It's finally here, the last chapter! I'm so sorry for the long wait! Thanks for being so patient guys!! Well, I hope you guys enjoy your summer vacation and I'll possibly have my new story up soon. Yay!

Thank You:

khgurl94- Lol! Thanks for all the compliments and being so patient for my update! Lol long reviews are the best! Hope you enjoy the last chapter!! Anyway thanks for the review!!

Kairi96- Ah! Sorry! I don't mean for my chapters to be short! Hopefully this one is long enough to meet your tastes! Thanks for the review!!

Rays of a Shining Destiny- Ah! Well thank you! I hope you enjoy the chapter! Thanks for the review!!

Beeria- Young love is the absolute best. So sweet and so innocent! Oh really? Well I'm glad I wasn't the only one! Thanks for the review!!

Darkwing13- Sora has to leave because King Mickey doesn't want him to be in love with Kairi! Gosh, that king! Eh, There's probably not going to be a sequel. I liked the way I ended this and I hope you do too! I guess we'll see what happens though! Thanks for the review!!

Typical Sundays- Yep! This is the final chapter! Yeah, I get a little sad when I end a story but also a feeling of accomplishment! Yay they love each other! I wonder if Kairi will tell Sora how she feels? Well go find out! Thanks for the review!!

Xin-No-Hikaru- haha! You did? That's awesome! I always play the song I use when I'm writing that certain part... it helps in some odd way. Ah really? Thanks so much!! You're too nice! Thanks for the review!!

Sorasheart281- wide eyes Sorry it took me so long! Don't chase me! Ahh! Thanks for the review!!

The one lost from everyone- Well! I'm glad I made you happy! Thanks for the review!!

Ashley E- LOL! Hate the No-No-Cha-Cha? Lmfao! LOL about Leon! LOL! Thanks for the review!!

Cruz Nightshade- Ah! Thanks! I hope you're doing well! Thanks for the review!!

Jennylikewhoahh- I think it's so freaking awesome that you made artwork for my story! I feel so privileged! Thanks for the review!!

Ross- Really? Oh my, That's so sweet! Thanks! Well I hope I didn't make it too harsh! Thanks for the review!!

Ryangoldstar- Yeah! I guess it does suck for them! That's sad. Thanks for the review!!

Hurky- Hurky!! Haven't heard from you in forever! How are you?! I hope well! I hope the work load has lightened up! Yay for S/K!!! Thanks for the review!!

AntiSora345- Haha I know! It's one my best qualities! Hehe! Ah! Thank you! Thanks for the review!!

Dycho- Haha! Thanks! Well here's the final chapter! I hope you enjoy! Thanks for the review!!


Lane- I don't own anything Kingdom Hearts related or the songs that I use.

Sora- blinks But wait, you told me I got owned when you beat me in volleyball.

Lane- slaps forehead Enjoy the last chapter!

A Scattered Memory

By: Chibi Neko-Chan2





XXXXX- Scene Change

Kairi wiped the sleep from her eyes as her thoughts reflected back to the night before. She had barely gotten any sleep, and when she did get sleep, she would only have nightmares about Sora leaving and something bad happening to him after he left. The nightmares made her stomach turn.

She tried to stop thinking about him so she wouldn't feel so sick, but it was an useless effort. Too many emotions were swarming inside her to simply just block them out.

Kairi turned on her stomach and faced the purple wall in front of her. The last thing she wanted was him to leave her... again. Over time, Sora became her confidant and best friend. She didn't want to picture not being able to see his goofy smile or not being surrounded by his kindness and caring attitude.

Sora had given her strength, hope, faith, and most importantly, he had given her his love. He would always put her or anyone else in front of himself because that was just how he was. These reasons where why she loved him so much. These reasons were...

why she had fallen in love with him.

She didn't know when he was leaving, she just knew that he was leaving soon. She didn't want to live with not being able to tell him how she truly felt after he left. She had to tell him. Not soon, not tomorrow, she had to tell him now.

