Okay. So I am the worst author ever. I couldn't believe nearly another year had passed since I had updated. And honestly I was considering putting this up for adoption. But I sat myself down and re-read the whole thing. I put on some Steve Perry and Journey. Then a little Audioslave and that seemed to jump start the muse. One chapter at least. And not a very long one. But it's something. And the next chapter is started. It jumps ahead a little, only because I was finding it hard to do a day by day like I had planned. And that may have been exactly why I was stuck for a while. So, for those of you still reading. . .Higher Being Bless you. I am very sorry. Please enjoy and feel free to send messages if I fall behind again. Because as much as I would like to promise that I won't. . .*shrugs*.

"And just what is it that you think you know about me, little girl?" Although her voice did not contain the raspiness that years of screaming in Azkaban would bring about, Athena could hear the supposed superiority and ill hid sarcasm. She did notice that this version on Bellatrix Lestrange was a beautiful one. Years in Azkaban had not been kind to the older woman. But here and now, the famous Black genes were quite evident. Silky midnight black curls and bright blue eyes. Too much like Sirius' eyes.

Bella watched as the younger woman sized her up. She had heard all about the exchange student and her actions last night from her own spies within Slytherin. Though she did agree with Athena about Narcissa actions. Better to be subtle and devise a humiliation like the one that Narcissa had been given. Sighing inwardly, Bella accepted what her parents had been telling her all along. Her sisters were just not meant to be Blacks or Slytherins. She swallowed harshly at the thought of her eldest sister. Blood traitor that she was. Marrying a Muggle. Giving birth to a Mudblood.

Athena was indeed sizing up Bellatrix. Of course the other had no idea that Athena had meet her before. In the future of course. But long enough to know that not all her madness and cruelty came form her imprisonment. "I know enough about you, Bellatrix. Enough certainly to know that I need not waste my time. Class is about to start. Excuse me." She reached down and picked up her fallen books while motioning to Severus. He was staring ay her aghast.

Severus knew full well what happened to those who underestimated Bellatrix Lestrange. It was rumored that she herself had attempted to take the life of her own sister when Andromeda had run away. That she was receiving training from Lord Voldemort himself was a ill kept secret. Athena was playing with her life.

Bella thought the same thing. How dare this insignificant flobberworm dismiss her so easily. She raised her wand for the Cruicatus Curse, when Athena turned around swiftly.

"Cast that curse in here Bella and you will set off the alarms." Her eyes turned cold with hatred and rage then. It was not hard to summon it as she thought off Neville and his parents in a few years time. Her own wand rose of it's own accord. "But know this, before you got that curse off and well before anyone arrived to check, you would be dead on the floor."

Now, Bellatrix Black Lestrange was not easily intimidated. Nor was she a coward. But there was something in this woman's eyes that promised what she spoke was true. Suddenly, attacking seemed like a bad idea. However, a new idea took it's place. She began to wonder where Athena's loyalties lay. Someone with this power and rage in her heart could be a great asset to her Lord. Slowly she dropped her wand and spoke in a more civil voice.

"Narcissa. She is quite correct. You are acting like a Hufflepuff. Lucius has a binding contract with Mother and Father. He would no sooner break that than deny himself a Malfoy. It should comfort you to know that he has some compassion. That is more than some women get in a lifetime." She turned to her sister as she finished speaking. Narcissa's face was a blank slate. She was obviously shocked at Bella's words as well as seeing her sister back down from another. Bella again wondered where the Slytherin in her was. Better to forfeit a small victory in leu of the bigger picture. A possible ally.

Athena watched with little emotion. Inwardly she was correctly guessing the reason for Bellatrix sudden turn.

Ah little one. Another you have intrigued. At this rate, you might have his entire Inner Circle by mid-term break.

Shyeah, right. You can not possibly tell me you want me to save Bellatrix Lestrange.

No! She couldn't be turned from her path with a Imperious and a dog collar. But you have her under your spell. She wouldn't have backed down otherwise.

Well, she may prove useful when I finally make contact with Voldie.

Exactly. Now, hurry off to class.

Athena laughed mentally at being shooed off to class by Salazar Slytherin. Outwardly she watched as Bella berated her sister before turning back to Athena.

Bella looked at her with a raised eyebrow. "Well, well. Who knew such a little thing like you had a backbone. I wonder if you have the knowledge and courage to backup your words. Hmm, I think you do. My sister will bother you no more with such useless drivel. Perhaps we will meet again, Athena Thomson. Under more civilized circumstances. And better, more powerful company."

Athena could have rolled her eyes at the former Black. After berating her sister on un-Slytherin behavior, she acts the part of a spoilt child flaunting her expensive toy. Or in this case, her Master. But it gave Athena an opening that was too good to pass up, as Sal had said. "Perhaps we will Bella. Perhaps you could introduce me around, if and when we do."

Bella nearly smirked. This would give her an edge over the others her Lord favored. Especially Lucius. She was sure that his little compassionate act last night was merely an opening to woo Athena to their Lord's side. And she had just upset his little schemes. If she had been alone, she would have cackled with glee. Instead, she nodded regally to the woman who had only moments before threatened to take her life. After all, what were a few death threats among acquaintances. "Of course. It would be my pleasure. Now, if you will excuse me. Dumbledore has an uncanny way of knowing things and I'd prefer not to be discovered."

Athena returned the nod and watched as the future lunatic left thru the floo. She then whipped around to Narcissa, who was still a little shocked over the events that had occurred. "Narcissa Black. Such a coward to have to call your elder sister to protect you. . ." But Athena's voice trailed off as she saw Narcissa's look change.

"Bella backed down. I have never seen. ." Narcissa dropped to sit in a nearby chair. Everything she thought to be true about Bella had changed in that one moment. Unbeknownst to her sister, Narcissa did know how to act Slytherin. Very well in fact. It was just that when it came to Lucius, things were different. She had fallen in love with her fiancé years before her parents had been approached by the Malfoy's for a marriage contract. All of her dreams had been realized in that one moment. To have them threatened by another woman had sent her in a tailspin.

And now to have seen Bella back down from the same woman? She wondered if Athena had been sent here to wreck havoc on her life. If she knew just how close she was to the truth, she would have been shocked.

As it was, Athena saw how very affected Narcissa was and decided to clear the room. She motioned to Severus to get people moving on to class as she sat next to the quiet woman.

"Narcissa? Are you alright?" Athena did not want to have enemies in her own house. Or any of the other's but in one's own house could cause many sleepless nights. Especially in Slytherin.

Narcissa looked up at her name and blinked slowly. "Yes. And I know that Bella only did it because she saw something in you. I'm not the flake she thinks me to be, you know."

Athena merely nodded. She listened as Narcissa explained about Lucius and her actions. She was shocked when Narcissa apologized to her. She accepted it without any pomp or fair. It was a honest apology and done without ulterior motives. And although she couldn't understand fully about being in love with someone for so long, she had seen in small glimpses what Narcissa loved about Lucius. Athena explained exactly what had happened and gave the blonde an apology of her own. She really hadn't done anything wrong but the smile on the other's face made her glad she had given it anyway.

Minutes later, the two women left the common room and rushed towards the potion classroom. As Athena took the seat that Severus had saved for her, she sent a smile toward her newest friend. Little did she know that in a few short months, Narcissa Black would become the best friend she had ever had. And that she would save her life.