a/n: My first HP poem! Hope you all like it! I always wanted to do a poem on HP, but I couldn't really think of anything. Then this afternoon I was like "Hey, why don't I write one on Lily's POV?" So yeah, here it is…

Lily's feelings as she's about to die, and she's thinking about Harry…

A Mother's Tears

I know you won't remember

my voice or my embrace.

I'll be nothing but a woman

with a distant blurry face.

My greatest fear used to be

to die an early painful death,

to leave before it is my time,

to scream with my last breath.

But then I hold you when you cry

and I watch you as you play.

I try so hard to make you smile

and push your troubles all away.

A mother's fear is different

and now I'm a mother too,

and my greatest fear is to live while knowing

that I'm living without you.

To see her child hurt and dying,

those are a mother's fears,

and now you are in danger,

so I cry a mother's tears.

The man stands tall before me,

he holds my life within his hand.

I've already made my choice,

but you're too young to understand.

I'll gladly jump from the tallest tower,

I'll stab my heart with my own knife.

I'll drown myself in the coldest waters,

if it is to protect your life.

I want so much to be there with you,

and I can only weep with sorrow

knowing that I'll leave today

and you won't see me tomorrow.

But a mother's love will never die,

not as long as her child is breathing.

So I'll love you even after I'm gone,

even when my heart has stopped beating.

To see her child alone and lonely,

those are a mother's fears.

And now, my child, you have no one.

So I'll cry a mother's tears…

a/n: and there you have it! Review please…