A few minutes later, all four boys found the energy to stand. They were walking back to Halloween Town when who should they find waiting for them but good old Santa Claus, having regained his red and white sleigh.

"Whew!" said the jolly old elf as Ed proceeded to pet the reindeer. "For a moment there, I thought I was too late. But I managed to deliver the presents in time!"

"Awesome!" said Eddy.

Jack, however, didn't seem happy from the good news. He stepped forward. "I'm so. . ." he began. Then he sighed. "Forgive me . . . for causing you trouble again."

Eddy and Double D groaned. How the heck could Jack still be feeling guilty?

"No, Jack," said Santa. "This time I owe you my gratitude. Thank you for saving my life!"

Jack's face lit up when he heard this. He gave a big grin as he and the Eds waved at the departing Santa.

"You see, Jack?" Eddy asked. "Everything worked out in the end. You gotta start thinking more positive, Pumpkin King!"

At this, Jack started laughing.


Surprisingly, it didn't take the team long to return to Halloween Town. As Spiral Hill came into view, the boys saw that a certain rag doll was still waiting for them.

Jack was the first to meet Sally at the top of the hill. The Eds stayed back and observed as the two drew closer to each other.

"I was so scared, Jack," said Sally.

Jack was still smiling. "You know, it's strange," he said, taking Sally's hands and glancing back at the Stouthearted Eds. "Whenever I set out to find something new, my eyes are opened to a larger world."

Sally's face fell. "You're not leaving again . . . are you?" she asked. This made the Stouthearted Eds frown, too.

"No," said Jack. The Stouthearted Eds and Sally's faces lit up again. "Something tells me that the most wonderful discoveries . . . are a little closer to home."

And with that, the Pumpkin King embraced the woman he loved at the top of Spiral Hill, just like what happened on Christmas the year before.

Eddy smiled at the scene and shook his head. Two crazy Christmases in a row. Amazing. He gave a gesture to the other two Eds, as if he was saying, "Come on, boys. Let's get out of here." Double D and Ed caught on. But as the three boys were heading the direction of home . . .

"You're leaving already?"

The Stouthearted Eds looked back at Jack. He looked sad again.

"That's kind of sad, you know?" the Pumpkin King asked. "You three should at least stay for Christmas . . . "

Eddy gave a sad little laugh. "Well, Jack, it's tempting," he said. "But I'm afraid we have to head back. We have our own Christmases to attend to, you know."

"Oh . . . " said Jack. "Of course . . . " The truth was this: He didn't want the Eds to leave yet. He owed so much to them. They had helped him save Christmas not once, but twice. "See you next Halloween, then?"

"What do you think, dude?" asked Eddy. "Like I said, you're stuck with us."

However, deep down, Eddy didn't want to leave yet either. He wanted to spend some more time with Jack. He wanted to feel the same way he did when he and Jack were flying high above the sky in that coffin sleigh. But now wasn't the time. There was other business to attend to. He, Double D, and Ed gave one last wave as they disappeared into the Hinterlands, toward the door that led back to Peach Creek.

Jack frowned as he waved. He knew that he had already thanked the boys, but something still felt . . . incomplete. He knew he had to do more, but what? He slowly turned to his rag doll friend.

"Sally . . . " he tried to begin, but he was interrupted by Sally's soft smile.

"You need to talk to them," Sally said quietly. "It's okay, Jack. I understand. We all do." She turned to walk back to Halloween Town. "We can all tell how much you love those boys," she said over her shoulder. "You'd better hurry, or you'll miss them."

"Oh . . . right," said Jack.

Sally watched as Jack ran into the Hinterlands after the Stouthearted Eds. Sally smiled. No matter how many times he went away, Jack Skellington would always remain the same: the Pumpkin King that everyone loved and adored.


By this time, the Stouthearted Eds had reached the Peach Creek Door. Ed and Double D had already jumped in. Eddy sighed. He took one last look behind him. He was about to reopen the door when . . .


Eddy quickly turned around, only to find Jack standing there, lightly panting. Eddy was confused. What was Jack doing here?

"Uh . . . hey," said Eddy. "What's up?"

Jack stared at Eddy. How was he going to explain this to him? "Eddy . . . " he tried to start. "Well, I . . . I was wondering if . . . "

"What's bugging you, Pumpkin King?" asked Eddy.

Jack looked at Eddy, then shook his head. Why was this so hard to ask? He took a deep breath and slowly exhaled. "Eddy . . . " he tried again. "You're . . . you're going to think I'm crazy for asking this, but . . . "

Eddy looked expectantly at Jack. For asking him what?