Kairi jumped out of her bed and ran towards her dresser. She quickly replaced her nightgown with a pair of jean shorts, an orange tank top, and white sneakers. Kairi ran into her bathroom, washed her face, and brushed her hair and teeth. As soon as that was over, Kairi was running down her staircase like there wasn't a tomorrow.

Kairi saw her mom pause from dusting the table to stare at the smiling, energetic red-head.

"Hey Mom! Gotta go!" Kairi nearly shouted as she turned to open the door.

"What's the rush?"

"Mom, I'm in love! And I'm currently on a mission to go tell the man that I'm in love with so!" With that, Kairi was out of her house to leave her speechless mother behind.


After running for a good mile and a half without any breaks, you get pretty darn tired. Especially if your not exactly in the best of shape. Kairi came to a halt and panted as she slapped her hands on her sweaty shaking knees. Peaking up through her semi-damp, crimson hair that dangled deadly in front of her face, Kairi's cerulean eyes locked onto the Young's front door step.

She had arrived at her destination.

Straightening her posture, Kairi ambled towards the front door as she wiped sweat from her brow. Kairi wouldn't of been is such an exasperated state if she would've taken her car that was nearly rotting to death in her drive way. However, Kairi's car didn't even cross Kairi's mind until she was a good three blocks from her house. Why she didn't think of taking her car sooner, she didn't know.

Kairi knocked on the door three times before attempting to make herself look decent. Kairi placed a lock of her hair behind her ear when she saw the front door fling open. Sora's teary eyed mother sniffled a cry when she saw Kairi in front of her.

"Oh-God, this cant- be good," Kairi huffed out, feeling a sudden dizziness take over her. Kairi's hand luckily caught the door frame before her whole body collapsed in Sora's doorway.

"Ka-Kairi? Oh de-dear, are you ok-okay? Let me get you some..." Sora's mother turned around quickly and wailed, "water!!"

"No-No! It's okay! Is Sora he-here?" Kairi said, still trying to catch her breath from her run as she walked into the house.

The room was dead silent for a good thirty seconds before Ms. Young let out a loud cry. Kairi nearly jumped five feet in the air from the sudden shriek. Ms. Young blew her nose heavily into her handkerchief as she pointed at a glass of water on the counter.

"Sora- he- he left this morn-morn-morning!!" Ms. Young as she plotted herself on her couch. After quickly gulping the cold glass of water down, Kairi ran towards Sora's mother and grabbed her shoulders.

"Where is he?!" Kairi asked, trying to get Ms. Young's answer quick so she could tell him how she felt before Sora was bye-bye.

"My baby- he- he left!"

"We have already accomplished this...Tell me where he is, please!" Kairi didn't mean to sound rude, but she was in a rush! The two could sob and mourn after Kairi told Sora that she loved him.

"He- He's- at..." Ms. Young suddenly grabbed her handkerchief and blew in it again.


"That island!" Ms. Young bawled. Kairi quickly let go of the middle-aged woman and grabbed the sides of her head.

"It's going to take me forever to get to the beach! I'll never get to say goodbye and that I love him!" Kairi said, starting to panic, "What do I do? What do I do?"

"...You're in lo-love with my so-son?" Ms. Young asked, surprise written all over her face.

"Yes. Yes! I'm in love with your son, but I'll never get to say that to him!"

"Here!" Ms. Young dug into her robe's pocket for a moment and then pulled a pair of car keys, "Take my car! Hurry!"

"Really? Oh my goodness! Thank you so much! I'll come back as soon as I can!" Kairi gave Sora's mother a quick hug before running towards the door.

"When we get back, we can talk about Sora while watching sad romance movies and eating cookies!" Kairi hollered before the front door shut. Ms. Young sniffled and wiped her cheeks with her hand.

"She-She's perfect for him."


Kairi was down the road in Ms. Young's green, mini van as quick as you can say 1, 2, 3. Still trying to shake off her panic, Kairi turned the radio up as she drove down through the tiny village. She really hoped that all of Destiny Island's cops were on their donoughts and coffee break.

