Last chapter! cries I'll miss you all!

Epilogue – Seven years later

Jack awoke to a dull pain on his left leg, leaving a stinging feeling that suggested he had just been hit with something. Blinking his eyes open, he gazed down his leg to find the culprit. Blonde-brown hair poking out from underneath of his lopsided baseball hat, light brown eyes and a grin missing a tooth or two: Charlie. Groaning, he closed his eyes, draping his elbow over them.

"Daaad!" Another thwack from the baseball glove the boy was carrying. "Mom says it's time to wake up!"

Groaning, Jack blinked his eyes open, checking the time on the clock. 9:15 AM. Charlie was in his face in an instant, gazing right back into his eyes. "Uncle T, Uncle Daniel, Aunt Janet and Cassie are here!"

Ooof course they were, Jack thought, but not with distaste. His mental clock snapped to the fact that it was Saturday morning. The only problem he had with his friends was their knack of stopping by for visits early in the morning every other Saturday.

Two small hands grabbed his large one and began tugging him towards the door, if only moving him an inch or so in the sheets. Smiling devilishly, Jack twisted his hand to grab his sons wrist and pulled him down into the bed, his face burrowed into the sheets next to him causing a muttered "Umph!" from the young boy. Patting the back of his head and receiving a loving glare in return, Jack sat up groggily and trudged down the steps, yanking on his shirt and pulling on sweats as he did so, Charlie in tow.

At the bottom of the stairs, the delightfully amused faces of his friends greeted him. Cassie's eyes twinkled, Teal'c raised an eyebrows, Daniel snickered, Janet hid her smirk, leaving only Isabelle and Sam to be the ones with no accusing reaction. Seeing him in his pajamas and bed-hair never ceased to amuse them. Making his way to the kitchen, he kissed Sam on the cheek. "Morning," he said, taking the cup of coffee she offered him.

"Morning, hun," she said, kissing him back on the cheek, smiling at him softly before returning to her previous task – cooking pancakes.

Taking a sip of his coffee he walked out to the living room, separated from the kitchen by the countertop and half-wall. Sitting down on the couch hard, he ruffled his daughter's red-blonde hair. "Morning, squirt," he muttered, throwing a suspicious glance to the book that she was reading.

"Morning dad," she piped up, looking at him with her sparkling blue eyes, giving him a flash of her angelic smile before engrossing herself in her book again. Yup, Jack thought. She's defiently her mothers daughter.

"New book," he commented lazily, glancing accusingly in Daniel's direction. "Thanks Danny-boy." He kept his gaze locked on the archeologist as he took another sip of his coffee.

Daniel shrugged innocently with one shoulder, the other one being wrapped around his very pregnant wife, the SGC's only Dr. Janet Frasier…now Jackson. They were on their first child and as excited as the O'Neill's had been, if not more so. Impatient, Daniel had convinced his wife to find out the sex of the baby, revealing it to be a little girl. It had amazed Daniel, as it did the rest of SG-1 when it was Janet who suggested the little girl's name be Sha-rae. Whole-heartedly, Daniel had agreed.

A silent smile was her greeting to Jack, as it always was on Saturday mornings when she was too grumpy to say anything else. He merely nodded in return and watched as her hand flew to her stomach. His mouth twitched in a smile. "Kicking?" he asked groggily. She nodded with a cringed smile that spread to Jacks face as he watched his archeologist friend lean down to try and feel the kick, his mouth twisting in frustration when he didn't.

"Must not like you," Jack said, grinning at the disgruntled look on his friends face. Daniel's only reply was a glare.

Leaning into the back of the couch, he saw Cassie off to the side near a window with Teal'c, who was attempting to beat the girl in chess. The engagement ring on her left hand sparkled as she moved her knight to capture Teal'c's queen. No matter how much they coaxed her too, she still refused to bring her fiancée to the Saturday-morning drop by's. Grant it, they had met Nicholas before on any day except for Saturday, deeming him worthy of their "daughters" hand in marriage. Jack had particularly liked the boy for his quiet sense of humor. "Morning guys. Nice to know you care," Jack called over his mug, lifting his eyebrows at the pair.