"Eddy . . . you're not going to . . . go away any time soon, are you?"

Eddy was taken aback by this question. "Go away?" he asked Jack. "What do you mean, 'go' . . . " Then it hit him. Jack was thinking that . . . "Aw, Jack," Eddy said, almost laughing. "Is that what's been bothering you?"

"Well, sort of," said Jack. "I just wanted to make sure you wouldn't be leaving me behind, like . . . "

"Leaving you behind?" asked Eddy. "Dude, I couldn't leave you behind even if I wanted to! And if you think he's left you behind, you're mistaken."

Jack's face lit up a little when he heard this.

"Right after I got home from the little fiasco last year, I wrote my brother a letter, telling him that I finally met you," Eddy explained. "What I got back was a six-page letter of how you two first met, and how you two defeated Oogie Boogie the first time he tried to take over Halloween Town. He also told me how much he missed you, and how badly he wanted to see Halloween Town again. Believe me. He hasn't forgotten about you one bit."

Jack slightly smiled. "But . . . what about you?" he asked. "I certainly don't want to lose you . . . "

Now Eddy did laugh. "Dude, the way I do in school, the chances of me going away the same way my brother had to are a billion to one. And, if by some crazy miracle, I do end up leaving for the same reason my brother did, you'll definitely be the first to know."

"Really?" asked Jack.

"Really," said Eddy. "And I'll give the map to another kid. One who will have just as much fun with you as my brother and I have."

"Oh, Eddy . . . " said Jack. He looked down at his feet. "Eddy, if you want to know the truth, back when you disappeared in Oogie's lair, I was scared to death. I was so scared that I'd lose you. I know that I'll probably never see your brother again, but . . . I don't know what I would have done if . . . if . . . "

"Don't even talk about something like that," said Eddy. "I'm still here, aren't I? Quit dwelling on stuff that could have happened, and be thankful that I'm still here!"

Just then, on impulse, Jack dropped to his knees, pulled Eddy close to him, and wrapped his long bony arms around the boy. "Eddy . . . " he moaned, trying hard not to cry.

"Not so hard, you sissy," said Eddy, his voice also breaking. "You squeeze my tears out." Surprisingly, he found himself not squirming, as he had done the last time Jack had hugged him. This time, he found himself returning the hug.

"I'm sorry," Jack whispered. "I'm not supposed to be hugging you, am I?"

"Ah, it's Christmas," said Eddy. "I'll let it slide."

"Thank you, Eddy," said Jack. "Thank you for everything."

"Don't mention it," said Eddy. He paused. "I should probably be heading back."

Jack slowly let go of Eddy. He was smiling again.

"You feeling better?" Eddy asked, drying his face.

"Yes," said Jack. "I'd better watch it. I don't think the others back in Halloween Town would find it appealing if they found out how much of a sissy their Pumpkin King is."

Eddy chuckled. Then he headed back over to the Peach Creek Door. He slowly turned the knob, opened the door, and climbed up onto the edge, getting ready to jump in. He gave one last look behind him.

"Merry Christmas, Jack."

"Merry Christmas, Eddy."


Double D and Ed jumped as Eddy finally emerged from the Halloween Door in the woods outside Peach Creek.

"Finally!" said Double D. "What on earth took you so long, Eddy?"

"Oh, Jack just came to thank me one more time," said Eddy standing up. He looked at his two friends. "Well, why are we just standing here?" he asked. "If we head back now, at least we have a few hours left before the sun comes up, right?"

Double D smiled. "I suppose," he said. "Merry Christmas, gentlemen."


A few minutes later, the cul-de-sac in the middle of Peach Creek that was once silent was now being filled with the sound of three boys marching and singing a tune as they went back to their separate houses. And the song definitely radiated a sense of joy.

Ed Edd n Eddy: We are the Eds
Yes, the Stouthearted Eds
And we fight for the candy we adore

Start you with ten
Of our stouthearted scams
It's okay, we have ten thousand more, oh!

Shoulder to shoulder
And bolder and bolder
We grow, as we go through the fore

Then, everything in the world
Just halts and fails our plan

But, Stouthearted Eds
Must stick together Ed. . .to . . . Ed!

Author's Note: And there you have it, folks. The end of the second part of the "Ed Edd n Eddy/Nightmare Before Christmas" trilogy. Stay tuned for the third and final story in this amazing crossover! Until then, peace out, and happy reading! ;)-AMX