The Attachment

Disclaimer: When I own the world, I'll own Kingdom Hearts….yes.

Notes/introduction: Well, by popular demand, here is the sequel to The Typo, The Attachment! Now, the pairings use your imagination for now! Hahaha. There is a lot of crack-y drama, jokes that don't make sense, sexual references, and blackmail. Isn't that great you guys!

Axel somehow managed to survive these past two days. From Roxas' key blade, the threat of turning into a dusk, being absolutely humiliated, and Demyx. Demyx had to be the hardest to survive. Demyx was the source of all his troubles these past few days. Maybe Demyx learned his lesson, after all his 'best' friend was almost turned into a dusk because of him. The belief of Demyx giving up his wild antics was almost ludicrous, and Axel immediately dismissed it.

It was about dinner time, and Roxas was relaxing enjoying his day off. It seemed kind of funny that he actually was happy that Demyx tricked Axel. If Demyx hadn't, who knows? They could have disliked each other, or Axel would have never paid attention to him. Though, it was bittersweet. Demyx did make him behave like an over-reactive teenage drama queen.

Demyx finally gathered up all the nobodies in the training facility, with the help of his well behaved dancers. The most annoying to get in their cages were the assassins, he assumed Axel told them to give Demyx a hell of a hard time. He hated this job, but on the bright side he only had six more days. Well never mind, that was the bad side, there was no good side of the punishment. Demyx walked out of the building cut up, bruised, and swore as could be. He couldn't wait to take a nice hot shower, yes that was the ticket indeed. The one thing he was really looking forward to was the look on Axel's face when he opened his e-mail he mailed last night. He smirked, and began walking back to the dormitories.

It was time for dinner and Demyx was in the shower, while Axel was ready to leave for the dining area. Axel told Roxas he'd show him the 'fun' side of the organization, which was mostly secret rooms and torturing their fellow coworkers. As soon as Axel was leaving Demyx stopped him.

"Hey! Wait for me Axel! I just need to put some clothes on and I'll be good to go" Demyx was running around the room looking for his blue spandex shorts and a white t-shirt. He clenched the towel around his waist tightly, as he forgot to knot it on the side.

"I'll give you ten seconds. Ten, nine, eight, seven, six" Axel teased. Demyx whined and eventually found his clothes. He put them on and they started walking out the door, when Demyx cleared his throat.

"Axel, since I think we reached a new level of friendship" Demyx tried to say in a stern voice, but it just ended up being silly.

"If you mean friendship by hate, then that is correct"

"Axel! That is no way to treat your bestest buddy and friend" Demyx scolded.

"I know, but you aren't my 'bestest buddy and friend', Demyx" Axel could not wait to eat dinner, for once. Demyx stepped in front of Axel and stopped him.

"Axel, this is a serious question, but are you umm..." Demyx scratched his head

"Get out of my way, now" Axel growled, he pushed Demyx and continued walking.

Axel went into the dining room and picked up his plate. Demyx ran into the room and shouted "AXEL ARE YOU GAY? BECAUSE IF YOU ARE WE CAN STILL BE FRIENDS YOU KNOW!" A plate crashed to the floor and Axel turned around to face Demyx. Everyone was staring at the scene, waiting to see what would happen.

"Ten bucks that Axel is going to knock him out" Luxord whispered to Xigbar

"Ten bucks if one admits they're gay" Xigbar flashed the money.

"You're on!" They both chuckled and watched the scene.

Roxas sensed the tension in the room, and looked at both Axel and Demyx. He had to do something, and he said the first thing that came to his mind.

"Why do you care? Do you have the hots for Axel?" He stood up and then covered his mouth. He did not mean to say that, he meant to say something like 'Demyx did you get hit on the head too hard?' or 'Demyx stop with your lame jokes'. Suddenly everyone was looking at him.

"Well, uh….why do you care, if I care, if I want to know if Axel is gay?" Demyx put his hand on his hip, and hoped he made sense. By this time most people moved their attention from Axel towards Roxas and Demyx. Roxas walked over to the Demyx and the two glared at each other.

"Why do you think I care?" Roxas hissed

"Maybe you're jealous, since I'm better friends with Axel" Demyx smirked, yah he was smooth.

"I am not jealous of how much Axel cannot stand you" Demyx jaw dropped, oh no he didn't.

"Excuse me? Axel was my best friend before you showed up, and before you played the whole drama queen card on us" Roxas gritted his teeth.

"Axel was never your friend! Get a fucking clue, he hates you!" Soon a big gasp was heard around the room, and Demyx bit his lip.

"You're the one who tried to kill him with your umm...over-sized key. YAH! OVER-SIZED KEY!" Roxas key blade appeared and he shoved it in Demyx's face.

"This is not an over-sized key! Okay maybe it is, but I can kick your ass with it!"

Demyx pulled out his sitar "Is that a challenge?"

"You bet it is!" They both glared at each other, and Axel was going 'why me?' over and over.

"Well, I'm a lover not a fighter!" Demyx took his sitar and swung it at Roxas' head. A loud crack was heard and Roxas fell to the floor. Demyx blinked and whispered 'whoops, this thing really is dangerous'.

"Aiii! My beautiful sitar! It has a dent!" Demyx whined rubbing the dent, totally forgetting about the fallen Roxas.