Cassie looked up and gave him a broad smile. "Morning, Jack," she said softly. Teal'c raised a hand in greeting, refusing to advert his eyes from the chessboard as he concentrated on his game. It was a start. Before Jack could complain more, however, what seemed like a ball of energy rammed onto the couch next to him.

"Did you see what Uncle Daniel and Aunt Janet got me?" Charlie babbled excitedly, spreading a mass of baseball trading cards out in front of Jacks face as he drank his coffee.

Smiling, Jack glanced over the cards. The newest addition that had come out just recently, what Charlie had been asking to get (when they came out) for ages. "Very nice," he said, still as he woke up. In a flash, Charlie was at the coffee table, looking over each of his cards as though it were a precious gem. The sight of him couldn't help but stir warm fuzzy feeling in Jack's heart. When he looked over to his daughter, the feeling doubled.

As he put his coffee cup down on the table, Sam came out into the living room, her laden large plate of pancakes, which she set down on the coffee table before sitting down next to Jack. Soon after she did so, book and trading cards were abandoned as the two children rushed to grab their share of the hot morsels, laden with chocolate chips (Sam's secret ingredient, an idea given to her by her then fiancée). Chess pieces were forgotten as Teal'c and Cassie came over to get their breakfast, and Janet's hand dug in as well, though she had the right of way eating for two.

Jack knew he stood no chance, as did Daniel who only eyed up the delicious cakes, so he leaned back, evaluating his hectic, but almost perfect life as he did so. He had an amazing and gorgeous wife, two beautiful children, great friends but, still, he thought, one thing was missing.

"So did you guys here?" Sam asked as she dug into her share of the pancakes. When a round of shaking heads me her statement, she looked over to Jack and smiled. "We're getting a dog tomorrow," she said happily, resting her hand on Jack's knee.

And that, Jack thought, was the missing piece. Smiling contently, he grabbed his own pancakes from the plate and stuffed them in his mouth, enjoying the sweet morels. Now, his life was truly perfect.




Please read my final wish before leaving!

Wow, guys, ((sniffle)) this is truly…the end! Let me clue you in on what's happening next. I'm planning two short fic's that sound something like this:

First one: One shot – She came into his office, tears running down his cheek. "Sir," she said, "I have to leave for a while." He was shocked. "Why?" he asked, silently asking himself, "me?" She only shook her head and walked out of the room in a flurry of tears…. (Throwing my readers a bone, this is misleading. Romance, Sam x Jack, slight drama and humorous ending.) This will likely be titled "500 Miles"

Second one: Five chapters perhaps? – They found her in area fifty-one, passed out on the ground, her hand curled protectively around her large stomach, laying infront of the Quantum Mirror. "My god," someone whispered. "It's Samantha Carter!" – What happens when an alternate, pregnant Sam comes through the Quantum Mirror? Who's the father? And what happens when…read to find out! Sam x Jack!

Now as my final wish:

For all of those who have me on story alert, I thank you! Please, if you will, do me two favors, one, author alert me if you want to read these next few chapters and two leave a review telling me what you thought!

To all my reviewers: I'll miss you all! Please, stay with me and read my other stories!

To all my very faithful reviewers, you know who you are: thank you for reading Rose Petals! I hope to see you soon in my other stories! I'll miss not hearing from you with our witty comments inbetween reviews!

To all my anonymous reviewrs: Thank you for your messsages, I'm sorry I never responded in any of my chapters! Your reviews meant so much though, please, know that they were read!

To everyone reading:

Thank you for reading, please, don't forget to check the "Add story to favorites list!" :P (it would be nice!) And read my other stories.

And finally, though I hate saying it…good bye…(for now )

Till Next Time
