The Attachment

Disclaimer: If I bought stalk of Disney, would I own part of Kingdom Hearts?

Notes: Back from the UK, total insane-ness. It was great trip, and now I have school. When I came back, it was nice seeing all the pretty reviews. I was like 'aww, they read it! They read my dribbles of Axel/Roxas/Demyx nonsense!'.

Now as I promised, a longer chapter. Also, I have no idea how to end this, which could be a good thing. Another sequel? It's not looking likely, unless you guys really like this story. I also procrastinated this chapter by making Axel/Roxas icons, sorry xD…Now for the story, I swear! The typo has over 50 reviews, insane!


Demyx started to panic, this was like some crazy hentai movie with those girls getting…His brain started to hurt just thinking about it.

"Someone save me!" He suddenly was thrown across the room.

He slammed against a wall and a plant pot crashed over his head. He blinked for a few seconds then started to touch his body. He was still alive, and had not been raped to death…! What a miracle, in fact he felt really good. He got up and brushed the dirt from his body. He looked around still seeing the passed out Roxas and Axel. He started to giggle and smirk, more blackmail?

"NO! NO! NO!"

"Who said that?" Demyx yelled.

"Me, you idiot" Demyx turned around seeing…himself?

"Hey! Why do you look like me?" Demyx walked up to the other Demyx and poked him, in response the other Demyx growled at him.

"I'm your conscience, yes nobodies have consciences too. Anyways, I decided I had to interfere with your life so you won't get turned into a bunch of ash. You know since, if you die I go BOOM! BANG! WHOOSH! GONE! I also have been slacking lately and the conscience of Xemnas told me to check up on you" Demyx just blinked then smiled.

"So Xemnas has a conscience? How about Axel, does he have one too, huh?" Demyx's conscience sighed.

"Yes, yes. Axel has one, but his conscience is really pissed at me right now. It's all your fault, now we can't go mess with Xigbar's conscience. Wait, that was totally way off topic, back to my point. If you take that picture, you will be eliminated by the Organization. Xemnas will turn you into a dusk, Axel with turn you into ash, Roxas will stomp on your ashes, and no one will miss you. Do you want that?" Demyx bit his lip.

Karma was indeed a bitch. What was he hearing really true? Would no one miss him? Axel wouldn't miss almost killing him? Or playing pranks on people? Axel would just forget about him…?

"Hey! That's not really a nice thing to say conscience! Aren't you supposed to tell me my options, and umm warn me about stuff in a polite way?" Demyx's conscience shook his head.

"I already tried, and how many times have you ignored me? Remember the Vexen freezer incident?" Demyx scratched his head

"That was so not my fault! Luxord said there was ice cream in there!" Demyx whined

"How about Larxene's favorite book?"

"If Axel hadn't hit me over the head, the book would still be readable"

"Excuses, excuses! Remember Zexion's hair wasn't always at an angle"

Okay, so his conscience was right. Zexion once had somewhat normal hair, then one day Demyx and Axel got together, and a prank went wrong. Instead of Marluxia's flowers getting pruned, to say, Axel missed and Zexion lost a massive chunk of his hair, along with a nasty bald spot. The only reason Axel missed was the massive fit of laughter Demyx was going through, along with the fact he was teasing Axel. Ever since that day, Zexion started acting different, and mostly kept to himself.

"Okay, so I'm a bad person, err-nobody. It's just, it's hard to explain" Demyx lowered his head and looked at his feet. His conscience walked over to him and patted his back.

"I understand, I am you after all. You know, there are better ways of bonding with someone, Roxas pulled it off. I bet you can attract Ax-" Demyx covered his conscience's mouth.

"HEY! People might be listening, and I do not want to, you know! We are just friends, I hope, I bet he hates me now anyways" Demyx's conscience removed Demyx's hands, and laughed.

"Demyx, no one can listen to us. Look back at where you were" Demyx looked over, and saw himself. Three Demyx-es? Now that's crazy!

"Hey, don't tell me that's my uh-"

"No, no, that's you. This is just a dream you are having, you passed out. The plant's pot knocked you out. Axel and Marluxia are trying to wake you up, so we have to end this conversation soon" Demyx hugged his conscience tightly.

"Thank you conscience! You have made me a better nobody, even though I still don't understand what exactly is going on. I'll listen to you more often, I promise!" Demyx's conscience slightly blushed.

"Oh, by the way, Axel's conscience tells me he doesn't hate you, in fact he-"

Demyx slowly saw light from his eyes, and then saw some colors. Pink and red, it must be Marluxia and Axel.

"Wake up! I haven't got to kill you yet!" Axel growled.

"Demyx! Wake up! You killed Mary Jane!" Marluxia grunted.

"Guys, I think he is waking up" Roxas said.

Demyx slowly raised the upper half of his body, so he was in a 90 degree angel.

"Conscience, conscience what about Axel?" Demyx screamed.

Marluxia, Axel, and Roxas gave a blank stare to Demyx.

"I guess he really did get hit in the head hard, he was out for a good five minutes" Roxas examined Demyx, seeing a big bump on his head.