"Roxas!" Axel whispered to himself. He ran over and kneeled towards him. Axel shook his body but didn't get a response.

"Great Demyx, he's out cold" Axel rolled his eyes, and started to pick up Roxas.

"Oops my bad!" Demyx turned around and accidentally swung his sitar very fast at Axel's head.

"You-uo are soooo dea-" Axel's voice was jagged and then he finally hit the ground.

Everyone stared at Demyx and started leaving the room. Luxord and Xigbar were disappointed that none of their bets took place, oh well.

"You guys are so gay!" Marluxia hissed as he left the room with Larxene. Great, even flower boy thought Demyx played for the other team.

"Come on you guys, that was a good prank, now get the hell up!" Demyx shouted crossing his arms. He didn't get a response; he waited longer, and still didn't get a response. Demyx grinned and looked around the room. He poked Axel then Roxas, but they didn't budge. He slowly started moving their body parts around, and grabbed out a camera.

"Say heartless!" the camera flashed and then Demyx moved Axel away from Roxas. He smiled, more blackmail. He left the room giggling, it was e-mail time!

Axel's eyes slowly opened, his head hurt like a bitch. He looked down seeing a passed out Roxas next to him.

"Hey Roxas, you okay?" he shook the boy, and his eyes slowly opened. He sat up slowly and looked at Axel.

"What the hell…happened? I feel like my head got ran over" Axel lightly chuckled

"You got hit over the head by Demyx's sitar"

"Ugh, how can you stand him?" Axel blinked, how did he exactly stand Demyx? The yelling, the jokes, the stupid-ness, the oh so common, 'NO WAI!' moments.

"I don't know, I'm just tough I guess. Forget about him, let's go back to our rooms. Tomorrow I can show you around some more, if you'd still like to" Roxas smiled and nodded.

"Of course, but we should get revenge for what he did to us" Axel smirked; he started to like this kid even more. "Of course, just e-mail me"

Axel returned from his daily alone time near castle oblivion, and decided to return early. Axel looked around his room and saw no sign of Demyx. He logged onto the computer and decided to check his e-mail. He saw he had three new messages. One from Zexion, one from Demyx, and one from Roxas.

To: Axel

From: Zexion:

Title: Camera


This whole e-mail thing is stupid, so let me get to the point. Demyx stole my camera, get it back. If you do get it back, I'll do the dishes the night you're supposed to. I really need it. Bye.

Axel deleted the message, and decided to find the camera. If Zexion did the dishes tomorrow for him, he could have some free time. Something he needed a lot of.

He clicked the message from Demyx, and grunted.

To: Everyone

From: Demyx




Was Demyx that stupid enough to send him this? Was Demyx asking for a death wish? Axel clicked the 'download attachment' file and waited it for it to download.

A picture soon came up. Roxas was at his computer desk, with bulging eyes, and two hands on Axel's head in a pulling position near the other boy's crotch. It looked like Axel was 'orally' pleasing Roxas.

"Demyx!" Axel closed the picture and looked around the room.

"I know you're in here, you son of a bitch! Come out wherever you are!" Axel's chakrams appeared and he swung one at the closet. The door opened and Demyx fell out.

"I'm going to die, aren't I?" Demyx said nervously

"Yes" Axel threw another one of his chakrams, and almost hit Demyx.

"Well, uhh if you do that, you'll get turned into a dusk"

"It'll be worth it" Demyx gulped.


Roxas checked his e-mail, he had two new messages. One was from Xemnas about a new mission, and the other was Demyx. He opened Demyx's message and wanted to see this 'blackmail'. Soon the picture was downloaded and Roxas twitched. No wonder he kept getting those weird comments. It was because everyone thought he and Axel were more than just friends, and not in the best friend way if you get the drift. He turned off his computer, grabbed his key blade and left his room.

"Axel pleaseeeeeeeeee! I'm sorrrrrrrrrrrry!" Demyx was running around the dormitory hall, avoiding Axel's chakrams. He then suddenly bumped into something, or well someone.

"Hello Demyx" Roxas smirked

"Hehe…hey Roxas, I'm sort of busy!" a chakram flew by Demyx's head.

"Let me help" Demyx smiled, maybe Roxas was trying to be friends with him.

"Thanks Roxas! I soooo misjudged you!" Demyx hugged Roxas, or well used him as a shield.

"I wasn't talking to you, Demyx. I was talking to Axel, who by the way is behind you" Demyx then realized he was between Axel and Roxas. He gave a little wave and scratched his head.

"Hey, come on you guys! We can work this out…I think" Roxas and Axel glared at him, obviously that was a 'hell no'.

"Well, let me tell you guys one thing, I decided to give Marluxia a present by e-mail. He will most likely share my present with everyone!" Axel grunted, while Roxas panicked. Don't tell me he had more blackmail on them.

Notes: Will Axel and Roxas kill Demyx? (No, but something better is going to happen! xD) Why does Zexion need his camera? (myspace maybe?) What photos are on this camera? (pr0n of course) Why does Demyx get himself into so much trouble? (Because he's so damn adorable!) What exactly is Marluxia's present? (Flowers! Wheee!) All in the next chapter of The Attachment. Coming soon with more attachments, more drama, and more fights over Axel.