A/N: Alright! The first Chapter of my incredibly long fanfic is up! Please Review, and keep in mind, that this is the first chapter, and obviously, not the most exciting. I'll put up the next one soon! Oh, and I by all means, do not own Naruto or any of its characters. This was made merely out of crazyfandom. Enjoy!

Journey to Land

I am Kinicho Sarafu, Daughter of Monteku Kinicho the Gaurdian of the Hidden Village of the Sky, Sora, and the greatly hated Tsuki, current Dragon of the Moon. What of my father? Not even I know. I am a Chuunin, and I was sent down to the Hidden Village of Konoha, on an importnant mission. For many years, we have had alliances with all the countries, but our existence was kept secret for our own safety. We used to live on the ground in the Country of Wind, but we were attacked by the Dragon of the Moon, and that was when my clan got the curse of the Moon Dragon. Just recently, however, my mother unleashed her fury upon our village, so we seek aid from our strongest allies, the Hidden Village of Konoha. That is where I am headed now. The journey is long, and I must travel down Mt. Hokkaido, which is near our village, and walk on foot, ALL the way to Konoha. I stopped at an inn. It was old and this elderly lady made me do the dishes. And they were a lot, I know they were not from just my dinner. My first stop will be at Hojufuku City, in the Earth Country. I shall arrive there tomorrow. After that I will continue into the Wind Country, and then to the Country of Fire.

I have Reached the Hidden Village of Rock, but I don't seem to be welcomed here. I was allowed inside because of my pass, given to me by the Sandaime, but these punk kids tried to pick a fight with me. There was a really short guy, and this other one with a very ugly muffler. It went out of fashion a long time ago. They told me to get out of their village and go back to where I belonged, so I said "Why should I go back to where I belong if you aren't where you belong?"

"Huh? What do you mean? This is our village."

"Well, trash belongs in a garbage can."

I think I went a little too far on that one, because then the short one whipped out a shuriken and threw it at me. Of course, I dodged it with little ease. After all, I was a Chuunin and these were probably Genins, and bad ones at that. But I had miscalculated, because Ugly Muffler Guy disappeared. He then popped up from out of the ground, right behind me, and put a kunai knife to my throat, but I was smarter! It was a replication. I was long gone by then. I didn't want to cause a commotion, so I left, leaving a replication with them. I don't know what else they did, because I stopped by a store for food, and then left the village. I don't like that place too much. I was taking too long, I was hoping to be in the country of the wind by now. So I did a summoning technique. I summoned the Dragon, Moregayo, the fastest dragon alive. Moregayo wasn't too pleased to see me.

"Its ya again, What'da ya wan?" he growled at me.

"Shut up, Moregayo! You have no reason to talk to me, when you ran away when I had to fight Mom!"

"Retreat is a sound strategy, when the time calls for it."

"Oh, shut up! You're just a scaredy-cat."

"Am not!"

"Are too!"

"Am not!"

"Oh, yeah? Well, I bet you can't make it to the Country of the Wind, before nightfall."

"Oh, yes I can. I'll show you, I'll make it there before sunset."

"Then let me on your back so I can make sure you don't cheat."


Moregayo was one of my favorite dragons, because 1) He's easy to manipulate, and 2) He was this really pretty golden color, and he didn't have scales. He had feathers, so riding him was easy, and it didn't hurt. Before I could get my balance, he launched off into the sky! Man, I love riding dragons, BUT NOT WHEN THEY'RE GOIN' 400 MPH! I could bearly hang on. And, Moregayo lost the bet, but it was close. It was officially sun-down just as we reached the border. I, of course, bid him farewell, but he wasn't too happy. I had finally made it to the Country of the Wind, maybe I should've just let him fly me the whole way, but that would make him quite tired. Oh well! I like walks anyway. Nightfall was coming soon, so I set up camp in between the Country of Earth, and the Country of Wind, just for the heck of it. (See I can be in 2 places at once.) I can't wait to see the Hidden Village of the Sand!

...to be continued.