I was waiting all my life to know you
(all about you)And now..I'm staring in your eyes ocean blue
(I'm all about you)
And in our minds, it comes so easily
But theres a feeling comin over me
I want to show you,
But theres nowhere we can really be free
Everybody's watchin'
Wouldn't it be good if we could be together

Kairi suddenly heard a vibration in her purse. Knowing that it was a big no-no to talk on your cell phone while driving, Kairi tried to ignore it. Her attention on the road was extremely important.

It might be Sora.

Gulping, Kairi took one hand off the steering wheel. Her hand desperately fumbled around in her purse but couldn't find the small, vibrating phone. Biting on her lip, Kairi tore her gaze from the road to her purse. There were sounds of beeps and honking as she quickly spotted her phone.

After pressing the talk button, Kairi focused her attention back on the road as she placed her phone between her ear and shoulder blade.

"Hello?" Kairi asked in a high-pitched voice as she received angry glares from the people driving around her.

"Hey girl! It's your bff, Selph! What cha doing?" Selphie asked. Selphie was currently sitting on her bed and filing her nails, "OMG. I am so bored."

"So bored that you're talking in acronyms? Selphie, I'm driving," Kairi made a sharp right turn, "Selphie it's really a- oh no!"

Her mother would kill her if she saw her right now.

The phone slipped from Kairi's shoulder onto the floor. Kairi cringed when she again tore her eyes off the road to get her phone.

Correction, make that her father.

Kairi held the phone to her ear as she heard Selphie ask, "What was that?"

"Selphie, It's REALLY not a good time. I'll call you back later, okay?!" Kairi yelled, yanking her wheel to the right to avoid hitting an old lady that was carrying her groceries home. In the rear view mirror, Kairi could see the oldy lady shaking her cane at her.

"Wait! Kairi!"

"Great! Toodles!" Kairi shut her phone and dropped it into the passenger seat. It took a moment for Kairi to realize that she was suppose to be in the left lane in order to get off her exit. Kairi flipped her blinker on and cut into the other lane, nearly ramming her car into another.

The car honked at her car.

"Sorry!" Kairi shrieked. She felt her blood run cold when she saw the other car cut into the other lane and drive by the side of her car. Kairi nearly choked on her own saliva when she saw the person driving next to her from the corner of her eye. It was her principal.

"My office. Monday," The Principal nearly threatened before taking off in a faster speed.

Sora, after all this, you better still be there!

Take me away,
Take me far away from here
I will run with you
Don't be afraid
Navigate and I will steerInto the sun, we will run
I remember when I was just a child
(In my roo-oom)
And my...imagination used to run wild
(I never knee-ew)
Then nothing ever as it seems to be
When a dream collides with our reality
It should be easy when two people love each other truly
Everybody's talkin'

Kairi swerved into the beach parking lot and put the car in park. Throwing herself out the car, Kairi ran to the dock where her boat lied. Kairi hurriedly untied the knot and got into the boat. She used all the strength left inside her to paddle the boat as fast as it could go.

He's worth it.

When Kairi was halfway to the island, she placed the paddle back into the boat and decided to take a breather.

"I- I can't paddle anymore. I-I won't ma- make it," Tear were starting to spill from her eyes since she was so exhausted. Kairi sniffed, getting frustrated with herself. She grabbed the paddle. Her mind wanted to keep going but her body didn't.

"I just wanted to tell him how I felt," Kairi breathed out, watching her hot tears fall from her face and landing on the wooden interior of the boat.

"God help me..."

Kairi was so caught in her emotions, she didn't hear the loud motor of the jet ski beside her.

"Excuse me, miss? Are you alright? Can I help you in anyway?" Kairi shot her head upwards to see a middle-aged man in a Hawaiian shirt, khaki shorts, and flip flops.

Wiping the tears from her eyes, Kairi nodded.

"Yes. Yes, you actually can!" Kairi shouted over the loud motor.

What Kairi was about to do was low and not like herself, but she was desperate.

"What is it- AH!!"


The man gasped for air as his arms flapped about in the water. He peered up at the red head who was in the spot where he was once standing.

"I'm so sorry but I really need to use this right now! I'll give it back to you as soon as I can! You can use my boat in the meantime! Goodbye!" Kairi waved to the nice man before taking off.