"He deserved it! My lovely Mary Jane is dead now…OH DEAR KINGDOM HEARTS! WHY?" Marluxia stormed away from Demyx, he needed some alone time.

"I was worried I wouldn't be able to kill you Demyx" Demyx faced Axel and saw a smirk on his face.

"It wouldn't be fair that some plant killed you, instead of me" Demyx couldn't help but smile.

Maybe he smiled too much, because Axel gave him the weirdest stare he had ever seen.

"What has gotten into Demyx? You're not only quiet, but you're smiling like a drunkard" Axel commented.

Then he felt Demyx tightly hug him, and the strange thing was, Axel didn't push him off suddenly, or even curse at him.

"I'm glad you don't hate me Axel" Roxas blinked seeing the strange sight between Axel and Demyx. These two were strange, very strange. One thing Roxas could see easily, was the bond of friendship between them. Something he envied a bit, sure he just got to know Axel, but still. Demyx and Axel had one of those best friends through thick and thin, brotherly love and hate, one of those things most nobodies never have.

"Demyx, you know I'm going to have to kill you now." Demyx seemed to of not registered Axel's comment, and still was holding onto him.

"Alright, that's okay Axel." Demyx grinned then let go of him. Axel slowly got up, and Roxas helped pick up the still dazed and dizzy Demyx.

"Is he still out?" Roxas and Axel were in Axel's and Demyx's room, watching the sitar-ist sleep quietly. They were sitting on a couch that was across from the bed Demyx was sleeping in. Yes, even nobodies need couches.

"Sush Roxas, the only time I don't mind him around me is when he keeps his big mouth shut."

Silence filled the room once again, and Roxas and Axel kept giving each other quick glances. The type where someone is trying to be sneaky, but it's horribly obvious.

"Hey…Axel?" The silence was finally broken, and a nervous pause took it's place.

"Yes, Roxas?"

"I'm glad you made that typo, and that Demyx blackmailed us. If he hadn't, I don't think we would have been friends."

"Me too, just don't tell Demyx that, alright? Last thing we need is more blackmail from him."

An awkward silence emerged between the two again. Then Roxas couldn't take it anymore, what was with all this silence? (Silence---Dramatic climax coming to a fic near you!)

"Axel?" Roxas asked again.

"Yes again, Roxas?" Axel sighed.

Roxas' face felt slightly warmer than before. His face was so close to Axel's, in fact his whole body was almost pushed right again his.

Axel had no idea what was going on, sure he wasn't a chatterbox like Demyx, but he was quieter than Zexion. Axel faced Roxas, their faces were so close. There was little to no personal space, not that he cared. He looked at Roxas' eyes, he only knew this kid for a few days, yet felt like he had to make a good impression. What was wrong with him?

Roxas' lips began to move, but not a single sound came out of his throat. Axel watched Roxas closely, time seemed to of slowed down. Like you know, in one of those movies. Where the guy first kisses the girl, and the director over does the scene. You wouldn't be surprised to see the big-bang happen there and then. Does this mean he…? No way Axel could….no this kid had some weird psychic powers stronger than Zexion's. Yah, that's it. So that's why Axel 'fel' this way. Sure, it all made sense to Axel. Though you could have told him two plus two equals cow, and he would have agreed at this point in time.

Axel moved his face closer to Roxas', and Roxas closed his eyes blushing even more now. He really was doing this, but at least he had an excuse. Their lips were almost together, they could feel each other's body heat then…

"Hey guys! I'm better now!" Demyx shot up from his bed and jumped in front of Axel and Roxas.

Axel mentally cursed Demyx, and Roxas was left very, very confused. They moved their heads towards Demyx.

"Hey…what are you guys doing exactly? It doesn't seem to family friendly." Demyx lectured.

"None of your business, now back to where we were. Oh right, I was about to kill you." Axel growled.

"No, you don't want to do that, Axel" Roxas smirked evilly, even softly laughing manically.

"Why not!" Both Demyx and Axel shouted at Roxas. Both of course had different intentions of why they wanted to acquire this information.

"Well, we couldn't see the look on his face when we show him this" Roxas handed Axel a small photo, about the size of a polaroid. Axel smirked back towards Roxas, and then faced Demyx.

"Now you're going to get a taste of your own medicine, Demyx."

Demyx had a sheer look of horror on his face. This wasn't supposed to happen to him, right?


Notes: So not as long as I promised, but still good…I think….n.n;

Today I had my first day of Junior year, it was very insane. Yes, I bet you all wanted to know that about me. What else?

The next chapter I swear will reveal the blackmail Demyx has against Zexion. I also really wanted to add a corny/cracky/cheesy Axel and Roxas moment, because it's just so damn funny to me. (But I have a weird sense of humor.)

Now for my whole cliff hanger review to see more tagline. What is Demyx doing in the picture? What the hell is Marluxia doing now? Why is Zexion so cool? All in the next chapter, of the attachment! Now review, or you will never know! Yes, this does sound like a soap opera tagline…maybe I like it that way!