Here it is guys! THE LAST CHAPTER!!!! So sad, I know. Two and half months ago, I never thought that my story would come to this. So here is the final cap on the trilogy, where EVERYTHING is put together. This last note is to let everybody know that I was the first one to get to 100,000 words on the Hannah Montana board!! Here we go.

Still Madisons P O V

"What do we do?" I asked.

"Madison, you guys go pack up the dressing room from your stuff, and than you will both come back here and answer questions at the same time," Miley said.

I nodded and went off to my dressing room and got my hair and make up supplies, and all of my clothes, than brought them to the car and went back inside within five minutes to find Cameron waiting for me.

"Okay, now we can begin," Johnny said.

"Madison! Cameron! Over here!" they shouted.

I looked at Cameron. He shrugged. "Pick one," he offered.

"Uh," I said pointing into the crowd at a lady with a very wierd up-do and buisness outfit.


"Okay, so how long have you kept the secret that you are Cameron Collins?" she asked.

"Fourteen years. Ever since I was born. Only few close friends and my family knew. Just like my mom," he answered.

The next questions where from anyone there who wanted to ask one.

"How long have to two been dating?" someone asked.

"A day or two," I answered.

everyone wrote stuff down. The cameras lights were on.

"Where do you go to school?" another asked.

"Bayview High School. Just like Madison," he answered.

We got about twenty or so more questions, and than security made the papparazzi go away, and we were able to leave. Cameron and I were buzzing with our cell phones ringing wondering to see if the live performance of what they just saw was true.

"Yep," was said about 40 times just on the car ride home. When I got to my house, I turned off my phone, and said good bye to Cameron.

"I'll call you tomorrow," I promised.

"You'd better. Love you," he said.

"Love you too."

I walked inside behind my parents who were far enough away where they wouldn't hear, and went straight upstairs to change into pajamas.

"Hey Madison, how about we play games tonight as a family?" mom offered.

I thought about it.

"Sure hold on!" I called. I finished getting dressed to go downstairs and see the twister mat set up.

"Oh no, mom you can't be serious," I said.

"why not? Scared?" she asked.

"No," I claimed right away. Mom and I always defeated dad and it always took until the fiftieth spin to decide who won. I'd say we win fifty fifty.

"I'm coming," dad said walking into the room and seeing the mat on the floor.

"No, honey, you can't be serious," he said.

"thank you," I said.

"Oh come on you wimps," mom said.

Dads eyebrows raised.

"Excuse me?" he asked.

"You heard me," mom said.

I stood by and laughed. It was almost worth getting out on purpose to watch.

Five hours later I went to bed. It was three in the morning. I watched some t.v. though before going to bed. When I woke up the next morning, I was bored so I decided to take the time and call Cameron, since I promised, and wouldn't you?

"Hey Maddie," he said when he answered.

"Hey Cameron. Good morning. do you want to go to the beach?" I asked.

"And swim? It's almost December!" he shreiked.

"No, not swimming. Just chill. Maybe get a hot chocolate at The Hut," I said.

"Oh okay. I'll be there in five," he said.

"Okay, bye," I said hanging up before we got into the fairy tale ending phone call of 'no you hang up first' 'I'm not hanging up first, you hang up first' 'no you' 'okay on a count of three we both will, one, two, three!' 'you didn't hang up' 'neither did you' and so on.

I grabbed my Hollister jacket with the fur trim and walked to The Hut. Is was semi cold outside, around 50 degrees, but not enough to make me wanna lock myself inside with the heaters on.

When I got there, Cameron was waiting at a table with two hot chocolates.

"You bought me one, how sweet!" I said kissing him on the cheek and sitting down.

"No, they are both for me," he said serious.

"Oh okay. I get a sip," I said.

"I was just kidding it's yours," he said.

I looked at him for a bit.

"You totally had me going there," I laughed.

"I thought so. So what is your family doing for Christmas?" he asked.

"Um, we're going to Houston to be some family. It's a pretty long drive, but we'll be okay. We'll be gone for eight days," I said.

"Sad. Eight days without you?" he asked.

"Now you know how I feel when you go on your tours before I was Madison," I said.

"Yeah I guess. I'm surprised we aren't being swormed by papparazzi," Cameron said.

"Yeah," I agreed, nodding.

"HEY LOOK IT'S MADISON AND CAMERON!!!!" someone shouted.

"So much for that," I said rolling my eyes.

"You want to go back to my house?" he asked.

"Yeah, that would be nice," I said.

"Can I have your autograph?" this guy asked. He looked like, 39, had plaid pants, a sweater and a vest over it which was a red color, and his sweater was that ugly evergreeen color, and he had glasses, and was tall and skinny. Definition of creepy.

I looked at Cameron and he shrugged.

"Sure..." I said taking the pen and paper he had. I gave him my auto and Cameron followed.

"Run!" he said as soon as we got out of there before anyone else could come along.

We ran the few blocks to his house, and locked the door when we got in there.

"I think they are gone," Cameron said as we both looked out the window.

"What are you doing?" Miley asked making us both yelp and turn around.

"Nothing. We'll be in my room," Cameron said.

"Okay. Keep the door open!" she called.

"Not that room. The one that you guys don't fit in!" Cameron yelled.

We laughed as we rounded the corner and Cameron opened the door for me to the room. I got down and crawled until I got to the couch.

"So, what now?" he asked.

"I don't know," I said.

He sat down next to me, and we began to kiss. I'll just skip to later when we finished and started talking.

"So, what do you want to do?" I asked.