"Wait! That jet ski isn't even mine! Come back!" The man shouted as he pulled himself into the little wooden boat.

The island was getting closer and closer by the second as Kairi pressed the gas handle as hard as she could. She was getting so close that she could see the yellow gummi ship.

Wouldn't it be good if they would understand us...
Take me away, Take me far away from here
I will run with you
Don't be afraid (afraid)
Navigate and I will steer
Into the sun, we will run...
We, will run.
Whoooaaa whoa whoa whoa
We, will run.
Oh yeah yeah yeaah

Kairi was driving the jet ski very well taken that it was her first time.


"WACK! What is this?!" Donald screeched, half his white feathered body under the gummi ship. The reason why Sora, Goofy, Donald, and Riku were still on the island was because the gummi ship wouldn't start properly. Donald knew there was a reason why the gummi ship wouldn't run other than Sora's and Riku's sad faces.

"Hyuck! I dunno Donald, I can't see!" Goofy said, his upper body leaning towards the side to try to get a glimpse of Donald's face.

"A bunch of gum is on the engine!" Donald yelled, plucking the gum off the engine and then off his feathered hand.

"Oh... Hyuck! So it doesn't go there!" Goofy said, dumbly scratching the top of his head. Sora let out a laugh and Goofy followed him.

"Ah! This isn't funny you big two palookas!" Donald yelled. Goofy ignored his short friend and turned towards Sora.

Wouldn't it be good if they would understand us
Wouldn't it be good if we could be together...
Take me away, (take me away)
Take me far away from here
I will run with you
Don't be afraid (Don't..Be..Afraid)
Navigate and I will steer
Into the sun, we will run...
Run, whoa whoa whooaa
I will run with you wherever you go
Don't be afraid
Let's runaway and I will steer
Into the sun, we will run.

"Say Sora, where did Riku go?" Goofy asked, twisting around a couple of times to see if he could spot him.

"He's saying a 'quick goodbye' to Catherine," Sora ran a hand through his light brown, spiky locks, "if you know what I mean."

Goofy placed his hands on top of his blushing cheeks, "Oh gosh."

Donald crawled out from under the gummi ship and appeared in front of his two teammates. He was covered in grease and gum.

"Ack! I'm going to go wash this off and then we can go! Goofy, get Riku!!" Donald screamed before making his way to the water.

Goofy nodded.

"Riku! Oh Riku!!" Goofy called, hearing his own echo in the distance, "Hyuck! Wonder who that other guy is..."

"Right here, dawg!" Riku called, waving his hand in the air as he walked over to the group. Riku crossed his muscular arms over his chest as he smirked, "Ha. Get it? Dawg because you're, well, a dog..."

Goofy stared blankly at the silver-haired male as Sora shook his head, "Not funny dude."

Riku glared and pushed Sora hard in the arm, "Shut up."

"Scuba Dubba Dubba, a duck in the water," Donald sang in is so called 'excellent' voice as he washed himself off with the ocean water, "But I'm not a rubber duck!!"

"Eep! Excuse me!!!!!" Donald heard a sudden girl scream. Donald looked up to see a jet ski about ten feet in front of his face, "Please watch out!"

Alas, It was too late. Kairi accidentally hit dear old Donald Duck. Kairi stopped her jet ski on the shore as she watched Donald shoot through the air like a rocket.


"Sorry!!!" Kairi shouted after watching the feathered creature crash into a palm tree and then onto the sand. She sighed of relief when she saw Donald do the okay sign with his feathered hand.

"Kairi?" Kairi turned at the soft, gentle voice. Her eyes locked on Sora's cobalt ones and she felt her heart swell, "What are you doing here?"

Kairi got off the jet ski and stood in front of it. The relief that swept through her body felt so good. He was still here. Her effort paid off, even though her end result would only last for a couple minutes.

"You're still here..." Kairi stated, a smile painting on her face.

"Yeah. There was a problem with the gummi ship-" Sora paused from talking when he saw tears brimming in Kairi's eyes, "Are you crying?"

"Oh. Uh sorry," Kairi quickly wiped the tears from her eyes, "I'm just so happy."

