Author's Note: I'm so sorry that this is so late! School and Work have kept me busy as of late. Chapter three as promised, I might wait a bit on four until I get some more reviews. To all those that HAVE reviewed, I thank you kindly for your words inspire me to keep going 3. As for technical mumbo jumbo, yes I know that we didn't see an actual library in the castle but I'm almost positive that there had to be one. The place is pretty big…


Another book was added to the ever growing stack that lined the small table located amongst the bookshelves within the library. Immediately the young castellan glanced up into the withered face of his personal servant.

"Another sir." Bernardo said softly, "Are you finding much?"

"I am, this should be good for the time being. You are dismissed, thank you Bernardo." Ramon gestured with his small hand. The butler nodded and folded his hands behind his back as he exited.

Frail hands fingered through the ancient papers which lined the various texts. He marked some pages of significance with his pen and skimmed past others. He would refer back to those he marked for later reference. After all he wasn't willing to spend hours upon hours on end paging through texts that didn't relate to what he was looking for.

For now it was just a matter of catching names and dates of significance, marking them and coming back to read further in depth when he had more time. He took a deep breath; the light from the oil lamp was beginning to sting his eyes. And he was growing more tired by the minute.

Perhaps now is the time to stop…

He thought to himself, rubbing his eyes with his fingers and shutting the book in front of him. He glanced outward at the dim aisles of the library, the surrounding darkness was almost enough to send a chill up his spine. Of course not like he was afraid of the dark…but one never knows what may be lurking within it.

Eight generations of castellans…and I am of the last…

It was a depressing thought; he was the last of his bloodline and then that would be it. This castle would be left to ruin and decay. He was one who was born alone and was fated to die in the same manner. If only there were some way to prolong it, yet death was one of the only things that brought certainty into his life.

He quickly dispersed such thoughts; his mind had to be focused upon the task at hand. Learning where he came from and the history behind his so called 'prison'.

Magnificent yet a prison none the less.

The castellan stood up from his seat grabbing a few of the books and setting them aside. He picked up another handful of the texts that he deemed useless and containing little information of value and began to put them back on the shelf. Yet as he was doing so he heard something fall to the floor.

He halted his current task, glancing down at the floor below him. A thin leather bound book with the Salazar family crest laid face up upon the green carpet. Quickly the young master glanced around to check if anyone else was in the library with him. Bending down he picked up the book in his hands undoing the silver clasp that kept it shut.

The pages had to be ancient! Hundreds of years old, they were dry, yellow and withered. Yet the fine writing upon them though faded, still appeared to be legible. Separate from the pages was a small piece of paper, a note placed between the book cover and the first page. Taking it between two fingers Ramon held it up to his tired eyes and read to himself.

To all those that may find this, let my story come as a warning to those seeking the truth. The dark history that this place was founded upon is not for the weak of heart. I can only pray that the future generations see to it that this evil is kept where it belongs. And to ensure that it may never surface upon the living once more. It is up to the Salazar family to procure a future for generations yet to come.

Hidalgo Salazar

Something within Ramon's mind seemed to click. He had seen that name before in one of the texts he was skimming earlier. Immediately he set the diary down, scrambling to find the book in which he saw a family tree. Yet in the process he knocked over one of the oil lamps resting upon the table which he was using shattering it completely. He panicked and attempted to pick it back up yet in the darkness was welcomed by an unpleasant surprise. One of the glass shards had found it's way into his palm as the grasped the handle of the fallen instrument.

"Master Ramon? Are you alright?"

The familiar voice of his personal servant was laced with worry and deep concern as he made his way through the aisles holding a lamp of his own. Bernardo had heard the crash from just outside the doors. Ramon softly cursed to himself, bringing his hand up to his face and putting his lips on the edge of his palm to catch any blood that came from the wound. He had to think fast, yet he couldn't find the diary…if Bernardo found it he would probably hide it again where the castellan couldn't find it.

As his personal servant drew near with the lantern Ramon caught sight of the diary amongst the glass shards. Quickly he took hold of it, cutting his hand even further due to the glass. Again he cursed to himself and hid the book beneath his vest.

"Sr. Ramon?" Bernardo's voice sounded clear as day beside the castellan. Ramon jumped slightly as he turned and looked up into the butler's aged face.

"Dear lord, what on earth happened?" He asked the young master, voice laced with deep concern upon seeing his bloodied hands.

He stood there looking dumbfounded staring at his gashed hands trying to think of a legitimate reason as to why he was dripping blood all over the carpet.

"I'm sorry Bernardo, I was putting some things away when I accidently knocked the lamp from it's shelf upon the table. I tried to set it back up but as I did so, well, you can plainly see."

He held his shaking hands up to the servant, the pain was starting to come to him, not to mention his wounds were starting to feel just a tad bit itchy. Bernardo's expression softened as he gingerly took the back of the castellan's hands to examine them.

"Come now master, it's best for us to take care of these right away." The butler turned from his master leading him back out through the library silently.

Ramon didn't exactly feel TOO guilty about what he told Bernardo. It was the truth after all, he just chose to leave out certain details. He thought to himself as he followed his servant out. He used his arm to brace the journal against his chest so as not to drop it. Perhaps for once he would be able to learn the truth of this place without anyone sugar coating it.


The castellan sat quietly upon his bed within his chambers. His hands felt stiff, uncomfortable and still so very itchy. It was all due to the gauze and bandages that were wrapped about them, and the herbal paste that his butler put on the wounds to prevent infection.

Yet he tried to pay no mind to such trivial affairs, after all he was still able to do things quite properly in this condition. His mind tended to wander from his readings due to the constant throbs from his wounds. Even then it was only brief for he was infatuated for what his ancestor had written of this place.

He was especially careful not to mark the actual pages themselves in their fragile condition. Rather he would make notes of important dates, names and information on separate pieces of paper. One of the bandaged hands reached to the night stand to take a sip of warm herbal tea as he continued to read


For many a year, the mysterious and influential cult group, the Los Illuminados have been steadily gaining ground throughout this region. Their numbers are increasing rapidly day after day. More and more people seem to be swaying toward their methods. Ahh but this is the true question…how was it that a group with such extreme views are able to convince those with sense to join their cause.

In my observations I have not noticed the likes of starvation nor denying their bodies proteins in which they become susceptible to irrational thinking and behavior. While the method of control still appears to be internal it is left to question what exactly is. I only hope that I may stumble upon such before their malevolent ways poison this peaceful region of Spain.

- Hidalgo Salazar


Ramon made sure to make a note of this cult group. He began to wonder if he should even bring such a thing up with Bernardo. Like his ancestor he was curious of their ways and their history. Yet how to go about asking was the real question.

He let out a tired yawn that welled it's way into his throat and rubbed his eyes tiredly with his index finger and his thumb. Hazel eyes trailed up toward the grandfather clock upon the north wall. It read about three in the morning, no doubt he wasn't going to get much sleep tonight. But he figured he might as well make a quick entry in his own diary before he drifted off to sleep.


What a find! I never expected to collect so much in one day. Yet I've stumbled upon a journal that was kept by my ancestor, the first castellan of this magnificent architecture. My mind is flooded with unanswered questions I couldn't dream of asking anyone else. Yet I am all too eager to discover the history of the Los Illuminados and learn more of its ways.

I am almost certain that some of the elder servants may know a thing or two of this cult but they would be unwilling to reveal crucial details. Was this cult truly so bad that none wish to speak of them? Little do they know that their silence will only further entice my curiosity…

- Ramon Salazar


End chapter 3.