"We could watch a movie," he offered.

"I'm not really in the movie kind of mood," I said. I didn't mean to be negative, I just didn't feel like sitting on a couch for two hours doing nothing.

"Well than what should we do?" he asked.

"I don't know. I asked you," I said.

"I know! I feel like going bowling," he said.

"Are you serious? I suck though," I said.

"It's fine. we can go somewhere not many people go," he said.

I thought about it.

"Fine," I answered.

Camerons P O V

After being dropped off by my parents with Madison at the bowling alley, we went in to find noone else there but the workers.

"Hi. Two please," I said putting money on the counter.

"Okay- hey! You are Cameron and Madison!" he said.

"Yeah, and if you keep it down, we'll give free autographs when we're done," I offered.

"Deal Mr. Collins," he said.

I rolled my eyes and got our shoes.

"Show me how to bowl good. Mine go straight into the gutter," Madison whined after her second round, and a score of zero.

I got up and helped her, which made her laugh. When the games where over, I had beat her 4-84, and 7-96. I'm not the best either. We had to give the guy autographs for his kids and wife, and a few friends and family members. Kind of a wierdo. Alot of a wierdo actually.

"So now what?" she asked.

"I should probably get you home. It's almost ten," I said.

"Yeah I guess you are right," she agreed. We took the limo for a spin, and than dropped her off at her home.

"Good night," I said kissing her on the cheek before she left.

"Good night," she said back. than she walked into the house, almost dropping her pink purse, but not quite.

I chuckled and went home to watch some t.v. and go to bed.

The next morning when I woke up, I woke up to dad making pancakes downstairs.

"Hey dad. Smells good," I said coming downstairs.

"Yup. Just the way you like them. I was thinking, maybe we could go that one thing you've been wanting to lately today. Just the three of us. Sound good?" he asked.

"Yeah sure. You are talking about the movie with the zombies right? Zombie High 16?" I asked.

"Yeah that one. It's best one was Zombie High 7. Ever since 10, things have gotten sort of wierd, but I hear this one is supposed to top them all," he commented.

"yeah. When's breakfast done?" I asked.

"Right now," he said putting the pancakes on a plate. "Dig in."

I did. I had six of them. I love his. I think he puts just a little bit of cinnamon in them, but I'm not quite sure. He said he would tell me someday, and the days are just about up. I think anyway.

"Hello everyone. Good morning," mom said coming downstairs.

"Hey mom. I hear we are going to the movie today," I said.

She turned to dad.

"We are?"

So they talked about it, and we saw it as a family and than just hung around the house while dad and I watched a football game. Madison and I didn't see each other that day, but talked for an hour or two on the phone.

When Monday came around for school, I told Madison that I would walk her there, even if I have to go an extra block. I walked over there to see her in another cute outfit that she knows I love.

"Hey Maddie," I greeted.

"Hey Cameron," she said. I kissed her and we began walking. I started calling her Maddie as a pet name.

We flirted all the way to school, and held hands on the way there. When it was time to separate, we promised to see each other at lunch, even though we had a class together before then. In that class we passed a few notes, which one of them fell into the hands of our teacher.

She read one, and got a disguested look on her face and gave it back with a warning not to pass them anymore. I knew she was kiding about how gross we were being, because it was not anything discriptive, just your basic average love notes.

"Hey Cameron," Maddie said coming up to me at lunch surprising the crap out of me. Dillon was gone that day. Sad, but Maddie and I could talk without grossing someone out now. Except you I guess.

We talked and talked and talked, before having to leave.

When the end of school came, I found her at her locker.

"ready to go?" I asked.

"Yeah just a moment," she said taking out her backpack and slinging it over her shoulder.

We linked hands and started for home. All I could do was look at her eyes. Today they were this very pretty blue, with some brown. They were one of the most prettiest colors her eyes have ever been. I was sad when I got to her house and had to say good bye.

"Well, I guess I will see you later," I said.

"Yeah. See ya," she said.

I kissed her goodbye.

"Good bye Maddie," I said.

"Good bye Cameron," she said smiling.

I kissed her one last, good time before having to leave. I knew things were going to be great from there. All the drama just sizzled away, and into the back of brain until it was cleary forgotten, not to be reminded until some other time.



Cameron and Madison dated from late November of their Freshman year until they were out of colledge around the ages of 21 and 22 without any break ups. They were married on July 29th 2028 which was the exact mid day in the three weeks that separated their birth. Jacksons granddaughter, Tally, was the flower girl.

Cameron and Madison had four kids. When the last one was born, Melanie was six and already showing signs of musical talent, Jordan and Kevin where three (twins) and Libby was obviously just born.

When they grew up, they moved to a huge house just inside the city limits of Malibu on the beach.

Dillon remained friends with them for the rest of there life, but moved just an hour away to a somewhat smaller town, marrying Brianna, Camerons ex-girlfriend.

Keegan ended up moving on eventually, and got married, but moved to San Fransisco.

Connor and Addison grew up to be married, having Madison and Cameron and Keegan in the wedding, to show appreciation for hooking them up.

Lily and Oliver remained a very good marrage for the rest of their lives just like their good friends Miley and Johnny.

Cocoa moved in with Madison and Cameron, and was able to hold out until a month after Libbys birth. This time they got a black lab named Mickey Michelle, to go with everyone elses last names, with started with an M, but also had a C in it.

So everyone grew up happy, and we put another fairy tale ending on another fairy tale story. The End. Seriously, it's over. Sob, sob. That's really too bad, but look forward to another story starting soon.