Part 2: So my life in Hell Starts
The children's home was not the worst of places I could end up, not to say the least, this little nine-year-old monster, that is what I am. Sister Rosa, the volunteer from America was pretty kind to me, but in truth, she was pretty stupid. She treated me like I was a little angel, I could do no wrong. And I took advantage of that, finding excuses not to sleep in the dormitory and sleep in her room, she didn't mind having this little boy holding her in his sleep.
When Oka-san was alive, I would sleep in her bed rather than my own, she wouldn't care. She just put a blanket over me and hold me as she slipped away into sleep.
There were accidents at the home, the older boys would pin it on the little telekenitic boy who couldn't even defend himself. I hated it there, it was the worst possible place for me to grow up. At least that was until I had regular visits from a perspective parents.
I hated the whole fascade that I was forced to play in, this little happy boy I was pretending to be. I remember walking around in the play room as parents who wanted a slightly older boy, one that was able to take care of himself walking in. These were parents from America, when they saw me, I knew that I was not what they wanted or hoped for.
One family, I came pretty damn close to being adopted, but they were turned off by how I needed some medical attention for ticks that I had. I had developed terettes syndrome when I was four, I didn't exactly know much, but the Sisters at the orphanage said chances were I would out grow it. I started to out grow the ticks when I turned fourteen and I was given heavy doses of medication to stop them if they came back.
Then there came one visitor, one that I remembered from when I was six in the alley. The stranger who spoke German. He started to come and see me, at least at first I thought he was just the son of another perspective parent, he was in his late teens and had on a pine green jacket and white pants, not to mention a garish yellow headband that held back long orange hair. "Hello," he smiled at me when I was sitting on a swing.
"Nani?" I looked up, he was the first person to walk up and just say hello. I didn't need the nun telling me who he was. "I know you, you stopped all the things from flying at me."
"Oh, you do remember me, Crawford said you wouldn't," he laughed and sat on the swing next to me. "You must really hate it here, no family has taken you. I'm surprised, a boy with your looks could win over some family."
"I have problems," I whispered and tried to stop my head from shaking.
"Let me fix that," he got up and took my head, very gently, it felt nice, he quickly reached into my head. "Huh, here's little Nagi's problem, terettes, just let me fix that for ya." He was nice, at least at first, he turned around smiled at a man with short brown hair, he was American by all standards. "Well, he'll do, needs some training, but this little telekinetic is pretty strong."
They left me that evening, Sister Rosa came out and smiled at me as I continued to sit on the swing. "What do you think? Do you want to live with Crawford-san and his friend?"
"Why does it matter, it isn't my choice?" I sat there staring at the ground. "After all, I'm only a little kid."
"Sometimes I think you are more mature than you realize," Sister Rosa smiled and took my hand. "Come on, time for dinner."
I moved in with Schwarz at ten, it took Crawford a year to get the paper work and also another month and a half to get necessary papers. I had a green card, I was officially an American by adoption. Crawford became my guardian, my father, though I would have rather had Schuldich adopt me.
"I'm too young to be a parent," Schuldich had stammered when I was forced to share a room with him. "Well, what should I do?"
I stood in a bedroom and stared at Schuldich who was sitting on a bed. "Nagi, come on, let's see if we can get you some better clothes than hand-me-downs."
"What's wrong with my clothes!"
/Kid, look at the stains, is that anyway to dress./ I heard a mental voice and was suddenly pulled down to a Jeep. There I was now, in a new home being pulled along to go shopping, my least favorite hobby, but Schuldich's obsession.
I suppose I should have been grateful for the new clothes, I wasn't paying for them, Schuldich put jackets from various different schools into my arms. I was to dress as a normal child of Japan, but far from it, I was to be home schooled and I was not going to be setting foot in a classroom, Crawford deemed me too dangerous. Walking out of one of the dressing rooms, I saw a boy about two years older walking in, he was to become my future enemy, at least I didn't realize it until we looked at each other.
12-year-old Tsukiyono Omi was the adopted child of a strange red haired woman who was hovering over the child like he was some sort of lost lamb. "Omi, come in here, I need you to finish dressing," she had pushed the boy into the dressing room.
I watched for a second and sighed, he was lucky, he had a mother, I had two men who were about as clueless about childhood as they were clueless about the opposite gender. I walked from the store with a bunch of bags and various strange looks. "Can we go home, now?"
"Aren't you hungry?" Schuldich smiled taking me to a hamburger restaurant. "I bet you never had this before?"
