(A/N: So this is the third story, I have no idea how fast I'll update, but I do still like reviews. I don't make you guys review for me to keep updating, but if noone reviews, then I'll just stop. Anyways I can't even get five on one of my good stories, Say I. People say they want the story to continue, but they don't review. I'm not going to do the same thing here though.)

Cameron and Madison just turned thirteen and are going into into eighth grade. The also have a friend named Dillon who was introduced in the last chapter of Me and U.

Camerons P O V

I was siting on my bed waiting for something to happen, when Dillon called.

"Hello?" I said.

"Hey Cameron, you want to go to the beach with Madison and I?" he asked.

"I guess. My mom is off doing some Hannah buisness, so I'll have to leave a note," I said.

"Okay. Meet you in say, fifeen minutes?" he asked.

"Yeah sure."

My mom had told the world about her identity around the time I was born. She hardly does anything now as Hannah Montana, but every now and then she get's an interview or a photo shoot. She only does about one concert a month. I was blessed with her voice, because I can sing pretty good, but noone knows that. Not even Madison or Dillon.

Mom, went to the beach with Madison and Dillon, be back later, call me if you want I guess, Cameron.

Dad had followerd her to South West Los Angeles for it, so I was home alone for a while. I changed into my swim trunks, and then grabbed my sunglasses, phone, and put a shirt on.

"Hey Cameron!" Maddie greeted when I got to the beach.

"Hey. How long have you been waiting?"

"About twenty minutes. I came way early cause I was bored at home."

"Hm. Sometimes I wish I had a sibling, cause then maybe things wouldn't be so boring," I said.

"You should get a dog. Lizzie always keep me entertained, even though she's pretty old."

"How is her arthritis?" I asked. Lizzie had gotten so bad lately since she couldn't get up the stairs because of the arthritis in her knees.

"Hasn't gotten any worse or better. Sometimes we wonder about cutting off her legs, and letting her walk on her two front legs. There are wheelchairs for dogs we could get her."

"I'd let her be. She's pretty old, so I don't know if you'd get your moneys worth of the chair," I pointed out.

"That's the reason we won't. I think she's got a couple more years to her though," Maddie said.

"That's good. I've known her as long as I've known you," I said.

"Yeah. I've almost known you my whole life, what with me being twenty one days older than you and all," she said giving me crap.

I tackled her into the water. She never lets me forget she is three weeks older.

"Ah!" she screamed.

"Would you two stop flirting?" came a voice behind us. We stopped and looked to see Dillon dropping his stuff on the beach.

"We are not flirting!" we both said at the same time in our defence.

Dillon always tells me that we'd be a cute couple and that we flirt. He's tryed to hook us up before once too.

"Sorry I'm late, my sisters hid my swim trunks," he said. He is a triplet. Unfortunate for him, he is the only boy out of the three.

"I know what that's like, oh wait, I don't," I said bragging about being an only child.

"Shut up. Atleast I'm older than you."

"You shut up."

"By how much? oh yeah, eleven months," he said.

"Guys, both of you shut up, can we swim now?" Maddie asked.

We both jumped into the ocean and just hung out, but after a while, we all got bored.

"Hey let's play truth or dare," Maddie requested.

"I hate that game," Dillon complained.

"Suck it up," Maddie said. I loved how assertive she was there.

"I'll play," I said.

"Okay, uh, Dillon truth or dare?"

"Truth," he said.

"You sissy!" she said.

"I hate this game!" he complained.

"What is your most heavily gaurded secret, noone has ever known about you?"

"That, you know in preschool? Well I liked you back then," he admitted.

"I knew it!" I said.

"Is that why-"

"Hey! Only one question!" he said.

"Cameron, truth or dare?"

"Dare," I said. I always started with a dare.

"I dare you to kiss Maddie," he said.


"You heard me. On the lips, like you mean it," he said.

Maddie looked horrified.

"No," I said.

"Then you loose, and I am no longer the chicken," he said. Dillon lost the last game so now his nickname is chicken. We hardly ever use it though.

I sighed. Then looked at Maddie.

"Okay..." I said awkwardly. I scooted closer to her. I never wanted to do this. I had always been picked on for having a girl best friend, but I didn't want it any other way. One dared kiss wouldn't change that would it?

She started scooting in too, but I couldn't tell if she wanted this or not.

"Wait! Don't I get a say in this?" Maddie asked.

"No," said Dillon.

"Why not?" she asked.

"You wanted to play," he retorted.

I leaned in even more and kissed her. He never said I had to use tongue though. We broke apart after three seconds, because according to Maddie, that's how long you kiss if you really mean it.

Dillon had a sick smile on his face that I would just love to wipe off for him.

"Well done, you've passed," he said.

"Okay, Dillon truth or dare?" I asked.

"Truth," he said.

"If you had to make out with one of your sisters, who would it be?" I asked.

"Eew! That's insest!" he said.

"So! You made me kiss Maddie, and that's practically insest considering she's basically my sister!" I yelled.

"Chicken," he said.

"You quit already?" Maddie asked in disbelief.

He thought for a while.

"No I guess not."

"Well then?" she asked.

"Probably Heather over Addison," he said.

Madison and I cracked up.

"Okay Madison, truth or dare?"

"I'll be a wussy like you and take truth," she said.

"Was that your first kiss?"

She blushed.


"Yes or no," he said.

"Yes, okay it was my first kiss," she said.

Her phone started doing a funny ring and she took it out and looked at it.

"Hey I've got to go," she said standing up. "Sleepover at my house tomorrow right?" she asked.

"Yeah," we said.