow up and I want to spend the rest of eternity with you."

"Are you sure that's what you want?" Piper questioned inching closer.

"I'd be crazy not to," Leo replied.

"No regrets?" Piper asked softly.

"None," Leo closed the small distance between them claiming her lips.

The fire that ignited by the slightest touch was impossible to ignore. Soon, she was enveloped in his arms as he kissed her passionately.

Suddenly, a roar of applause broke them apart. Piper and Leo laughed as they realized the crowd had somehow found their hideout, and witnessed a more raunchy kiss than the chaste one they gave in front of the Archbishop.

"There's never any privacy," Piper said only for Leo to hear.

"No, none," Leo replied capturing her mouth again as the fireworks exploded high above them lighting up the night sky.


I know Piper and Leo weren't religious on the show or anything, but for this fic. they are because during medieval time, the people were really religious. So, I hope it doesn't offend any of you.

Thanks again to DarkRedSlice for writing the marriage vows.

It is with a heavy heart that I announce to you that this is my "bow out" performance for writing Charmed fics.

Last and finally, please tell me if you want an epilogue in your review!
