Author's Note: My, this didn't take long, did it? Due to the success of Ed Edd n Eddy's Nightmare Before Christmas, I decided that it was only fair that I get the sequel up as soon as possible. And so, I give you the sequel; Ed Edd n Eddy: Oogie's Revenge.
Just so all of you know, The Nightmare Before Christmas: Oogie's Revenge is the direct-to-video game sequel to the original movie (it really is an entertaining game, I recommend it). Also, you should probably know that the game has been criticized due to the repetitive lyrics that accompany the songs in this game (which happen to be songs from the movie with lyric changes).
With that in mind, I apologize in advance if the songs in this story seem repetitive.

And, of course, I have to mention that Ed Edd n Eddy and The Nightmare Before Christmas: Oogie's Revenge belong to their respected owners (but, of course, you already know that). So, without any further ado, happy reading! ;)-AMX

December 23. 10:00 P.M. In the small town of Peach Creek, a young boy was heading off to bed. He had to get his beauty rest. The next few days were going to be big days. Thank goodness it was Christmas Vacation.

The young boy was named Eddy. He and his two friends, Ed and Edd (known by everyone as Double D) had just finished another day of messing around in the snow. As he made his way through his snazzy disco-theme room (complete with a record player and a mirror ball), his eyes stopped at his desk.

Sitting on his desk was one of his big brother's old maps. But it wasn't like his other maps, which usually led Eddy into trouble. This was a magical map. One that held a lot of value to Eddy. As he gazed at the map, Eddy began to remember what he had been doing at this time last year . . .


On Halloween night of last year, Eddy had found the old map in his attic. He, Double D, and Ed followed it until they had found a strange jack o' lantern door carved in a tree deep in the woods outside of Peach Creek. They had been pulled into another world; a world in which Halloween was created. And it was called Halloween Town.

In Halloween Town, the Stouthearted Eds, as they had begun to call themselves, met the ruler of Halloween, a very tall but kind skeleton named Jack Skellington (known by the townspeople as the Pumpkin King). However, Jack had become dissatisfied with doing the same old thing year after year, and he was depressed. He wanted something new.

And he got it. Well, sort of. Before the Stouthearted Eds knew it, they, along with Jack, discovered another new town, called Christmas Town. But Ed went missing in the town, and while Eddy and Double D were searching for him, they ended up meeting Jack face to face. Jack, who had never heard of any other Halloween, was immediately captivated and recruited Eddy and Double D to help him bring Christmas to Halloween Town (since they were "experts" on the subject).

When Eddy learned that Jack wanted to take over Christmas for himself, even though he really didn't understand it, he was against the idea (and the fact that Jack knew Eddy had been spying on him didn't help either). But when Eddy learned that Jack would also be making the presents, he pretended to go along with it so he could get his free present. But Double D and Sally, one of Jack's friends, knew that it definitely wasn't going to work.

Eddy and Double D finally reunited with Ed in the town hall. Ed had been off looking for a way to become one of Santa's elves, but he couldn't find it, so he ended up following three brats named Lock, Shock, and Barrel back to Halloween Town. Jack instructed Lock, Shock, and Barrel to bring Santa Claus (or "Sandy Claws," as Jack called him) to Halloween Town.

Ed, suspicious of the three kids, ended up following them and learning that they were planning to do terrible things to Santa, along with their boss; some guy named "Oogie Boogie." But luckily, Ed was able to stall the process by tricking Lock, Shock, and Barrel into taking the Easter Rabbit instead of Santa.

But unfortunately, the three brats got it right on the second time. Double D, Sally, and even Eddy tried one last time to talk Jack out of the plan, but Jack was too preoccupied to listen. And despite Jack's orders, Lock, Shock, and Barrel took Santa to Oogie Boogie, who kidnaped Santa along with Ed.

Sally finally resorted to creating a fog so Jack couldn't take off, but all this did was give Eddy an opportunity to sneak into Jack's sleigh without being seen. Thanks to Jack's dog, Zero, the sleigh did take off, with Eddy still inside!

Jack began putting his macabre presents inside every home in Peach Creek, and tricked Eddy into coming out of his hiding spot. Eddy was mad at first, but not for long. After Jack began a conversation about Eddy's map of Halloween Town, the two found out that Eddy's brother was actually one of Jack's old friends! As they rode through the sky, Eddy and Jack were just beginning to become friends . . . until military units shot down the "imposter that was mangling Christmas."

Jack and Eddy landed in the cemetery outside of town, and Jack, after a small pity-fest, finally saw the error of his ways. He and Eddy knew that they were the only ones who could set things right, so they headed back for Halloween Town.

But things weren't so good there, either. When Double D and Sally heard about the military units, they went to Oogie's hideout, in hopes of rescuing Santa and Ed. But Oogie caught them, and almost sent all for of them into a cauldron of molten lava!

Jack and Eddy got there just in time. And after a short showdown with the gambling sack of bugs, they sent Oogie barreling into his own lava. Now that everything was safe, Santa went off to fix the things Jack had messed up.

Jack, Sally, and the Eds went back to Halloween Town, where they were greeted by the overjoyed townspeople. Santa brought snow to the town, and the Eds even got jawbreakers (though Eddy gave his to Jack). Then, as the Eds were leaving, they saw Jack and Sally reveal their true feelings for each other at the top of Spiral Hill.

When Eddy got home, he was swamped with over a month's worth of undone homework. But for some reason (probably because compared to what he had just gone through, homework was nothing), Eddy felt like doing it. And he actually got it all done!

Thankfully, it was easy creating an excuse for Eddy's parents. They had jobs that caused them to leave before Eddy woke up in the morning, and come home in the late evening, when Eddy was already in bed. Sure, they were never home, but they had just assumed that Eddy had just done his daily routine. Enough said.


As the memories drifted through Eddy's head, he switched off his overhead light and turned on his lava lamp. He laid down and buried himself under the covers. His eyelids began to flutter shut. But just as he was about to fall asleep . . .


Eddy shot up. His eyes must have been as wide as dinner plates. He looked around his dimly lit room. There was nobody there.

So then . . . why did he just hear a woman's voice just now?

And even weirder, it sounded very familiar.



Eddy's phone ringing jarred him from his thoughts. He quickly picked it up and answered it.

"Hello?" he asked cautiously.

"Eddy?" Eddy relaxed when he heard Double D's voice on the other end. "Eddy, you're going to think I'm crazy, but I just heard . . . "

"Hello? Hello?"

"Ed?" asked Eddy.

"Who's there?" asked Ed.

"As I was saying . . . " said Double D. "I was about to go to sleep, and I heard Sally's voice, Eddy! But when I sat up, there was no one there!"

"Miss Sally was in your room too, Double D?" asked Ed.

"You guys heard it too, then?" asked Eddy.

"This is quite queer, gentlemen," said Double D. "Why would we all hear Sally's voice here, now? Shouldn't she be back in Halloween Town?"

"Yeah, she should," said Eddy. "What did she say?"

"'Hurry, Jack!'" said Ed, imitating Sally's voice.

"That's what I heard her say, too," said Double D. "Do you think something happened to Jack?"

Eddy began to ponder this. Then he gazed at the map on his desk. "Boys, get some costumes on and meet me at the entrance to the woods," he said. "We're gonna take an unscheduled field trip."