"I bet I have, I came from an orphanage!" I growled and watched as the German idiot pushed me into the place. "Schuldich, I don't like hamburgers, I'm allergic to the BREAD!" I tried to escape, but never could, I think I spent the last hour in the hospital.
"How was I to know he was allergic?" I heard Schuldich stammering as he called Crawford.
"IT was ON MY RECORDS!" I finally shouted and fell back. This had to be the worst first day out of the orphanage in my life!
Though this was the first day in my life that I was going to spend being the child called Prodigy.
Missions, the first mission in my life was when I was twelve. I suppose learning to hack, it was easy, I was spending most of the summer in Germany with Rozen Kreuz trainers. Schuldich was considered kind after the treatment I received at the school.
Burge Standeloff was a member of a rival team, but he was also my telekinesis trainer. He was a telepath and it was clear that he was supposed to be in Schwarz and not Schuldich. "What has Schuldich taught you?" he glared down at me with evil gray eyes. "Come on, show me."
I looked over at a ball on a far table and hovered it a good nineteen meters off the ground, I looked at him and then the ball started to bounce off the ceiling. "Interesting, anything else?" he gave an unimpressed look.
That was when his knife flew out of its sheath and into my hand, I just looked at him. "I was just distracting you," I smiled at him, I had also losened his belt and the pants fell down to expose him, he wore no underwear. I walked off and was in the hall.
"You little smart-ass," Burge ran out and slapped me, that was when I saw Schuldich grab him from behind.
"If you ever strike him again, Burge, you won't live long enough to tell anyone," this was of course the first time I was relieved that Schuldich managed to get out of the meeting with Eszette's elders. "Nagi, come along, Crawford wants to see you."
I was led into a large room, this was to be the meeting hall of Eszette, I was staring at Crawford who was looking at me from a desk. "According to the records, Nagi Naoe is a level 9 telekinetic," a soft voice was reading off a record, it was a man in a black suit and looked rather important.
"Headmaster, rather than having Nagi being educated here, I suggest a more hands on approach to training him," Crawford stood up and held some papers. "I have some issues I need to address. Placing Nagi here would be dangerous, he is higher level of education, as you saw in his placement testing, not to mention, he would be put in Squad Blue and that would be even more dangerous if he has an overload because they are levels 1-6."
The elder with glasses who was sitting very close to the headmaster looked at Schuldich who was sitting right next to me. "Schuldich, what have you to say with this?"
I could tell he was not in a good mood, but having to speak about this in my behalf was what seemed to worry the rest of the group. "I have found that Burge's training is a little harsher and not what is required for Nagi's age group. He is adjusted to Crawford and I handling his training and education. It would be a danger to anyone in this school, most of the telekinetics here at the school are level six, there is no higher grade of them. Putting Nagi in with them would be a disservice to him, not to mention it would put the rest of the school at risk. You have to consider that even if you attempted a high level training exercise, none of the staff are prepared for him."
"I think he hit the nail on the head," whispered a woman who was also an elder. "Nagi, you are to continue advanced training with Schuldich, he's a level 19 telepath."
I had to agree to this, I had no choice really. The grade level of a telepath, precog, and so on went as followed. Beginner students started at level one and were issued white uniforms, it was easy to tell which were which, some of the students had colored scarves that determined which group they belonged to. The green scarves were Telepaths, the red precogs, orange Telekinetic or others powers.
The Intermediate students wore pale blue informs, and the Advanced were wearing black uniforms. I had never seen the advanced students because they were taught in a separate school building that was located somewhere else in Germany. Most of the schools were located in the Alps, no one thought to look there for the school. There were expansion schools in areas like London and Berlin, these were the precog schools.
Teammates were selected by ranks, the level of abilities were what determined the teams that were being placed. Schuldich was a level 19 telepath, but that really meant nothing to many who were close to graduating. He left the school at 16 and was part of the school recuitment team in Japan.
Schwarz was built as the ultimate assassin team and information specialists. The last group of Schwarz was retired, or rather eliminated. Crawford was placed as the leader simply because all others couldn't do it, but him. I found out that Crawford was placed in the team at 15 and been part of the team for some time.
I also realized that if Eszette had their way, I wouldn't see Crawford, he would be held in a room. They cared about his visions, they did not care about what he could do. I remembered that Crawford had once said he was the Oracle for a reason.
I never understood what he meant, but that was simply because I was a small boy to him.
"Then it is agreed, Nagi to be trained by Mastermind, he will not be trained by anyone else, but him," one of the elders whispered and the meeting was over.