TheShamanMaster presents...

Naruto & Sugar Don't Mix

Story & Script by TheShamanMaster

Naruto © Masashi Kishimoto

Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto...people should know that by now...

Epilogue Chapter

Sai, Lee and Gai

Sai had woken up. Apparently, he had remembered swallowing the dart, and felt pretty dumb about it. Because Lee felt sorry for him, He and Gai let Sai ride Lee Hyuten. Jr. And Sai had the time of his life. According to Gai, Sai had rode Lee Jr.: "proud, and amazing, like his father and Joey used to."

Kakashi and Yamato

They heard about the mission, and had told the rest of the Jounin sensei's! They laughed, and laughed about it for ages. Apparently, Jiraiya was disappointed. No babe for his novels! He sighed, and said: "Well, there's always the hot springs." In the end, it turned out that "Mother Hen" was actually Kakashi. He had told Yamato.

Hinata, Shino, and Kiba.

All 3 had spent the evening together. Shino was still acting gangster-style, but Kiba found it quite amusing, by making fake threats about shooting one another, and having brawls. Hinata enjoyed herself also. So, in the end, Team 8 were having the best time of their lives. And the end of the evening, Kiba and Hinata shared a kiss, and tried to forget about it.


Shikamaru, that evening, had managed to get cleaned up, and pay the money for the damages. Then, all 3 enjoyed a barbecue. Chouji the most. Ino and Shikamaru got awfully close to one another, but Chouji didn't mind.

Neji and TenTen

Turned out Neji had lost Naruto, and found TenTen later on. He begged and pleaded for forgiveness, and admitted he loved her. TenTen finally accepted his apology, and they went out for Chinese.

and Naruto and Sakura?

The two teammates spent the evening together. Naruto took Sakura to an Italian Restaurant, which surprised Sakura quite a bit. They had a nice dinner of spaghetti and meatballs, and afterwards took a nice walk in the moonlight. Finally, they got back to Sakura's house, and slept with one another. They didn't have sex though. As Naruto slept, he was over the hill. He had the most beautiful girl in the world with him. Haruno Sakura. The only girl he would ever love.


Finally, it's done! Please do review, I'll be glad if you do! Hope you enjoyed this fic.

Should I do a sequel?