1Author's Note: This is the last chapter and I'm VERY glad. I was pretty disappointed after I last updated. I only got 3 reviews! Thanks so much to the 3 people who reviewed but I was really upset. I was thinking about just ending the story there! I figured you might want a teeny last chapter though. So, here ya go!

A week later, Daine and Numair, were back at the palace, in their room, together. So many things had happened in the last few days. They found out the truth about Varice and she was now living in Numair's house. Soon, she would be working for King Jonathan and living at the palace. Daine realized she didn't really mind her being around as much as she had thought. Sure, Numair and Varice had a past but they seemed to be just really good friends.

"You know," Daine said, as she got ready for bed with her fiancé, "I like Varice. She seems really nice."

Numair looked at her for a moment and smiled. "I'm glad you do. I thought you would be jealous because Varice and I have a history. She's really nice but I don't like her like I used to. She's in love with Arram, not Numair. I'm not Arram anymore."

"I know. I thought I would be jealous too but I'm not. I know you don't like her like you used to or at least I hope so. Besides, if you did, there isn't much I could do except wish you the best. Varice is really nice. I realize that now and I'm not jealous. If you do like her more than me, just tell. I don't want anymore secrets. It gets us into fights and I really don't want to experience the last few weeks over again," Daine said. She didn't want to put words in Numair's mouth because there was always a chance the he liked Varice more than her but just didn't want her to know.

Numair didn't say anything for a moment and Daine finished getting ready, thinking Numair really did like Varice. When they were both in bed, Numair rolled over towards Daine, who was facing away from him. He put his arm around her stomach and she rolled over. Oh great, though Daine. He's going to break up with me in bed.

Numair looked into her eyes and sighed, brushing her hair from her face. "I gave what you said serious thought. I would never hurt you on purpose, you know that right?" Daine nodded. She did know that. That's why she had given him free choice, before they got too close.

"Before now, I would have stayed with you, even if I didn't want to. As long as you seemed to love me. I would have stayed and if you stopped loving me, I would have left. Not just to save you the pain but to save mine too. The truth is, I'll always put you first, even if it hurts me." Daine opened her mouth to protest but Numair held up his hand and shook his head. He wasn't done yet.

"And the thing is, I really do love you. I don't love Varice and definitely not more than I love you. I want to marry you and spent the rest of my life with you. But if you don't think you're ready or don't love me, just tell me. I promise I won't force you and if you want, we can end this now," Numair finished.

No one spoke for a moment. "Did you really think you were going to get rid of my that easy?" Daine said. "Of course I want to marry and I know now that I'm ready."

"Are you sure?" Numair asked.

Daine stared at him. "What? Are you trying to tell me you don't want to marry me or something?"

"Of course not! I just want to make sure you're ready!" Numair said, appalled.

Daine smiled. "Of course. Now, for our wedding I was thinking maybe Varice could be a bridesmaid?"

Numair just smiled. They could worry about the wedding tomorrow but now it was time to get some sleep.