Sora smiled sadly as he ambled over to where Kairi was standing, "Heh Kai, don't cry. I don't want to remember seeing you that way before I leave."

Kairi sniffed and nodded towards him.

"So, um, I don't mean to sound rude but it's kinda unexpected to see you here..."

"Oh? So I can't say goodbye to my best friend?" Kairi asked, placing her hands on her hips as she stared up at him.

"No! No! It's just...uh..."

Kairi's giggling made him shut up.

"Is there something you wanted to tell me?" Sora asked, hope bubbling in his stomach. He hoped that she would say what he wanted so badly to hear.

"Well...yes... there's something I have to tell you..."

"Sora!" Donald called from the driver's seat of the gummi ship, "We're waiting on you!"

Kairi waved over towards Riku and Riku waved back and whispered 'save me!'. The couple outside the gummi ship laughed.

"I'll be right there guys! Give me a moment!" Sora called over his shoulder before facing Kairi again, "Sorry. what is it that you wanted to tell me?"

"You're the one from the picture aren't you? The one with us as kids?" Sora paused for a moment before nodding.

"Yep, that's me..."

"Well, I kinda figured it. Um, anyway, what I wanted to tell you is that..." Kairi bowed her head slightly as she fidgeted with her hands like a nervous school girl, "Sora, you make me feel complete. I never...felt so whole before. I wish that feeling wouldn't have to go away. Now that you're leaving, that feeling is going to go away too. I'm going to miss that feeling so much...but the thing that I'm going to miss the most... is you."

Kairi wrapped her arms slowly around Sora's neck and gave him a hug. Surprised, Sora slowly returned the tight hug.

"Kairi," Sora said softly, stepping out of the hug, "That feeling doesn't have to go away. As long as you keep me right here," Sora said, pointing towards her heart. He then ruffled the top of her head as he joked, "And not forget me this time."

Kairi tilted her head up back towards him, trying so hard to look happy for him, "Okay."

Kairi felt a sudden warmness surround her hand as Sora gently took and squeezed it, "Later Kai."

With those last words, Sora turned and started for the gummi ship.

You worked so hard to get here and you're not going to tell him your true feelings? What are you? Chicken? Go tell him how you feel!

"Wait!" Kairi ran to where Sora was and grabbed his hand, "Sora! There's one last thing."

Sora turned, butterflies tickling his stomach.

"Ye- Yes Kairi?"

Kairi placed her hands on his shoulders as she stood on her tip toes and gave Sora a passionate kiss. This time around, Sora was the one left with the wide eyes.

"I love you," Kairi whispered, her heart thumping in her chest as she pulled away from him.

"Y-You do?"

Kairi nodded, swallowing the knot in her throat, "Yes. Yes I do."

"I love you too Kairi," Sora smiled as he grabbed her hand and embraced her into another tight hug.

"I'll come back to you, I promise," Sora whispered in her hair.

Kairi's face scrunched in confusion for a second before smiling.

That sounds familiar

"I know you will," Kairi whispered back before pulling out of the hug. She watched as Sora made his way into the gummi ship and she waved to the party as they took off.

Right then Kairi knew that the upcoming year would be a promising one.

XXXXX A Couple Days Later XXXXX

Soft music played from Kairi's radio as Kairi sat at her white porcelain desk. The song currently playing was one of Kairi's favorite. It was titled 'Sanctuary'. The song reminded her so much of him.

She hoped that they were safe.

Kairi picked up her pen and started to write.

Thinking of you wherever you are,
We pray for our sorrows to end,
And hope that our hearts will blend,
Now I will step forward to realize this wish.And who knows:
Starting a new journey may not be so hard,
Or maybe it's already begun.
There are many worlds,
But they share the same sky,
One sky,
One destiny.

Kairi placed her pen back down and smiled. She would send the letter soon. Kairi walked over towards her window seat and sat down.

"Sora... come home soon."


Haha! I hope you guys enjoyed the last chapter and the story overall! Tell me what you thought by leaving a review! I just love them! Thanks for reading guys, it means so much!!! Look out for my new story that might be coming late this summer! Later!

Chibi Neko-Chan2